PPLandry, I love SQlNotes. But I just did not have time to integrate into my workflow. I am hoping that when I have time I will move to it at some point. I just have already established setup and you know it really takes time to move to some another pipeline.
The main thing I hate about most of the scrapbook and info managers is that they want to gobble up everything but when it comes to giving away data(exporting) things are not that easy. Exporting and sharing data is very overlooked, which makes it a very strict workflow, especially if you choose one that has virtually no export features. And that is why I like flat file database stuff because at least I can actually get in to the folders and delete stuff, check out files etc. For that reason I stick to Wikidpad for long time because it is just simple plain text with some advanced tagging. If I want to import into something else I do not need developers to program an exporter. I can just copy and paste the plain text or import as plain text.
What I want is to be able to drag and drop data(mainly image files maybe). Dragging and dropping should be both ways. For example I want to be able to drag images from FF to the app btu also drag images from the app to explorer or another program(if it supports). I am not interested in going through save dialogs folder s etc. Sometimes I need to capture 10s of images for a half day project. So my time is generally very limited when it comes to finding out enough refrence and data to start and finish my job. Can you imagine everytime I need to save an image , i need to right click-open and save( in a very tight project deadline) ? It really does not make sense and too much effort for quick stuff.
-Drag and drop(multiple directions)
-Option to embed the image as thumbnail or full image. For example if I drag with ctrl(pressed) it embeds into apps page as thumbnail(also keeps the original image), otherwise it embeds as full image(normal d$d)
-Ability to capture time of the capture, originating web page, originating document or name of the exe file, other possible information that can be extracted from the origin. And I really want this app to put all the info about the image into IPTC field of the image, if the format supports it. Optionally a snapshot of the page could be captured besdie the image so that the user has a sense of reference as where the image was coming from
-Ability to paste images from clipboard
-Ability to paste images to clipboard
-Ability to edit the image wiothout going through the save and import loop. Basically I will select right click-edit image. Open it in photoshop save it. When the image is saved the file will be updated in the scrapbook document
-Simple cropping and resizing (to keep things simple and file size smaller)
-Ability yo create thumbnail or storyboard page from the ref images
-Ability to export selected images and pages in various formats like, html, pdf, only images, only text, putting them in subfolders or not etc
-Capture mode. This mode will work like this. When I press capture mode, the app will ask me to choose a window, for example one FF window. When I select FF window, the app would resize both itself and selected FFwindow. SO I will have 2 windows opened, sitting next to eachother. In this mode I can drag from FF to the host app easily.
-Ability to drag and drop into different topics(if the app has a tree)
-Ability to drag and drop into the tree and the app would ask me if I want to create a new topic(node) or embed into the page or just attach as a file to the topic(node)
These are things that I basically look for. I can come up with a longer list, and better usability ideas if you are seriously interested in since takes time to make a list and discusss