I like to organize my shortcuts(I don't use start menu if I can avoid it) into categories. One thing I notice is it's kind of a pain to go into the Start Menu and either drag a shortcut to my shortcuts folder(say a folder named Utils or whatever) and go get the next one etc.. (Plus for some weird reason I never figured out, if you "explore" the start menu to make it easier to drag & drop stuff you never seem to get all the folders.)
I thought it might be a useful idea to have a "push" in the context menu so that as I go through the start menu I can "push" them onto the stack... then when I'm done, I go to Utils and right click the mouse or do some hotkey and they all "pop"(perhaps an additional choice to just pop top of stack?) as shortcuts in the folder.
I'm still struggling with AutoHotKey syntax(have to spend maybe 20 minutes in the help for each line typed) so I thought I'd toss it out there and see if it's been done or is a bad idea or whatnot.