I don't agree with your review.
First: PsPad's word wrapping really has a big bug (but it's bug is coming from Synedit, the base component of PsPad, as far as I know), but PsPad has a lot of other features which are make it more useful as any other editor.
Because word wrapping can be avoided, but other features, as interactive clips, templates, scripting, etc... make the work with PsPad more fast than with other editors.
Second: Description of VIM contains some serious mistakes:
- VIM has code folding!!! Even, VIM has great code folding: You can use code folding as your convenient, it can be based on code structure, or you can set it manual, these can be nested, etc... It is fully customizable!
- VIM search: absolutely not poor! When you use dialog box, it's simple, yes. But if you youse search/replace in command mode you have a lot of option to fine tune search and replace, even searched words can be highighted, you can jump over matched words forward/backward, you can replace them as you want, you can use reguar expressions, you can use search history, etc...
Please correct the description.
Regards: SindbaD