My pc is Vista Premium SP1, Circle Dock is 0.9.2.Alpha 8.
I created a folder in d:\softwares\circle_dock\ and put the circle dock application on it.
I created a new folder d:\softwares\kompozer\ and put the kompozer application in it, I did a new icon and give the pathname to this application --> no problem at all
I created a new icon, with a pathname to my excel application (c:\program files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Excel.exe) and it does not work ! when I click on this icon I can see the error message "Windows can not find 'd:\Program files\Microsoft office\... etc)
I did the same for a simple folder, the folder at d:\folder1 is ok, but the folder at c:\folder1 or even at e:\myfolder can not be opened.
So it looks that the Circle dock application MUST be installed into c:\Program files folder and that it can not use absolut pathname to applications outside this program files folder.
Am I wrong ?