hehe, it's not like you had anything else to do though, is it...-Target
Yes and no
No - BBCeditor has most of the features you would normally use and I am pretty lazy.
- code cleanup (again) - there is
a lot of redundant or unwanted code - either from old engine (manual parsing in past, regexp now) or some functions used multiple times (Ctrl+C/V is easier for beginner but re-factoring is important for bigger programs),
- tabs - always useful but multithreading is still problematic for me (preview is generated in separate thread),
- templates - although BBCeditor has snippets it would be nice to implement templates like DC has,
- tags rule sets -there are multiple variations of BB syntax and my tool tries to handle most of them but maybe some should be possible to be switched off (i.e. parse only tags which are valid for DC),
- live editor - I saw on CodeProject HTML edit control which allowed to edit HTML code directly within it; BBCeditor would have the possibility to work in WYSIWYG way;
- direct post -it should be technically possible to send POST message via HTTP to any web address and put your message directly into wanted board,
- BB syntax highlight,
- text operation - sorting, case change, etc.
- Jump lists - since I have Win7 on my work laptop I can always play with that.