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General Software Discussion / looking for cheap email hoster
« Last post by brotherS on November 27, 2019, 05:51 AM »
Hey guys,

the hoster for my personal domain wants to raise the price for their mail server that I use (POP3, SSL for outgoing mails) in a few days. Since I only use it for a few mails each month I'm now looking for an alternative, can you recommend something? I'm looking for good (they shouldn't allow sending spam, I don't want my mails ending up in spam filters  8)) and cheap. :)
General Software Discussion / Re: download online video
« Last post by brotherS on October 27, 2019, 06:50 AM »
You could install SlimJet, (as a portable app), and use it's tab recorder
I've just tried it, but it just. won't. start. No error message, just nothing. Weird...

Otherwise, send me the link and I'll have a go.
Thanks, will do!
General Software Discussion / Re: download online video
« Last post by brotherS on October 26, 2019, 08:29 AM »
Well I use the following, in no particular order, to get the online videos, I need.
Since you do not want to specify the link, I am including the youtube one too.

Thanks. Sadly, none of those worked.

The command line utility youtube-dl has support for downloading streams from a lot of sites.
Thank you, that sounds very promising. The site with the news video I want is mentioned, but I wasn't able to install youtube-dl. :( The required Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package is installed, but the youtube-dl installer fails again and again... no idea why.
General Software Discussion / download online video
« Last post by brotherS on October 23, 2019, 07:13 AM »

there's this one online news video that I want to archive on my PC. Is anyone here able to do that and willing to help me? I've tried to google "download video" and the site's name, but no luck.

I don't want to post the link publicly, please send me a message if you might be able to help. Thanks!
Coding Snacks / Re: change f.lux brightness mouse remote (like Volume²)
« Last post by brotherS on October 14, 2019, 08:33 AM »
Thank you very much, skwire, it works even more almost perfectly now! :tellme: :D Just one tiny issue remains: in VLC, when not using fullscreen mode, the script activates and deactivates the menu with each wheelscroll. It's as if VLC recognizes the Alt from !{PgUp} and !{PgDn} as if the Alt key alone is being pressed. Any idea how to avoid that?
A few weeks ago I got the auto-update to Version 10.0.18362.356. This is maybe the first time ever I'm really positively surprised by a Windows update. I always open Chrome after a reboot and leave it running as long as possible - with 100+ tabs (The Great Suspender extension being used on many of those) that used to mean a reboot was required after about 4 to 7 days because Windows was running out of available RAM. (Sure, restarting Chrome would have helped but a rebooted Windows feels even faster.)

After this update, I managed to increase that period to about 14 days, which is great! :)

Now to the bad/weird part: before rebooting I killed Chrome - and this time (first time ever), Windows would not free up the RAM again! :huh: I've checked with Task Manager and Process Explorer... Chrome wasn't using RAM, nothing else used more RAM than it should, but there was hardly any free RAM available. Not a big deal since I wanted to reboot anyway, but weird!
82 - 4 episodes, 31 minutes total runtime.

They stole around $1 billion from banks. Having read a lot of articles on the topic before, I didn't learn many new things, but it was still interesting to watch. The video material added another perspective.
Coding Snacks / Re: change f.lux brightness mouse remote (like Volume²)
« Last post by brotherS on July 22, 2019, 03:50 AM »
It works almost perfectly now, just one issue remains: can I 'mute' the wheel output so that when it successfully sends a command to f.lux, it will not also scroll the browser window up or down or change the volume in the media player?
skwire? :)
A friend asked me to put the top 500 billionaires from (sorted by descending net worth, Jeff Bezos as #1) into a Google Spreadsheet, everything in its column. "Easy" I said... and then failed. :-[ I've tried "importhtml", I've tried copy/paste - any other ideas?

Btw: I like their sense of humor: below the top 500 billionaires, they list Wilbur Ross with a "n/a" rank and a net worth of $860 million. (It's funny because of https://www.forbes.c...illion/#58fa93a07515 )
Coding Snacks / Re: change f.lux brightness mouse remote (like Volume²)
« Last post by brotherS on July 03, 2019, 11:59 AM »
Did you save out the code to a something.ahk file and then run it?
Duh! Of course I did forget to try the simplest approach... ;)

But it still doesn't work.

A logical question:

If I fill
"If ( ( A_ScreenWidth - myX ) <= myEdgePixels )"
with probable values for the left side of the screen:
If ( ( 1920 - 10 ) <= 10 )

doesn't that mean that that line will never be able to trigger the following "If ..."?

I changed it to
"If ( myX <= myEdgePixels )"
and that does trigger the following "If ...".

(15 minutes later)

I also adjusted the Up vs. PgUp (Down vs. PgDn) confusion and added CoordMode so the script would not be triggered on the left border of any window that's smaller than fullscreen size:

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  2. myEdgePixels := 10
  4. ~WheelUp::
  5. ~WheelDown::
  6. {
  7.     MouseGetPos, myX
  8.     If ( myX <= myEdgePixels )
  9.     {
  10.         If ( A_ThisHotkey = "~WheelUp" )
  11.         {
  12.             SendInput, !{PgUp} ; Send Alt+PgUp.
  13.         }
  14.         If ( A_ThisHotkey = "~WheelDown" )
  15.         {
  16.             SendInput, !{PgDn} ; Send Alt+PgDown.
  17.         }
  18.     }
  19. }
  20. Return

It works almost perfectly now, just one issue remains: can I 'mute' the wheel output so that when it successfully sends a command to f.lux, it will not also scroll the browser window up or down or change the volume in the media player?
Coding Snacks / Re: change f.lux brightness mouse remote (like Volume²)
« Last post by brotherS on July 03, 2019, 05:37 AM »
I know F.lux thanks to Techgara and it is quite fortunate to see someone mentioning it here. Btw, does anyone know how to change the time of when F.lux switches between daytime and nighttime mode? I search on that site but no anser. Thanks!
You set your physical location and your "earliest wake time", and based on that f.lux does its thing. :)
Coding Snacks / Re: change f.lux brightness mouse remote (like Volume²)
« Last post by brotherS on July 03, 2019, 05:32 AM »
Do you have AutoHotkey installed?  If so, try out this simple script:
If you don't have AutoHotkey installed, let me know, and I'll compile this into an executable.  Also, I don't have f.lux installed, so this is untested.
I have AutoHotkey installed, but couldn't get your code to work. No idea why... :(

An executable would be welcome!
Coding Snacks / change f.lux brightness mouse remote (like Volume²)
« Last post by brotherS on July 02, 2019, 08:28 AM »

I'm using f.lux, which allows you to change the screen brightness with Alt+PgDown/PgUp. I'd like a 'remote' so that I can do those changes by moving the mouse cursor to the left side of the screen and use the mouse scroll wheel (down/up).

I'm using Volume² ( to change the system volume in that way on the right side of the screen and really like that feature, the same for screen brightness would be great!
Living Room / Re: I'm getting married, wish me luck!
« Last post by brotherS on January 05, 2019, 08:56 AM »
I'm wishing you both love and happiness because marriage based on luck doesn't work. :-)
Luck... ah, yes!

Living Room / Re: I'm getting married, wish me luck!
« Last post by brotherS on January 01, 2019, 01:10 PM »
@rgdot: yes! :)

So you're saying I have his looks but not his money or fame.. Seems I did not get a good deal here..
On the contrary! You can still make a lot of money (if you want), but you can't buy the looks! :) (If in doubt, image search 'plastic surgery fails')

And fame... I don't know... not being able to burp* in public without it ending up on YouTube or Twitter (etc.) isn't so cool...  8)

*or whatever
Living Room / Re: I'm getting married, wish me luck!
« Last post by brotherS on January 01, 2019, 11:50 AM »
Damn, I somehow totally missed this thread! Congratulations!  :)

Some photos from the marriage/wedding:
You look like a long-lost twin of Jeff Bezos  8)

General Software Discussion / Looking for an image viewer that...
« Last post by brotherS on December 13, 2017, 06:21 AM »

I'm looking for an image viewer that, when an image is clicked, ...
a) will start in full-screen mode (or at least gives the image most of the screen)
b) will auto-resize the image to fit the screen
c) has no performance problem with a huge image folder
[d) an option to rename the currently displayed image would be a plus]

Normally, I'm quite happy with Faststone image viewer, but that only takes care of a) and b) [and d)] - it's a bit slow when it comes to images in a huge folder.
General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 suddenly black and white :-(
« Last post by brotherS on October 27, 2017, 01:19 PM »
that's one hotkey to disable if possible !!

Good idea, I'll use AutoHotkey to do that! :)
General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 suddenly black and white :-(
« Last post by brotherS on October 27, 2017, 01:10 PM »
Massive thanks to you and Webcrawler, that was it! :D

You can find it by hitting the Win key and typing "grey", and the related hotkey is Win+Ctrl+C.
General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 suddenly black and white :-(
« Last post by brotherS on October 27, 2017, 12:10 PM »
Yeah, I checked that already but couldn't find anything related to black and white.
General Software Discussion / Windows 10 suddenly black and white :-(
« Last post by brotherS on October 27, 2017, 12:03 PM »

suddenly my Windows desktop - along with all programs - turned black and white. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del still brings up the *blue* screen (lock, change password, start task manager, ...), and after rebooting, Windows' log-in screen is as colorful than ever, so I'm really puzzled... I can't say for sure that I didn't accidentally hit some mysterious keyboard shortcut, but I wouldn't know which one.

I *really* hope someone has an idea regarding how to fix this. The only solution I could find with Google was to update the gfx card driver (Intel HD Graphics 520). It didn't make sense to me but I tried it anyway. Since I already had the latest version I downloaded and installed an older one, but that didn't help.

Living Room / Re: Movies you've seen lately
« Last post by brotherS on September 16, 2017, 06:46 AM »
Thanks to 40hz for "The Best Offer" and "The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared" and to 4wd for "Anti Matter". Adding them to my list!

I recommend:

The Handmaiden
(Crime, Drama, Mystery)

It has a 8.1 IMDb rating and director is Chan-wook Park (who brought us Oldboy, another recommendation. With a 8.4 rating, it's IMDb's Top Rated Movie #66!)

Nothing I could say would be able to properly describe it... just watch it.  8)


I just read https://www.fastcomp...s-this-is-whywe-quit and wanted to share the article.

Because conversations in Slack happen on a one-way conveyor belt, our team began feeling like they had to stay constantly connected to keep up. This style of communication was especially problematic for a remote-first company like ours. How do you stay in the loop when earlier topics have already been discussed and are buried by the time you even wake up?

On https://twist.zendes...rticles/115003654569 they add:

It's not just Slack. Any synchronous, real-time chat app will drain your time—that's the nature of chat.

I like the thinking behind their (it's from the Todoist team): to have "calmer, more organized, and more productive communication". I'll try it some day. They have a promo video that shows how it works.

hamradio and antekgla, you are right! Thank you! "Always On Top" was enabled in the "View" menu! I never (consciously) saw that menu entry, and I hardly ever use the menus. I also never deliberately used the Ctrl+Shift+A hotkey, but now I'll add it to my AHK script to prevent it from being pressed accidentally in the future.

It also doesn't explain how the problem disappeared (see my 2nd post in this thread) and then reappeared soon after, but I'm happy with the current situation. Fingers crossed!

Thanks to everyone who chipped in!  :-*
Aaaaand the problem has returned.  :(

I don't see that you've uninstalled and reinstalled the application?  Or tried it in a different directory?

I haven't. Since win32pad doesn't have an option to export its settings and since I don't want to lose them, that's kind of a 'last resort' thing to do. And the problem coming and going without my input seems to point in some other direction, no?

@MilesAhead: I don't have a multi-monitor setup.
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