I know people around the world, but I also need to know when they're awake or when their markets open and so on. There are a thousand uses for Google -- and I'm sure LifeHacker has listed all of these at some point -- but here are few you may have forgotten.
1. As a currency converter________________________________________________
2. As a dictionary(This one also works with foreign phrases.)
3. As an image search, or face identifier________________________________________________
4. As a world clock, to find local time anywhere________________________________________________
5. As a weather forecaster________________________________________________
6. As a measure converter________________________________________________
7. As a calculator________________________________________________
More helpful google 'assist' sites:
Simply Google - lets you do anything from one page.
Google Basics - the simplest starting point.
Google Guide - an interactive guide to Google's capabilties, features, and services.
Google Maps Mania - a blog that covers all the cool new Google Maps mashups, tools and applications being created by people all over the world.