Are you a moron? Most people are!
Nah, this is more serious in that it's called "Social Engineering". Reduced to basic elements, "Social Engineering" looks ludicrous, but that's because it operates at a whole different plane. (I'd still love to know if anyone did a study on the rise of Facebook imploding the classic Bank Security question "Mother's Maiden Name". Because that used to be kinda hard to figure out. Now you look at Mr. Green and he "Likes" his family ... oh look, there's Papa Green, Mrs. Green, and ... wait for it ... Sally, Matilda, Angie, Henrietta, and Lucy Ostrowowskiej from Poland.)
So you gang are programmers - used to immense technical details. So it's just a little bit mean to call people getting social engineered "morons". It's more like a "Security Flaw" in the brain. We want to be liked, so it throws off defenses. Once known, the hack to abuse a Security Flaw is far lower level than the "original level of intelligence in the system". (That's why there's the derogatory term "Script Kiddie - someone else did the brilliant work finding the flaw, the Script Kiddie just uses it "turn-key.")