I *love* MWSnap! Despite its dated Win95-ish look, its sometimes wacky behavior, its inability to see more than one monitor in a multi-monitor environment... I love it. Why?
- It's small.
- It's fast.
- It's simple and obvious to use, with a standard Windows Classic appearance. No stupid alpha-blending effects or weirdly shaped non-rectangular windows. No faux Aero shiny happy gradients. Yes, it looks like a Win95 refugee, but so what?
- It's free, and no stinking ads.
- It remembers settings and defaults from session to session.
- It's solid. Never crashed, not even once, and that's saying a lot on my system.
- It's well behaved and does not hijack all my keyboard hotkeys.
- It is not skinnable. Yay. How useless is that technology?
- Its feature set is *perfect* for what it is. No, I do not care to email screencaptures or create Flash files. I don't need to edit or annotate the screenshot -- I have plenty of other high-power tools for that. Just gimme the damned snap.
The only thing I wish could be fixed is the multi-monitor myopism. Oh, and the printing support is kind of surreal, but that's a "nice to have" feature since I usually paste into Word and annotate there before printing.
MWSnap is defintely one of my favorites. I've tried FS and a few others and have been dismayed at the results, always returning to reliable old MSWnap.