Cpilot, in regard to your last post in this thread, you make very valid arguments on all points, and I agree with you.
I don't believe that everyone working for the government is evil, out to do horrible things and abuse power. I think the main concern with laws like this is that history has shown that people in power will abuse that power. Not all of them, certainly. But the checks, balances, and limitations that US Government was built on were put there for a reason: The people were in a revolution, attempting to break away from a government that had no checks and balances. What the monarch said was law. They were oppressed, had British soldiers demand entry into their homes and be provided for. People being arrested and rotting in jail for years before going to trial. Searches being made without due cause, etc., etc., etc.
The Bill of Rights were extremely important to the people then because these were rights that were not guaranteed to them under British rule, and it allowed the British government do some not-very-nice things to innocent people. These were people who knew from experience the importance of such freedoms, liberties, and human rights.
The law mentioned in this thread, about seizing electronic data/equipment without needing cause, and with no limitations, is only taking us back over 300 years to that same old system. Will it be abused in every case? Absolutely not. Will it ever be abused? Absolutely yes! Surely in the time you spent in the military, you saw some power abuse?
I firmly believe that most people are good. But there will be some who will abuse this power granted to them. That's a certainty.
Like you said, it's all a bunch of what ifs right now. The law is yet young. Give it some time and I'm sure we'll see concrete, specific examples of ways in which this power has not been used properly.