vixay, Howabout if you create one database for IT, another for HR and third for OP and keep database files in server?
That's what I was trying to say 
suggestion by jmj: vixay, Howabout if you create one database for IT, another for HR and third for OP and keep database files in server?
The problem with that is like this:
IT.dbs stored in C:\Dept\IT (shared as \\Server\IT) and indexes only C:\Dept\IT (so file links are local!)
HR.dbs stored in C:\Dept\HR (shared as \\Server\HR) and indexes only C:\Dept\HR (so file links are local!)
OP.dbs stored in C:\Dept\OP (shared as \\Server\OP) and indexes only C:\Dept\OP (so file links are local!)
Locate32.exe stored in C:\Apps (shared as \\Server\Apps)
IT User: maps \\Server\IT to X:\ or can connect via UNC \\Server\IT
HR User: maps \\Server\HR to X:\ or can connect via UNC \\Server\HR
OP User: maps \\Server\OP to X:\ or can connect via UNC \\Server\OP
Management User: maps \\Server\Dept to Y:\
therefore Y:\IT = C:\Dept\IT ...etc. for all depts
All users map \\Server\Apps to V:\
They can import settings for all databases, but won't have access to other departments databases. The can run Locate via V:\Apps\Locate32\Locate32.exe
Are done on the server for each database via scheduling.
Is done by users on their PCs
When they search they need references to resolve either
a) to their local drives (X:\filefound.txt) or
b) to UNC paths (\\Server\HR\filefound.txt)
but now, it resolves to C:\Dept\HR\filefound.txt!
and doesn't work for them!
The paths are different for each user!
for example:
on server: C:\Dept\HR\filefound.txt
on HR user: X:\filefound.txt or \\server\hr\filefound.txt
on Mgmt User: Y:\HR\filefound.txt
_current pains_
importing settings into each users pc
_possible solutions_
have 1 master user from each type who updates database, while the rest only search.
This would resolve the path issue from each users perspective, but it would be inefficient as you'd be indexing the same content 2-3 times! Plus you'd need special priveleges for that particular user to be able to update the database
any other ideas? I hear there are corporate search solutions or intranet scripts but those are slow compared to locate32 find as you type results.
_features in locate32 that would make this easier_
- portability (i.e. settings don't need to be imported)
- show results based on how files are accessible to user. i.e. Locate can put a KEYFILE at the root of each path it is indexing. Then locate the KEYFILE from the users current PC, and prepend the path to all the entries in a databse while displaying results. or allow user to add custom prefix/suffix to results.
then the deployment would be easier i think, for each database.
Or maybe i am crazy to think like this. Any better ideas?