Hi there ppl,
I am working on compiling a massive list of common IM shorthand/misspellings and real english translations.
Sometimes you need to send an email to the boss or to your mum, but can't be bothered typing properly (or can't remember how)
If you have suggestions for the list, by all means let me know so I can add them!
I am using AutoHotKey - feel free to grab the script and try it out!
It is a simple text expander (autocomplete) targeting IM users.
So far I have thus:
;AutoHotKey script by bft_chromeguy
;Translate IM text into real english
;Thanks to:
;Remove endbrackets]) from triggering hotkeys - this is annoying during msn im sessions [k types ok, but (k) makes a kiss, but it gets triggered like: (ok) <--crap]
#Hotstring EndChars [{}:;'"\,.?!`n `t
; -=Personal Dictionary=-
:R:hi ::Hi there (,^^) how's it going?
;(double-tap "spacebar" to activate the following)
::win ::Windows
::winxp ::Windows XP
::winv ::Windows Vista
::win7 ::Windos 7
::rc ::right-click
::lc ::left-click
::mc ::middle-click
::mcx::click on the wheel
::dc ::double-click
; -=Typonese=-
; -=single letters=-
; -=two letters=-
::ic::I see
::jk::just kidding
::nm::not much
::np::no problems
::ru::are you
; -=three letters=-
::bbl::be back later
::btw::by the way
::dno::don't know
::hbu::how about you
::idk::I don't know
::nvm::never mind
::ofc::of course
; -=four letters=-
; -=five or more=-
; -=Capitalisation=-
;::march <- common regular word. will interfere too much. use doubletap
;::may <- common regular word. will interfere too much. use doubletap
; -=ThreeLetter Space=- (double tap 'spacebar' to use)
::mon ::Monday
::tue ::Tuesday
::wed ::Wednesday
::thu ::Thursday
::fri ::Friday
::sat ::Saturday
::sun ::Sunday
::jan ::January
::feb ::February
::mar ::March
::apr ::April
::may ::May
::jun ::June
::jul ::July
::aug ::August
::sep ::September
::oct ::October
::nov ::November
::dec ::December
•Created Oct26 2008
•Updated Oct30 2008
C'mon people, where's the input? Am I missing something? Is there another program that already does this?
•Updated Nov15 2008
List now contains fixes and additions for many annoying accidental activations.