I took an old fan out of my now-dead HP computer, and plugged it in - this thing spins at least 2x faster than the 120MM fans in my computer (those are $20 each, too) - hence the bloody/sore finger (I did it twice, the first drew blood). This fan has a REALLY long cable, being about 8" long!
On NewEgg a few months ago I bought some 4-pin to 4-pin+3-pin (fan) connector dealies. They take an existing 4-pin power connector and steal part of the power for the fan, then allow you to continue the power strand along. These things have about a 6" cable.
Now for some reason, probobally my fault, the "Front Fan" mobo fan connector doesn't work on this PC anymore (it is worth noting that I almost slammed a hole into the motherboard trying to connect the fan to the port before continuing on farther in my explanation - the needlenose slipped and... well, thank god I have a good PC case
). So here is what I did (and you can do for ~$10 from Newegg, plus shipping and tax of course):
- Remove side panel (duh!)
- Take power from 3rd hard drive cable, route it through fan adapter, and back into hard drive (you can use any 4-pin connector to do this)
- With side panel off, position fan where you would like it to blow (obviously)
- Position fan cable to go INTO the door jam where your door slides on (this does NOT work for the old school "snap closed" PC doors, sorry!) - make sure the cable will not block the door until the very front, so it will be the least noticeable; IT WILL FORCE YOUR DOOR TO STAY OPEN (a millimeter or so, but some people are picky...)
- Set the door out of the way if you haven't already
- Connect fan connector to 3-pin connector on the router you installed earlier. THE FAN WILL START SPINNING if the PC is on, so WATCH YOUR FINGERS! (I should take my own advice)
- Move the to the side a bit, and slide the door over to the PC, and slide it on as normal
- Stop before you smash the fan power cable and make any last minute movements to get it to sit in the jam, but where it won't be crushed
- Close the door to your liking
- Position the fan to your liking
- Optional: If you have a REALLY fast fan like mine that literally knocks itself over, put it in front of your monitor or something
- Enjoy your new A/C