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Hello Vic,
You could ping me in a PM here or to me as @Slartibartfarst in Telegram.

Duplicate post left empty on purpose.
I'd be very interested in any app that meets the general requirements stated here - I have had a similar visual perception impairment for a long time.

In my case, reducing unpolarised light/glare helps - either by using light-tinted polarised sunglasses, or (better) using Eskimo-style spectacles (ordinary specs, but with the lenses taped over with black tape to leave just narrow horizontal slits to see through. I haven't tried pinhole glasses yet, but that might help.

With computers, the problem seems to be too much bright, unpolarised light coming from the pixels of the computer/laptop screen. We are designed to see things by their reflected light, but with pixels we are literally reading from the light source. The result is unpolarised light noise falling on the retina, blurring the image there. If one has slight cloudiness of the fluid in the eyes (as I do), that leads to intra-optical refraction, causing more noise on the retina.

I think my eye problems probably all stem from injury - getting severe snow-blindless at high altitude when I was 16. It also damaged the epithelial membranes on the eyeballs. My eyes became sensitive to bright sunlight and I have worn low-tinted polaroid sunglasses for years to combat sun glare.

"Polaroids - the kindest thing you can do to your eyes."
 - my eldest brother, who is a pilot.
General Software Discussion / Re: Major software project redesign
« Last post by IainB on February 19, 2023, 06:57 PM »
Thanks for posting about MuseScore 4 - very interesting.
Music scores are another datatype that arguably needs to be added to the 21st-century Zettelkasten, with search and smart-linking to the relevant audio tracks...
General Software Discussion / Re: any shit browsers I can use?
« Last post by IainB on November 24, 2022, 11:17 PM »
Carifred's lightweight 2Browse browser might be worth a look.
General Software Discussion / Re: make scan PDF into text searchable PDF
« Last post by IainB on September 21, 2022, 08:56 AM »
Hello Steven Avery.
OCRing (Optical Character Reading) a 20Mb image-scanned book shouldn't present any problems. There exists plenty of technology to do it for $FREE without needing to be scammed by Adobe and others.

I've been very interested in MICR, digital imaging and OCR technologies for years, as they provide an essential primary automated text data capture functionality.

In response to your above query, I'd suggest you check out these for starters:
* PDF-XChange Viewer ($FREE version) - Mini-Review
I did that review riding on the shoulders of various other erstwhile denizens of DCF who had preceded me.

* OCR - comparisons of different software/capability

* Qiqqa - Reference Management System - Mini-Review - a brilliant library management tool, it indexes existing .PDF OCRed documents, and scans and OCRs existing .PDF imaged documents and then indexes them. You can read your library of .PDF documents in Qiqqa.

Hope that helps or is of use.
I probably should update those reviews/notes, because the technology will have improved and what may have been perceived as shortcomings or niggles then will probably have been cleared away by now...

Could you please add to the knowledge base here (in this forum) by noting and cross-referencing whatever you discover whilst trying to meet your PDF OCR and text capture needs?

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Microsoft Money Plus Sunset - Mini-Review
« Last post by IainB on June 09, 2021, 06:04 AM »
WARNING: Don't throw out IE Explorer just yet if you're using MSMoney.

General Software Discussion / Re: XML Viewer editor with exporting?
« Last post by IainB on June 09, 2021, 05:09 AM »
I noticed that Universal Viewer Pro ( now supports XML - I don't think it used to.
Internet: all file types supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML XML MHT...
I haven't tried it though.

For editing, EditPad Pro ( can edit XML files.
XML files and XML-based formats

NirSoft SysExporter ( could be very useful for data capture.
SysExporter utility allows you to grab the data stored in standard list-views, tree-views, list boxes, combo boxes, text-boxes, and WebBrowser/HTML controls from almost any application running on your system, and export it to text, HTML or XML file.
Here's some examples for data that you can export with SysExporter:
  • The files list inside archive file (.zip, .rar, and so on) as displayed by WinZip or 7-Zip File Manager.
  • The files list inside a folder.
  • The event log of Windows.
  • The list of emails and contacts in Outlook Express.
  • The Registry values displayed in the right pane of the Registry Editor.
  • The data displayed by SysInternals utilities (Registry Monitor, File Monitor, Process Explorer, and others.)
  • The text inside a standard message-box of Windows.

Hope that helps or is of use.
Post New Requests Here / Re: Ping with latency alarm?
« Last post by IainB on May 15, 2021, 03:16 AM »
The simplest way to do this might be to write/use a PowerShell script.
You could set the alarm value as a variable for testing with an IF statement, or just dump all the pin responses into (say) an Excel spreadsheet or Access database for analysis.
Refer for example: https://www.checkyou...-powershell-mvphour/
...I use search programs, and imagine that I might end up learning regex, but I'll go no further in that direction than I have to.
To ease the pain, I thought this might help:
How to Learn Regular Expressions
Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Chiral motion.
« Last post by IainB on June 28, 2020, 08:41 PM »
Have you considered trying a Trackballw?

Good point, but in my case I used a clip-on side trackball years ago and, though I found it was an improvement (ergonomically) over the central little joystick in the middle of the keyboard, I found chiral scrolling to be ergonomically a vast improvement. I think they may still use trackballs in military applications though, as - again ergonomically - they were regarded as being more accurate/precise in use (e.g., rapidly targeting crosshairs on a ship for ship-to-ship missile launch where there are lots of ships clustered in the radar display).
Nowadays, I suppose they'd probably use a touch-sensitive (or aware) display screen.
Thought I'd tack this onto this thread as it relates to another excellent Radiolab audio post - this one about the speed at which music is played, in the context of the "metronomic" beat. They play some stretched music of the first four notes of Beethoven's Fifth to illustrate the contrast in tempos and the effect on our senses of altering the timing (tempo) of music.
(Copied below sans embedded hyperlinks/images.)
Speedy Beet
tags: beethoven, classical_music, idea_explorer, shorts, speed
There are few musical moments more well-worn than the first four notes of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. But in this short, we find out that Beethoven might have made a last-ditch effort to keep his music from ever feeling familiar, to keep pushing his listeners to a kind of psychological limit.

Big thanks to our Brooklyn Philharmonic musicians: Deborah Buck and Suzy Perelman on violin, Arash Amini on cello, and Ah Ling Neu on viola.

And check out The First Four Notes, Matthew Guerrieri’s book on Beethoven’s Fifth.

Support Radiolab today at
radiolab_podcast20speedybeetrerun.mp3 (23:47, 22MB), popup

Source: http://www.wnycstudi.../269783-speedy-beet/
Post New Requests Here / Re: Sort/organize mp3 files by bitrate, into folders
« Last post by IainB on May 15, 2020, 12:00 PM »
"Looking for a way to sort/organize mp3 files in a folder into a set of folders by bitrate:"

I don't think I understand the need for this question.

You would already have all you seem to need to do this on an ad hoc basis. The system knows all about what audio files you have and their properties and the file manager can be invoked to swiftly sort these as and when you require. I use xplorer² (it also lets you turn nested directories into a manageable virtual flat file), but I presume Windows file manager can do it also - since the system knows all about what files you have.

If you had a dynamically changing population of audio files though, and wanted to (say) periodically sort newcomers into the appropriate folders, then you could do so manually or automate via a macro, I suppose, but again, I'd do that in xplorer².
Living Room / Re: how to fix a persistently leaking water valve seat
« Last post by IainB on May 15, 2020, 11:38 AM »
@holt: Thanks, that's very interesting.
The corrosive erosion that seems to occur in plumbing has always mystified me, because it is presumably attributable to some sort of electro-chemical action in the water supply, but it doesn't seem to matter which water supply, or even whether the eroded part is made of a good or inferior alloy.

So I deduced that the unknown could well be the chemical composition of the rubber/neoprene valve seats.
Your fix is interesting. The metal in electric solder is usually inert and is a fusible alloy made up of 2 or more metals (typically including tin and lead). Using it as you have done would generally leave an inert metal layer on the face of the valve seat that was treated, and the proof is in the pudding - i.e., it works and it lasts.

However, using such alloys in the plumbing might not be a particularly good idea from a health standpoint, as minute traces of the inert  substance (lead, tin etc.) could leach into the potable water supply from that faucet, contaminating the water with metals that are accumulative and toxic in humans and which - even at very low levels - can cause serious and irreparable long term and sometimes devastating damage to various organs (including brain, liver, kidneys) - especially children and the unborn. For this reason, in most Western countries there are very tight standards that have to be maintained by plumbing component manufacturers. For example, only certain maximum amounts of lead or molybdenum are allowed in tap and valve casting alloys, and some manufacturers pride themselves in achieving significantly lower levels in their castings than those maxima that are permitted by the standards.

Similarly, it's not a good idea to store/drink water from the heated hot water cylinder/supply, because it may contain traces of the heavy metals that the hot water cylinder has been lined with to prevent corrosion at high temperatures.

One can safely assume that what you have done in your innovative approach will have probably compromised your potable water supply to an unknown dangerous extent, and it will remain such for as long as the treated valve is left in situ - so it will be passed on unbeknownst to and unsuspected by any future buyers/tenants of your house, and their children (if any).

So the moral here is undo the fix and don't mess with the composition of components in the potable supply - and the reasons are varied and well-documented (e.g., do a DuckGo search for "contamination of potable water supply", and "toxic metals used in plumbing hardware", "toxins in potable water", etc.). In the literature, you will be able to find descriptions of how quite large numbers of people have been poisoned/harmed and/or killed by similar well-meaning and accidental events affecting the potable supply. Over the years since probably the 1920s this has given rise to a whole raft of incrementally improving and increasingly more stringent international and local governments standards to eliminate dangers to people from the risk of toxicity in the potable water supply.

Sorry to "rain on your parade", but, as someone responsible for advising on the management of some old and some new apartment blocks, I am acutely aware of these issues as I have had to figure out how to get old/defective or non-standard water system installations fixed/upgraded so as to comply with national and local government health and safety bylaws and standards. If one or more units in an apartment building are reported to have "leaky homes syndrome" (poor/defective construction) or potable water supply contamination issues, then the resale value and potential rental values of all of the units in that block could fall (say) 50% or more overnight and stay there until the building has been fixed and officially certified as complying with prevailing standards. If the financial aspects weren't sufficient motivation to fix things, there is the additional  motivation of heavy fines for not fixing it within a reasonable period of time.
Homeopathy joke:

Coronavirus black humour:
Whoever said one person can't change the world never ate an undercooked bat...
Living Room / Re: Gadget WEEKENDS
« Last post by IainB on April 03, 2020, 07:30 PM »
It said it was short, not complete. :D
Yes! And so it did!
I think you will find that it would be incomplete by definition.
(I've since modified my post.)
Coronavirus black humour:
Breaking news:        USA Corona virus death toll rises to 11.
Student with a gun: "Hold my beer..."
Just saw this on
I'd never previously seen such an incredibly agile, expeditious and responsive fault management response to an Incident Report before, so thought it worth noting here for us all to learn from. blog
Blog of project
APRIL 2, 2020 (3:23 PM)
Question asked by "Anonymous":
"how do I make a snap shot with some delay so that some elements have time to load? Some corona site only have the number but not the map in the snapshot (because it takes some time to load), and the element of requesting email for newsletter also gets in the way."

Response from webmaster:
"Report it as a bug and I will fix it (either be adding a delay for the website or by special handling some class of map sites)."
Living Room / Re: Gadget WEEKENDS
« Last post by IainB on April 03, 2020, 05:06 PM »
I need some real paper book gift suggestions for my wife, if anybody is game. I keep thinking along the lines of maybe an Almanac, but wouldn't know which edition; or maybe some kind of 'facts' consultation book. In real paper and ink. Any ideas? :)
Maybe you could give her a .PDF file with images of the cover and all the pages of an ACTUAL real hardcopy book, and tell her to print off any pages she particularly likes.  :-\
Just a thought, to save on paper.
Living Room / Re: Gadget WEEKENDS
« Last post by IainB on April 03, 2020, 05:01 PM »
Your wife might find this interesting

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

Here's a link...
-cranioscopical (April 02, 2020, 02:51 PM)
Yeah, but isn't that incomplete?
Then there was the one about the brilliant and some would say borderline idiot-savant Accountant who decided to begin making all his 'zeros' to look very distinctly like lopsided 'ovals'. When asked by his snobbish colleagues, who prided themselves on being the finest generation of bean counters the world had ever seen, at first he was very secretive about it, and would only say that it was part of a fabulous new accounting system he was developing. But after undergoing ever increasing scrutiny, he finally sprang the joke on them. "They are eggs!" he exclaimed brightly. Then he went on with a mocking leer, "All you ever count are beans, whereas I am counting my chickens even before they are hatched!"
As a lapsed bean-counter of some not inconsiderable repute, I am outraged by and take great exception to that joke. Not only is it an occupationally-waycist hate joke, but also it is an anti-diversity trans-accountant phobic hate joke and thus should not be qualified as, nor be counted as a joke at all.
It is thus both a non-joke and a hate speech statement, by definition.

I am sick and tired at the hate that is regularly poured out, targeted at professional accountants, on this and other websites, and this is yet another egregious example of such.
Come the revolution, it'll be people like you and other similar accountant-occupation hatemongers who will be first up against the wall. There'll be no Trial Balance or Chapter 11 for you mate, just a swift write-down and asset disposal of a worthless off-the-balance-sheet asset.
That'll teach you.
Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« Last post by IainB on March 29, 2020, 02:48 AM »
Great news!!!  Archivarius *can* do a true exact search after all, despite the fact that...
Thank goodness for that.
Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« Last post by IainB on March 27, 2020, 08:45 AM »
@YannickDa: That's a nifty and intuitive tip - worth remembering!   :o
Design Patent:
[Lotus Agenda] patent US5115504 - Information management system.pdf
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