And thanks for the input ... But I'm a bit confused on one point (not to side track myself...). Why not use doubles for dealing with money? The app I working on is the 2nd half of the total project that generates billing reports for 1,000 line items that are all being billed at $00.01 per x. If I used int I'd end up pointer casting everything multiple times and still probably not get the right answer.
I guess I should also mention that this is a GUI application, so unless I'm badly miss-informed (which has happened...) all the cout stuff is strictly for CLI apps ... Correct?
GetDlgItemInt(...) automatically rounds off the "int" to the nearest whole number so 0.010 becomes 0
GetDlgItemText(...) dumped into atof() (which requires float or double) will actually give me 0.010 as a numeric value that I can then use.
The answer I ended up finding (at 1:30am) was to just run the string through
GetCurrencyFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, szNowFormatted, NULL, szString, ARRAYSIZE(szString));
Which is giving me the 1,234.01 format I was after.
Note: I'm using MSVC from MSVS and all the documentation on the MSDN seems to be split between two warring factions:
1. Says to use %n to get the thousands separators.
2. says never use %n because it's "unsafe" and has been depreciated. ...hence my quandary. ...Because none of the aforementioned documentation even hinted at the alternative, which was the API I (am using) mentioned above.
I'm not married to it ... so if there is a better way let me know.
Thank you,
Stoic Joker