Unfortunately no, Argumentative was one of the first mapping tools I found I wanted to use when I was looking to drop Freemind and I was optimistic about it until the flaw of the model showed itself.
It isn't that the program is bad per se but it's model is bad. It uses an old but popular model of separating one topic to two sides, pros and cons and pretty much that. The model is bad for the same reason Freemind is bad as a mindmapping tool, it doesn't really work well for right brained types to be limited to a structure and left-brained types would prefer outlines.
In fact, I dare you to try using this program alone and then comparing it with making a rico cluster on paper and then outlining the items and then transferring it in outline form to the PC. You'll often get better results with the latter everytime and if you can get better results with that, you can pretty much substitute Argumentative for any outliner/Freemind/MindManager tools.
Arguments are simply too sporadic to be limited in two columns especially wicked problems.
I will say though that I'm extremely biased to Compendium and I have often recommended that in many posts here that it might be shilling. Unfortunately by omitting that name, I also realize that someone can dig up a past many posts of mine mentioning that program and can use my avoidance of it's mention as an attempt to be secretly biased against this program.