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Thanks Target >>                       (note: see end of this before proceeding)

But the values used for A and B really COULD be almost anything as long as:
1.  It MUST not be blank and
2:  Each set of Ax  Bx  must be unique in the group of 30 entries.

I hate to admit but i am still a little confused about how to use this in the formula presented to either stop the calculations of preceding columns or at the very least end up filling in the C and all other calculations with a BLANK if either A or B are BLANK.  It seems that it would still continue just using the value returned of 'XXXX' if both were blank. 

The statement i am looking for would be one to completely stop the calculation if either A or B are blank.  Would not returning 'XXXX' in that case simply plug right in to the next step as a value and create a result which would go into C and the sheet would move on to the next row and so on.  Since the values are Auto-calculated, nothing stops them from proceeding to the end of the sheet.  The statement I need is one that says if they are blank then put BLANK into C so the entire sheet stays blank until a valid entry is input into both A and B. 

Or else a way to prevent the "auto-calculation" from proceeding at all 

To keep things simple i did not go into the who thing because if i could find a test that would work, i col use it everywhere this occurs but there are 8 more columns using similar auto calculations to assign additional codes on the same row.  If i don't stop it before it starts, i end up with a sheet full of numbers that all are created from the initial use of (BLANK) for either Ax or Bx  ll the way from A1 B1  to  A30 B30

If I had known how to prevent anything from happening if either A or B were blank by using a (test) on A  and a (test) on B that would simply stop the precession that would make more sense but again, i don't know the method. 

The results obtained could be valid for what is needed as long as they put something in A and B and as long as they do not use the exact same input for A and B.    But that part I can legitimately say is out of my control, the user is supposed to ensure that this is never the case.

The intent is to create a set of semi-random 8 digit "codewords" that can be recreated if needed  as long as the same inputs are used.  And the only rules involved is that both A and B must have a "non-empty" and non-identical value.  I cannot control the non-identical (or probably could if i wanted to really get into it) but it seems i should be able to control it such that i can hand them a BLANK spreadsheet to start with which , at this point, is impossible.

This was the best I could come up with on the spot to make the code with a specific formula which could easily be modified for subsequent groups and unless someone knew what formula was used they would not have a clue as what codes went with which entries      I hope :) .
That is why the codes are hidden and auto-calculated.  Only the person tho sets up the initial "rules" for those calculations would know how to recreate it.

There are probably better ways to do this but it has now become a challenge (to me) to find a way to not end up with a sheet full of the same repetitions of codes all based on A and B being blank.  If A and B were both XXXX it would still make a sheet full of hash codes.
I am currently telling them to ignore the lines where there is nothing in A or B but Murphy's Law guarantees that sooner or later someone will assign those values created from BLANK A and BLANK B to something.  And truth be known it is such a glaring deficiency i cannot believe there isn't a simple way to prevent it from happening.  The only entries made by the user of the sheet are to put values in A and B and ensure there are no duplicates in the set of 30 or less.

It is just annoying to me that i cannot prevent that error.

PS:  :)  PLEASE excuse my ignorance and if your reply would in truth give me BLANK cells for all calculations using that test, I apologize and it means I am simply not using it as you intended.  As i said, Excel is not my forte'. :huh:

OK maybe this will clear the playing field.

if A or B is left blank this formula auto-fills in the value of C to be used in further calculations.  If both A and B are empty the sheet fills itself in
showing the returned value is d41d8cd9 which is a waste and just confuses everyone
I would rather C stayed Blank until a value of some kind is put in both A and B.

since this is a a Hash calculation both A and B are normally alpha values but an empty sheet.. not sure if it counts it as blank or ??
"nothing"?  either way, all i am trying to accomplish is preventing the calculation from running if the A or B cells are empty.
To work correctly, both A and B have to be a "real" value of some kind and if either one is empty it means somebody didn't fill in the sheet correctly
So I would prefer it check for either (A  OR  B)  not (just A) or (just B)

I an mot that good at Excel and wish i could just state the above in plain English :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 All In one Shortcut bar
« Last post by questorfla on September 09, 2015, 01:31 PM »
Otherwise, this FREE tweaker is just 495 KB in size and includes over 200 tweaks:

List of Tweaks available in Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10
Check out the complete list of over 200 tweaks available in Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10.

homepage: http://www.thewindow...tweaker-4-windows-10

Nice Kurt!  Thanks.  I have used the tweaker from windows club before did not know they had a new one out for Win10.
After a few false starts i also think i may have worked out a way to build what i was after without too much effort but you can never have too many tools. :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 All In one Shortcut bar
« Last post by questorfla on September 09, 2015, 12:42 AM »
A collection of shortcut files to these would be wonderful to put in a Find and Run Robot alias, or a Launchbar Commander menu... Anyone?

Guess i was thinking to small :(
I pictured a one or two line scroll window where each command just showed to be clicked like on a scroll wheel.  Nice of MS to make them so easy to understand what happens which is why i don't think they even need  name other than the command itself.  It could even be a simple right click text list hyperlinked to the command.
But there sure are a lot of things that i know one day i will be desperately searching for :(  by then i will have lost this link too.
General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 All In one Shortcut bar
« Last post by questorfla on September 09, 2015, 12:01 AM »
hey Mouser, how about an easy one for you. 
This is a pet peeve that just got worse after the new EDGE
On IE, MS always had right click send shortcut to desktop.  With Edge that is gone and if it exists in Chrome I don't know where,
I have looked at various options to create a simple right click>send to>shortcut which would (I Hope) simply copy the contents of the clipboard that I would have selected and just say "copy to shortcut" with the option to Name it or simply use the first 10 or so characters.

I was trying to make shortcuts to places to send to people.
(and for my own reuse)
I know I can open an email highlight a word, embed the hyperlink  etc. but again, so much work for such a tiny thing.  IE appears to be gone forever or fast going and Edge doesn't seem interested in making people happy yet.

Is there some magic I just don't know that can do this?  None of the right click editor/enhancers could pull off that trick of creating a simple shortcut with a right click on selected text.  I ran across the same problem with all those nifty windows 10 shortcuts and had to go one by one:
copy text
right click
create shortcut
put it where you want it
and name it.

<sigh>  just getting lazy I guess or fingers are tired.
Wait  I know what it is.  DOG DAZE of SUMMER :)
General Software Discussion / Windows 10 All In one Shortcut bar
« Last post by questorfla on September 06, 2015, 08:05 PM »
The link below takes you to a page on InfoWorld where someone took the time to list what may be the most complete coverage of shortcuts to everything in Windows 10.


I ran across this pretty complete list of how to make your own shortcuts to all these new "features" in windows 10.  There are several I would like to have but too many to use up all the desktop real-estate it would take.

IF there was a way to make a kind of scroll wheel that presented each option as it rolled by you could have one MASTER Shortcut for everything.  Just scroll to where you wanted to go then click to get there. 

I am sure this could be done but I have no idea how to create the "Rolodex" effect to show these by clicking an up or down arrow.  I used it to make a handy shortcut to the location to "Forget"  WIFI networks so they can be "renewed". 

I have found this to be the best way to reconnect to a "flaky" Wi-Fi.  But finding the place to forget a network takes several clicks if you can remember them all.  They cannot just be forgotten from the same list they are joined from.

Anyway.  I  made the one I needed right now but I imagine having that Master Shortcut Icon would be a nifty tool as the link above seemed to list every imaginable need for many things that I did not even know there was a shortcut to.

Anyone have any ideas on how to build such a Multi-link shortcut roller? 
This is actually pretty simple. 
Columns Cx and Dx both have an auto calculation function that I need to lock to protect the formula from being changed.
The calculation is based on the contents of column Ax and column Bx. 
The problem is that due to auto calculating, the values of column Cx and Dx are instantly filled in based on calculating a value from BLANK in both Ax and Bx

I need to add a test both C and D calculations that check for Blank values in either Ax or Bx and do nothing if either are blank.
Then Cx and Dx will also be blank. 
As it is, the auto calculation runs and puts a value into Cx and Dx based on a value of BLANK in Ax and Bx.  It is just a nuisance but one that is annoying.
I need to find a way to incorporate this into my current setup such that it will allow the current formulas to run if those cells are filed in with anything other than just blank

to be honest i am now looking closely at what is provided by MS new EDGE browser.  I have to study the instructions more as i juts got Windows 10 loaded and still have several systems left to do.  But it seems to have a lot of what I wanted built it .. MAYBE
General Software Discussion / Re: Simple network drivemapping utility
« Last post by questorfla on July 30, 2015, 09:03 AM »
As usual yu da man!

Thanks exactly what I was looking for
Do you happen to know where I can get the "kit" for building these small neat looking simple "apps in a box"?
it is the layout shell that is a pain to make.

ah. I just read lower.
Maybe that is what you sent in so thanks to you both!
4wd's will  get me by as it is exactly what I wanted.
but the shell for making my own would be another big WIN.
Many of these scripts I have played with (mostly from You 4WD!) are kind of "off-putting" to normal users when they have to enter data into a black DOS window.
General Software Discussion / Simple network drivemapping utility
« Last post by questorfla on July 29, 2015, 02:56 PM »
I can probably do this if i get q few minutes of peace and quite but i thought someone may already have one.  I am looking for the method of making this  look like a real program not just a line of text?  I think i have seen a shell generator script that is the standard for most of this small utilities.  I just need them to input their name.  The rest can be done inside the script and i hated to resort to a dos box of a batch file.
Still watching this thread and hoping someone has the perfect solution.  I found a way to display the data but not a way to get it there. 
The URL link can easily be stored in any one of the many Meta-data fields.  Then it is a simple matter to set Windows to display that field in the directory listing of the downloads folder. 
Editing Metadata seems to be a somewhat "limited" field as I have found very few editors (other than Windows itself, i can change the information in an existing meta data field like such as "subject" , put the URL in there and set the display to show "subject" for every file.  This would be an almost perfect solution to what I was trying to accomplish.
One of the problems remaining is how to get the contents of the Address bar into that field at the time of download.  Another is that I dont think it can be "active" such that it could be Clicked to return to the URL but maybe one of the metadata fields would even do that,  I have only had "subject" to work with so far.
Most of the editors are made for things like photography and music to get to those multitudes of other fields. 
If it is something i am going to have to do manually, i would prefer something as easy as right click, edit metadata field (?) where the ? is the field to be edited.
Sure is odd that so little use is made of these fields when they could provide so much information about a file that would remain hidden unless the user asked for it.
I need to create a simple "file-server" where anyone with permissions to access the files can add/edit etc. to the places they have permissions.  If possible I would prefer that this be done using a standard Windows 8.1 Pro system.

It works perfectly in a normal networked environment with all local connections.  The problems occurred only when the same people wanted access if they were not on the local network. Since i already had a VPN configured with all the users access permissions on another system i tried adding a few of these as a test and they worked with no problem.

I used Soft-ether <Thanks  4WD :) > which i have found to be the best VPN software I have ever used.  But I cannot leave these shared files on the Server 2008 System; Its normal use of hosting a SQL DB has too many restrictions on what I can do as far as virus-scans etc.

Everything i am doing is possible on Windows 8.1 Pro by creating additional users with "Local" accounts on the system hosting the files and it works as it should as long as the access is on the local network.  It also works as it should over VPN if I use the Server 2008R2 system as the host.  The problems come up trying to access those same files over a VPN  on Windows 8.1. 

The VPN connection goes through, the remote system is assigned an IP as though it was in the office, No errors are showing anywhere.  But there is no access to anything on the remote system using the the same files that work fine when the users is actually ON that network rather than connected via VPN.  I cannot even ping the host IP from the remote system even though it shows as being on the same IP range.

This leads me to believe it is something that is being blocked by Windows 8.1 that was not blocked by Server 2008R2.  In the past I have made many connections of this type using Windows 7 Pro systems as host with no problems.  What I found so far seems to be in some way related to the new Home-group  setup in Windows 8 n order to share in this manner but I am not sure if it is possible in a HomeGroup to set individual permissions at the shared folder level?

If anyone has already done this and could point me the way to a solution, I would appreciate it.  I hate to buy and load Server 2012 OS just to be able to share folders over a VPN unless that is the only way.

I often need to cut and paste text to create lists such a a list of names or folders etc.  After each paste, I always have to hit "return" twice,  or I end up with a bunch of run together lines. 

Is there a way to "pre-load" the paste option with two carriage returns such that any time i use (Copy/Paste) or (Cut/Paste) it would result in the item being pasted PLUS two carriage returns?   This would make each pasted item <end> and then be separated by a blank before the next one.  If not, is there a 3rd party solution that offers customizable copy/cut/paste options other than the one built into windows?

It might be best to create a special option such as "paste+" where the "+" would be paste plus (in this case) two carriage returns rather than changing the Windows default but it is a shame there is not a way to set the defaults built in to Windows anyway.  I can think of many cases where having a custom preset preference for paste would be handy.  Such as changing fonts or other similar for the items "copied or cut" so they end up being "pasted" already pre-configured to the task at hand.

As a final note:  If there was a way to disable;e the "windows file testing" feature i was perfectly happy drag and droppin things like this. But on HUGE folder copies i had to do no mare than 10 sub-folders at a time or the annoying "Calculating" message was more than i could bear.
Hence, the resort to X-copy and from there to see if Robocopy was  a better tool.

Ye gads 4wd what do you do for a living.  You must spend 24/7/365 reading all this stuff!
Yeas thanks much I will opt for rich copy until i can find the best setup to use.
I am almost dine anyway and the little that is left is just an annoyance but i figured i might learn a new tweak or two in the process.

After watching the Pre-mo's (preview-Promo's" for the MS Hololens,... well, i guess that will be then end for computing as we know it. I am sure you have already seen them on YouTube

If MS really honest to God managed to get an entire COMPUTER plus the the batteries and everything else into that small headband ...AND  even if it can do only a fraction of what they showed it doing,
I would have to say somebody must have shot down the Starship enterprise and offloaded their stockrooms at MS headquarters.

I did not get to buy my own GoogleGlasses but for this one I would stand in line.
Just read yours Mr. Shades.
No i do not want to make a big pile and maybe that is the reason it has that extra line.

When i run this using a source such as c:\users\mike\downloads
and a destination like M:\mikedownloads

the full directory structure of files with folders as they exist end up on the m drive in the folder stated.
This being the Case, my next test was going to look at the Mir commend if it mirrors the file/folder layout of the source and moves it to the destination but i think mir is more for making backups and after done, i wold still have to delete the originals.

I an trying to get the rest of the junk off these old drive so i can reformat them.  What i am dealing with now are personal user files.  Once they are gone, i can disk-part/clean the drives and reformat on Slow to catch all the bad spots (if any) .
these are all 2 TB drives which probably still have a lot of use left in them if i can get them cleaned and reorganized.
Odd than you tossed in the MT option  I was just playing with that and actually got WORSE results.  I did not try long enough to track down why but i could run it on the same folder with or without the MT (set to 32) and with it on i slowed to a crawl.  With it off, it runs pretty fast just not as fast as I would have expected.  The other difference i THINK i saw was that with the MT on, it seemed to "choose" to do larger files first.  No sure about that but that was my first thought as to why it seemed slow.
With it OFF it seems to run file to file in a direct file-listed by name order. There are so many options.. I have never used it before having set up all  i ever needed with the right switches in Xcopy until lately.  I am sure it is better i just have to learn the "ropes"

As to your other question about the two move commands:
I was reading a tuitorial and when it got the the part where it showed examples, those two were used together.  I was more interested in  finishing tonight so i stopped at that point as soon as i had a working combination.

It looked a little weird to me too and i had begun to think it was just a way of demonstrating the differences in the same script using MOVE or robocopy /move)
That wasn't how it was explained but some of these "tutorials" seem to get started and stopped and forget where they left off :(

You think i should just remove the first line as UnNeeded?  maybe that is why it is slow slowand could even be the bug in the rug with the MT switch
The problem may even be in the manner in which i coded for it.  I had originally thought it to be a lot faster and for small folders this setup worked pretty well but when i tried it on an entire "Downloads" folder with several thousand files, it seemed to bog down.  It also seemed to ignored Ctrl+C to get it to exit for some reason.  If anyone could suggest modifications to allow it to be exited while running as well as restarted without an error (due to the mkdir command not being needed)

Code: Text [Select]
  1. @echo off
  2. cls
  3. set /P  from="Enter Move from Path:  "
  4. set /P to="Enter Move To path:  "
  5. mkdir %to%
  6. FOR    %%i IN ("%from%"\*) DO           MOVE /Y "%%i" "%to%\%%~nxi"
  7. FOR /D %%i IN ("%from%") DO ROBOCOPY /MOVE /E "%%i" "%to%\%%~nxi"
  8. exit

Or maybe a completely different method.  Windows GUI works fine if it didn't have to do the "calculating" test run before it ever starts at all :(
Thanks, everyone for the input.  i thought i would let you now what happened in the end.
I finally was able to get the software company to take oe of the backups of the data, and let me restore it to the GOOD clone i had that was three months old.  Since it was their software that was failing to make the daily backups as it should and apparently could only be forced to make a good one when they connected, I was able to make a point that I could not be responsible for their failures.  They had to admit that their automatic backup was not not functioning but that was about it.

All is well that ends working so i am happy to be back up (we did lose a days work though) because he pulled off this trick before the close of day so all the files that had not yet been added from their temporary storage never made it to the backup he ran.

Thanks for all the advice, I at least ended up with some decent cloning software for that server now and I am still going to make a monthly copy of the complete drive to be extra safe
I will give your clipboard program a try Mouser.
I knew someone on here had already done this but wasn't sure what to look for.
I never use clipboard in a way that having 2 extra CRs in every use would hurt anything and it would HELP greatly on "list making".  So if my "blank slate" for clipboard could start out with 2 CR's buil-in to every use that would work fine.
If anything added to clipboard would already have those 2 CR's at the end it would be perfect.  Of course, it would have been nice to have a choice but speed is the reason and if this speeds things up, I can deal with the few times a couple of CR's makes an issue. :)
This is just a "pet peeve" but I must be the only one who ever needs it.

When pasting text into a list (website URL's or other) it is hard to get that format.  Maxthon (my favorite web browser) has the option to grab both the title of the page as well as the URL in a single click.. very handy!

But when making neat and tidy list in either an Outlook Email body or a Word or other text document, it requires adding two carriage returns at the end of the paste or else you end up with a mixed up mess all run together.  There are 3 options usually presented for pasting what was in clipboard but none of them includes adding that double <enter> after the text to make a nice vertical list. 

While there may be list making software out there, i cant find anything that can do something as simple as adding the two <cr> so that I have closed the pasted line and skipped a line between that entry and the next one.  Plenty of stuff to REMOVE carriage returns but none to ADD a couple? 

This calls for a custom "Paste" option to for right click in Windows.  I am sure there are other variations that would be more helpful to different people who "live by the mouse" because I am pretty sure I could create a "Ctrl+?" version that would do it from the keyboard but that would not be as convenient when mousing around.  If I could take that macro and turn it into a little icon that showed up in "Right Click <> Paste....  Now that would be a handy thing to have.  Multiple custom-formatted paste options.  Surely there is a program for that?   :huh:
Let me say that DOS is a damned fascinating world.  :Thmbsup: say the people who didn't have to live through it!  ;D

I lived through it ...and hate to say it... but we are still in it.  :'(  Just like the newest Tesla Roadster there is always a tiny piece of Henry Ford's Model 'A' hidden somewhere inside.  Legacy coding will probably always be lurkng in the corners of every super-program for many years to come ;)

Maybe it was me that did not make this clear enough.  Cloning would be a Perfect Solution and I DID buy the Server Edition of Macrium at over $200 to do just that.
it will not run.
It cannot Read the drive to clone it so no good there.  Cyclic Redundancy Error.  I tried several passes and never get any further.
I need a Good Clone or there is no point.  I have also tried copyng as much of the file as can be red and simply attaching the db to a completely new insall of the software.  That also fails.

When the Program that is on the drive runs and it can see all the currently entered data, it acts like there is no problem.  I have no idea how this could be other than it is a crappy program.  Windows is throwing Bad Block errors at me one per minute or more often.
The company who wrote the software is NO help.  Their program SAYS it makes a backup.  But only They can read it, they do not tell anyone else how to see what is in it.

I think i have done my duty nd am ready to give it up.  I warned them all, I did everything i could.
MAYBE one day if they ever NEED one of those backups and then find out that none of them has been any good for the past 10 months or so, maybe then i will be vindicated but I am honestly tired of trying to help when no one here understands the problem and no one at the "software company" cares about it.

Thanks for your input, as always.  In my eart, i knew that there wasn't going to be a good solution for this but it never huts to ask.
"         The few times my memory failed me it was always a simple matter to look at the properties of either the installer or installed program to give me enough info to find it again. :tellme: :'( "

BUT  You are a YOUNG "Whipper-Snapper" 4WD  Look at me  That is a Real Pic!  (well... Not the sword part :)  ) :D
    Sorry I made the link so small  but the program is tiny
name 14aren?  Not much but if you click the advanced options it had so many different ways to slice/dice/and chop I thought it could be the next GINZU knife for software.
That is as best as i can explain it.  The company who wrote the software is notorious for being UNhelpful.  They connected and told me the problem we had were due to a "xcorruption" of the Logs file so nothng to worry about.  He fixed that and left paying NO attention to the Other Windows error logs I was trying to indicate that said Urgent Warning Bad Sector replace drive.
Anyway, his proof was that their program was working again.  AND it also starting making its own backups again (It had stopped which is why i called).  BUT  their backups are proprietary and i cannot recover from them or even see what is in them.

If the data is STILL in a bad section of the hard-drive and Windows is still telling me to get it out/fix it/replace the drive etc and i ignore those warnings it would be my fault if something ever happened. (or that is how I see it)

I have tried every tool i have (which isn't a lot) and I can copy every file in the DATA folder in that SQL instance, except the one that matters the most.  The  .mdf file which is 2,315,904KB and it cannot be copied due to a cyclic redundancy error.
I was able to get it copied by zipping it and copying the zip, but when unzipped I  am left with 2,181,760KB file size  which I presume means something got left out.  The DB is so large that if left where it is, it will continue to grow but the backups will all be bad.
While their tech may be comfortable with leaving it on a system with Windows screaming to replace the drive, I am not so warm and fuzzy about that.
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