5.) Carry business cards with you every day, ALL day. (They do not do any good in the box!)6.) Create a personal name tag or pin w/your company logo, wear it at high visibility meetings.7.) Stay alert to trends that might impact your target market, product or promotion strategy.8.) Read market research studies about your profession, industry, target market groups, etc.....9.) Collect competitors ads & literature; study them for information about strategy, product features & benefits, etc...10.) Ask clients why they hired you & solicit suggestions for improvement.11.) Ask former clients why they left.12.) Identify a new market.13.) Join a list-serve (e-mail list) related to your profession.14.) Subscribe to an Internet Usenet newsgroups or list-serve that serves your target market.15.) Create a new service, technique or product.16.) Offer a simpler, cheaper, smaller version of your (or another existing) product or service.
Just wanted to post a reply saying hello; some people might think this is a "spam" post but i just wanted to say i think it's fine.A sample of the popup tips:5.) Carry business cards with you every day, ALL day. (They do not do any good in the box!)6.) Create a personal name tag or pin w/your company logo, wear it at high visibility meetings.7.) Stay alert to trends that might impact your target market, product or promotion strategy.8.) Read market research studies about your profession, industry, target market groups, etc.....9.) Collect competitors ads & literature; study them for information about strategy, product features & benefits, etc...10.) Ask clients why they hired you & solicit suggestions for improvement.11.) Ask former clients why they left.12.) Identify a new market.13.) Join a list-serve (e-mail list) related to your profession.14.) Subscribe to an Internet Usenet newsgroups or list-serve that serves your target market.15.) Create a new service, technique or product.16.) Offer a simpler, cheaper, smaller version of your (or another existing) product or service.This material may not be for me, but seems like some might find it useful.-mouser (December 06, 2008, 11:05 AM)