...is the fact that sometimes they offer great ideas to transform one of the greatest piece of software into ______________ (I'm already out of word!) piece of software.
Take a look at this page
http://www.uinterfac...al/brief.html?src=ml and imagine being able to launch LBC the same way!
It would be simply fantastic. LBC stays hidden in the tray and by holding down both mouse button (or any other configuration?) you can access your whole setup within LBC. No keyboard shortcut just mouse(r) stuff. No 48 shortcuts limitation but my own LBC configuration under my fingers.
As you can see, I'm a great fan of the Launch Bar Commander. I've been playing with computer for the last 10 years or so and, with a dual monitor setup, LBC is the greatest thing that have happen to me. This pair gives you the opportunity to get the best of your machine, no matter what you're doing.