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ProcessTamer / Re: New (3/31/05) preview pictures of new ProcessTamer GUI
« Last post by bit on December 03, 2014, 05:39 PM »

Because this was a topic from 2005...about the GUI of PT...wouldn't asking your question in your own thread have been a better idea?...chances are, mouser doesn't receive notifications for a topic THIS old your chances of getting an answer to a question that has nothing to do with this old topic, is minimal...
[/quote]Okay. Tnx. :)
ProcessTamer / Re: New (3/31/05) preview pictures of new ProcessTamer GUI
« Last post by bit on December 03, 2014, 04:44 PM »
Why close it when I still have a question?
My Norton Startup Manager says ProcessTamer is on its 'start on boot' list, but PTs 'front end' says it's not running at boot, and I have to manually click the Desktop icon to make its icon appear in System Tray. My OS is Win 7 32-bit.
Living Room / Re: good Videos [short films] here :)
« Last post by bit on December 03, 2014, 02:22 AM »
ZIPPO tricks by [dawnoh].
If it ask for you to log in, then go here instead so you won't have to log in.
All the tricks are nice, but at 1:50 into the vid is one she calls 'flame in your hand'.
Living Room / Re: good Videos [short films] here :)
« Last post by bit on December 03, 2014, 01:55 AM »
How to Cup Beat
Nobody can do it like she does. :)
General Software Discussion / Re: pdf to doc text converter?
« Last post by bit on December 03, 2014, 01:05 AM »
Is there a way to batch/global convert the doc from side-by-side pages to straight single ones? :)

you mentioned Word before?  Have a look at your view - word doesn't use any sort of page arrangement (that I know of) but the 'reading mode' will present that way

or is it 2 pages to a sheet?  if so try looking at columns (use the show all tool...)
I'm working in MS Word 2003.
If I choose 'select/hold shift' and scroll down, it scrolls down the first page on the left, then the second page on the right, for each 'sheet'.

From experimenting with it, it looks like the conversion created a doc file with two pages to a sheet, and each sheet is actually a 'picture'.

If instead I choose 'select all', then 'one column', it makes each 'picture sheet' a full-width text -a super wide stretch- with page number headers posted at the top; IOW, it combines text from both left and right pages, and lists two page numbers at the top to left and right, sort of a super stretch width.

I don't know if it's just a 2-page 'viewing' mode, but if so, I can't get it into the 'viewing mode' of normal MS Word with one page at a time.
General Software Discussion / Re: pdf to doc text converter?
« Last post by bit on December 02, 2014, 10:23 PM »
It would help if you mentioned the online service you used so we're not suggesting it.

Be that as it may, Zamzar.

I just checked it with a 3.8MB PDF consisting of images and formatted text and the converted result was a 25MB Word DOC file with images and reasonably formatted text.
It did a magnificent job of conversion from pdf to doc.  :Thmbsup:
It saved all the indents and italicized text beautifully.
Any centered text that's left-margin can be easily ID'd and recentered.
The only drawback now is, the pages are all 'side by side' just like in pdf (and it preserved the page headers & numbers but I think I can instruct it to dump all of those since etext has no 'pages' per se).
Is there a way to batch/global convert the doc from side-by-side pages to straight single ones? :)
General Software Discussion / Re: pdf to doc text converter?
« Last post by bit on December 02, 2014, 09:26 PM »
It would help if you mentioned the online service you used so we're not suggesting it.

Be that as it may, Zamzar.

I just checked it with a 3.8MB PDF consisting of images and formatted text and the converted result was a 25MB Word DOC file with images and reasonably formatted text.
Tnx, I'll check out Zamzar. :Thmbsup:
The other one that only gave back 4 pages is Free PDF to Word Online Converter.
ProcessTamer / Re: New (3/31/05) preview pictures of new ProcessTamer GUI
« Last post by bit on December 02, 2014, 09:20 PM »
These last two post might constitute the hardest bump in Doco history.
My Norton Startup Manager says ProcessTamer is on its 'start on boot' list, but PTs 'front end' says it's not running at boot, and I have to manually click the Desktop icon to make its icon appear in System Tray.

He just bumped a 9 year old post...Well done for missing the big red warning sticker telling you this topic is old as hell lol
^Oh! Well that's a load off my mind.
I thought I'd done something wrong or verboten somehow.
'Once I thought I was wrong, but my computer was mistaken'.
ProcessTamer / Re: New (3/31/05) preview pictures of new ProcessTamer GUI
« Last post by bit on December 02, 2014, 06:41 PM »
These last two post might constitute the hardest bump in Doco history.
My Norton Startup Manager says ProcessTamer is on its 'start on boot' list, but PTs 'front end' says it's not running at boot, and I have to manually click the Desktop icon to make its icon appear in System Tray.
ProcessTamer / Re: New (3/31/05) preview pictures of new ProcessTamer GUI
« Last post by bit on December 02, 2014, 05:35 PM »
Any idea why Process Tamer won't self-start in Win7?
I checked the box for it to start on boot and also entered my DC key, but it won't do that.
Nice program! :Thmbsup:
General Software Discussion / pdf to doc text converter?
« Last post by bit on December 02, 2014, 05:32 PM »
I have an interior pdf document which contains indented paragraphs and some words italicized, with some text centered and some justified (straight right and left borders).
The original pdf is 1.18MB, and about 90K words.
I would like very much to convert it to MS Word 2003, saving the layout with all attributes as a pure text file.
Also if possible to drop out the 278 page numbers, but I could do that manually I suppose.
If I can get that far somehow, I know what to do with MS Word 2003 to turn it from that into an etext with dynamic clickable TOC (Table of Contents).
I found a different DC thread where someone suggested 'Free PDF to Word Online Converter'; it says it can handle up to a 10MB file, but when I used it, it only gave me a 1.4kb file and had only converted 4 pages.
Is there any freeware or free on-line way to do this?
Living Room / Re: Watercolorbot - $300 watercolor painting printer
« Last post by bit on December 01, 2014, 10:25 AM »
^Yeah, and name it the Van Gogh model. :)

Leave out the razor in the kids' edition. :)
Or name it the Rembrandt van Rijn. :)
ProcessTamer / Re: New (3/31/05) preview pictures of new ProcessTamer GUI
« Last post by bit on November 30, 2014, 11:22 PM »
Here's a preview of the new ProcessTamer Configuration GUI in action.
It's a separate program from the main resident tray tool so it takes up no resources during normal operation.

It's main purpose is obviously to help you configure ProcessTamer and create rules, but it will also let you view and change priorities on the fly quicker than through task manager, etc..

You can see that the new gui has 2 tabs, one is configuration of options and explicit override rules,
and the other acts as a kind of quick-access task manager where you can manually change priorities or kill processes.

note that this gui for configuring is a completely separate exe that is invoked when needed, so that the main program running in the tray remains super small and efficient.
I just installed ProcessTamer, and have high hopes for fewer BSODs and lock-ups.
I already set them to high priority, but why would I want to click on 'force high priority' for ProcessTamer and the 'front end' PT GUI themselves?
Living Room / Re: Time lapse video (thread)
« Last post by bit on November 29, 2014, 09:34 AM »

posted in the 'Interesting...' thread by ewemoa, thought I'd add it to the collection here

Reminded me of Perpetual Ocean -- may be y'all seen it already :)

also brilliant - reminds me of Van Gogh's paintings :-)
At 1:45 and 2:37, the ocean looks similar to the banded pattern of Jupiter.

Here's a stunning landscape / night-sky time lapse video (up to 4k quality)

Photography Tom Lowe
Music Nigel John Stanford

Apparently above is excerpts from a film -- Timescapes -- which also includes slow-motion photography.
Two trailers below:

Not so gone on the slow-motion stuff (the music is apt but doesnt move me either) but the time-lapse stuff is really stunning.

Indirectly via Ren's posting of a brilliant video by the musician https://www.donation....msg369979#msg369979
Living Room / Re: Watercolorbot - $300 watercolor painting printer
« Last post by bit on November 28, 2014, 03:46 PM »
^Yeah, and name it the Van Gogh model. :)
Living Room / Re: silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]
« Last post by bit on November 28, 2014, 03:32 PM »
I think this is really humorous, even if I don't know if anyone else will.
Re: 'Prove you're a human by recognizing almost illegible words & numbers'.
I thought of a better way; prove it by being taken to any website overloaded with animated ads, and manually shut off at least X-number of them.
This is founded on the idea that ad-writers go to extreme lengths to design ads which automated ad-blockers cannot shut off automatically.
Thus if you can shut them off--you must be human!  ;D
Living Room / Re: silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]
« Last post by bit on November 27, 2014, 09:31 PM »
General Software Discussion / Re: autocorrect
« Last post by bit on November 27, 2014, 09:24 PM »
My only suggestion would be that MS Word, OpenOffice, and other word processors with auto-correct can be customized by you to add just about any corrections or word changes you wish, so it's a little more useful than just using the dictionary list that comes with the word processor.
Living Room / Re: Watercolorbot - $300 watercolor painting printer
« Last post by bit on November 27, 2014, 09:11 PM »
Awesome; you don't have to buy printer ink!
(And you can substitute any logically workable substance in place of paper or water colors).  ;D
Living Room / Re: Happy Thanksgiving to DonationCoder folks
« Last post by bit on November 27, 2014, 05:17 PM »
Tnx Mouser.  :D Happy Thanksgiving everyone. :)
General Software Discussion / Re: K-Meleon anyone?
« Last post by bit on November 25, 2014, 10:04 PM »
Altho I haven't tried K-Meleon I looked at the screen shots and prefer to stick with SeaMonkey Portable.
I would like to speak up for SeaMonkey Portable--
-you can easily move or copy the entire folder anywhere; another drive, OS, or wherever,
-you can make 1 or 2 backup copies in case the main copy gets goofed,
-it gives you a built-in Desktop email server,
-as of this post it is actively supported by its creators,
-unlike Chrome, I can easily change background color to off-white and save my eyes from e-'snow blindness', or switch to white when the website requires it.
Living Room / Re: New square monitor (27" 1920x1920)
« Last post by bit on November 24, 2014, 08:39 PM »
I'd rather swivel my head side-to-side than nod my head up and down all day long.

it's really true -- moving the head/eyes vertically is *MUCH* more uncomfortable than horizontal movement.

You two ain't gonna last long in the Zombie Apocalypse.

Spock: He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking.
^ ;D
General Software Discussion / Firefox wierd crash reporter behavior
« Last post by bit on November 24, 2014, 08:33 PM »
My up-to-date Firefox Portable began giving me a Crash Reporter pop-up error window every time I close FF normally.
So I went to an older FF backup folder, a clone copy that's a few months out-of-date b/c I intended it that way, and started it instead as a test; and immediately after closing it normally, it also gave me a Crash Reporter pop-up error window.
That implies something external to FF Portable is going on, but what?

So then I went into my up-to-date version of FF Portable, and renamed crashreporter.exe to crashreporterDISABLED.exe, and restarted it, then closed normally, and this time no Crash Reporter pop-up window appeared.
Living Room / Re: silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]
« Last post by bit on November 24, 2014, 12:32 AM »
Rocky was a great running back, but a really poor high-school student.
At graduation, he didn’t have enough credits. But he was a great football star, so his fellow students held a rally and demanded the principal give him his diploma anyway.
They were so insistent the principal agreed if Rocky could answer one question correctly, the athlete would graduate.
The one-question test was held in the auditorium. All the students packed the place. It was standing-room only.
The principal called Rocky to join him on-stage. Holding the diploma in his hand, he said, “Rocky, if you can answer this question correctly I’ll give you your diploma.”
Rocky said he was ready. The auditorium was tense.
“Rocky,” the principal said, “How much is three times seven?”
Rocky fidgeted. He looked up at the ceiling, then down at his shoes … pondering the question.
The auditorium erupted with students chanting, “Graduate him anyway! Graduate him anyway!”
But, Rocky held up his hand, and the auditorium fell silent.
“I think … I know the answer,” Rocky said. “Three times seven is twenty-one.”
A hush fell over the auditorium.
Then, as one, the students rose to their feet and began chanting: “Give him another chance! … Give him another chance!”
Living Room / Re: Do we have any musical people on DC?
« Last post by bit on November 22, 2014, 11:43 PM »
There's a saying that there's a time and place for everything. In my case, the time was the mid 70s and the place was Boston/Cambridge MA. Although I've done sessions, sat in, or just played with a lot of people since then, I haven't gone at it hammer & tongs (i.e. that professionally) since.

My band's name was Maelstrom ("High-Energy Rock!"). Your classic rock quintet: two guitars (Gibson SG + Fender Telecaster), percussion (Rodgers), bass (Gibson L9S/Fender Jazz), and vocals (1 lead/2 harmony). We were an "all original" rock band trying to get signed at the dawn of the disco error era. Two guesses how far that went despite having a good local following.  :wallbash:

Our favorite venue was the now legendary and sadly departed Rathskeller (known as "The Rat") on "Comm Ave." in Boston.
 (see attachment in previous post)This is sorta what you'd see at The Rat. Pretty cute, huh? And miniskirts in the dead of Boston's winter? Boy, those were the days!

The Rat was the quintessential "rock dive" bar. Sorta of like Boston's answer to CBGB's which opened one year earlier in 1973. Great music. Great bands. And an unique cast of 'characters' out in the audience. I recently discovered my band was listed on The Rat's Wikipedia page under "Notable Acts." Not too shabby considering some of the bands on that list went on to real fame and fortune. :mrgreen:

Sorry I don't have any pictures, videos, or recordings to share. This was before the advent of digital. Recordings were mostly done in a $$$ recording studio on reel-to-reel and then dubbed to 30 min cassettes or mastered to 45 RPM vinyl. Very expensive in those days. Video was totally beyond the financial resources of most groups. About the only way you'd ever score a video was if you appeared on some local public TV station. (No DVDs, MP4s, VHS or Betamax cartridges for playback yet either. If you had a video it was on a studio grade tape reel.) And all (if any) pictures of us probably went out the door with the girlfriends of the band members after we (not very cordially) ended our musical relationship. :nono2: :rip:

Too bad. It was a really good little group. Haven't done anything I've enjoyed that much since. Sniff! :eusa_boohoo:
Once a rocker, always a rocker.  :)
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