So... the upgrade to Vista Ultimate 64-bit, as I understand it, should download as an iso. Legalities aside, this *should* allow me to do a clean install of Vista 64-bit over my 32-bit version of Vista Home Premium, no? The upgrade paths that they list on the Windows website indicate that from a licensing perspective one cannot upgrade from a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version... However, Windows Secrets and other bloggers have advertised with abandon the fact that it is possible to buy upgrade versions of Vista and use them to do clean installs. The legal aspects of this are murky...
Of course, I have Windows Server 2008 64-bit already BUT I'll need to spend much, much more than $70 to buy versions of various software that I want to run under it that WILL run under it (ie I need Server versions, which are "dear", to say the least).