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MEWLO Web Framework / Re: OLD - Unfinished Web project: YUMPS
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on August 15, 2011, 03:13 AM »
I've got a couple of Yii projects bubbling along (well, not very bubbling because I've got other things drawing on my time at the moment), and the user management on Yii is neat and powerful, but not delivered as a plugin... so the common user functions have to be pieced together each project.

I'm keen to see how you go, and support  :-*
Developer's Corner / Re: SQL Query is Kicking my Ass.
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on July 05, 2011, 01:06 AM »
I've probably not understood your problem, but what I generally do to get the last date for a sub-set of records is something like the following (written for a table we use to check this year's changed data... My apologies if I've not understood, this basically gets all the fields from the table where one field is equal to something and it's the last date:

Code: Text [Select]
  2.     T1.[CheckDate],
  3.     T1.[Assessment_Key],
  4.     T1.[TPKLAPAPPL],
  5.     T1.[Assessment],
  6.     T1.[Purpose],
  7.     T1.[RateType],
  8.     T1.[Address]
  9. FROM
  10.     [infoprod].[dbo].[LicenseOnSiteCheckTable] T1
  11.     INNER JOIN [infoprod].[dbo].[LicenseOnSiteCheckTable] T2
  12.         ON T1.[TPKLAPAPPL] = T2.[TPKLAPAPPL]
  13.             AND T2.RateType= 'OSM1'
  14.             AND T1.[CheckDate] = (
  15.                 SELECT
  16.                     Max(CheckDate)
  17.                 FROM
  18.                     [infoprod].[dbo].[LicenseOnSiteCheckTable]
  19.                 WHERE
  20.                     T1.[TPKLAPAPPL]= [TPKLAPAPPL])
  21. ORDER BY
  22.         [Assessment]

Grr! I just started using LastPass since the whole Gawker fiasco! Now I have to switch? >:( :mad:

No... I'd just keep your very sensitive passwords (banks etc) out of the cloud.

PayPal is my main issue I think as all my banks use other measures that are not stored in LP.
It seems sensible to focus on the unique aspects of DC, which I think community features pretty high.

It would be great to have a Coding Snack a day, Mini-Review a day, and other ??? a days... organising it could be a bit of an issue... maybe we could just open threads and members can post and a moderator can select to publish?

I also like something simple like "a buck a day"...

Then it can all be packaged at the end of March in a Newsletter (it'd be pretty huge)...

Keeping it simple is key (I think)... "31 Days of Snacks, Reviews and News" type thing?
General Software Discussion / Re: Windows Resizing tool
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on February 13, 2011, 12:17 AM »
I was wondering if there is a windows resizing tool that remembers preferences and with one click launches the set of the application in their predefined space to start working without the hassle to reajust windows again.

This is what I designed AMPL to do: FARR Plugin: AMPL [updated to version 0.6.2]

I have not worked on it for some time as there was not a lot of interest shown in it, but I use it every day... though it is still pretty rough around the edges ;)
Official Announcements / Re: January 2011 Giveaway - Winners Posted
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on February 04, 2011, 05:19 PM »
You've done an amazing job, Perry.  Many thanks!

Agreed  :Thmbsup:  He's DoCo's Agent P!

That's funny: never seen that before.

But (like mouser said), I was blown away by the generosity of the companies I approached for the Giveaway (which really was meant to supply tools for the NANY Volunteers -- but I think I got the cart before the horse with that one  :-[)... Every company I approached immediately said they'd contribute prizes!! I think the DonationCoder Community has a lot to do with that sort of response!!
Official Announcements / Re: January 2011 Giveaway is open for entry
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on February 04, 2011, 02:33 AM »
Congratulations all the winners!!! There are a lot of great tools there... hopefully some of them can be used on DC  :-*

...and thanks to everyone for helping to make the Celebration such a success!!
Winners of the New Year Celebration Giveaway Drawing

January 2011 Giveaway Drawing

Supporting Members, you've got until the last day of the month to take advantage of this month's Discounts..

This Month's Special Discounts and Giveaways:

Winners of 'Axialis Icon Workshop Professional' (10):
  • llc_silly
  • u-ki
  • rno2
  • codemonger
  • edbro
  • Bionic71
  • app103
  • y0himba
  • dcm
  • kimajac
Winners of 'Dr. Explain Advanced' (2):
  • limelect
  • mrainey
Winners of 'Help & Manual Pro + Premium Pack' (1):
  • Renegade
Winners of 'Camtasia Studio 7' (2):
  • NinJA999
  • vlastimil
Winners of 'BB Flashback Pro' (4):
  • kyrathaba
  • skwire
  • wraith808
Winners of 'Sagelight Image Editor' (5):
  • tomos
  • nharding
  • richdr
  • hamradio

All winners are now being notified by email to their forum email address.  If you haven't received an email but your name is listed above, check spam filters and forum email address, and then mail [email protected] and let us know you never got any mail.  It can take a few days for companies to send you your serial number; if a few days pass and you haven't received it - send a reminder to the company email as noted in your winning notification email, or to us by replying to the email you received or to us directly.

Curious about how we award prizes?  See https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=1684.0 for a discussion about our custom prize optimizer utility. Winning something one month reduces your chances of winning the next month, and being helpful on the forum slightly increases your chances.
DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: GetSerious0.1 - (don't expect much)
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on February 01, 2011, 04:23 AM »
Ya know this would be kinda cool if you could have a live link to a forum sig code, where it updates your forum sig with what software your using most (not the page titles or anything).  Could be quite fun to see lol

You can pretty much do this with Wakoopa.

Actually you're probably better going to their social section:

 Check out Perry's sig.
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: Major feature instead of new up for NANY?
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 25, 2011, 02:59 AM »
A sort of shower of software that builds up to the new year and new stuff. Think of it like a fireworks show, with the NANY releases being the big finale at the end.

Yes... it's been my goal since that discussion: I love the fireworks analogy... I've been using the word Celebration, hopefully approaching the same effect  ;)

Not sure how well that works with the March anniversary though.
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: Major feature instead of new up for NANY?
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 24, 2011, 09:39 PM »
But it doesnt make sense to have a programming event then i don't think.. Though i guess encouraging UPDATES to existing apps for march could make some sense.

You don't think that doing a wrap up of the previous year's achievements wouldn't work? for which badges could also be given??

Seems to me that reminding people of the great benefits of DC have given over the past 12 months could have lots of nice follow ons...

Edit: Agreed -- another competition wont work so close...
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: Major feature instead of new up for NANY?
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 24, 2011, 09:33 PM »
Would it really change any of the end-of-the-year NANY stuff?  People would still participate in the final push for NANY apps, etc.

This was sort of done this year as we opened the event mid year... and looking at the release dates:
  • people were releasing teasers as early as June, and about 30% had teased by end November
  • people were releasing final releases  as early as November

We had similar worries for this year, but I think what happened was that each entrant used NANY the best way they could... those that like the end of year rush do that and those that prefer the slow build up do that (and everywhere in between). So it may not have an effect...

But personally I'd keep NANY as New Year and do something else for the Celebration / Anniversary (was it March??)
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: Major feature instead of new up for NANY?
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 24, 2011, 06:45 PM »

Should NANY encompass any NEW apps made during the previous year.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: Major feature instead of new up for NANY?
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 24, 2011, 05:49 PM »
We've actually discussed previously that the New Year Celebration could / should encompass other aspects of DC's year (NANY just being one). There are lots of facets of DC that get "lost" through the year that could be helped by being repackaged at the end of the year.

Coding Snacks is one, and New Releases of existing software is another.

Where as they aren't really a NANY (more just a NA  ;) ) maybe the badge could extended to the celebration, which could include things like featured:
  • coding snacks
  • major new releases
  • major reviews

as well as New Apps??
General Software Discussion / Re: LastPass - What are your thoughts?
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 21, 2011, 10:20 PM »
I too am in the process of moving from RoboForm to LastPass. One reason I didn't even look at LP previously was I'd paid for RB and RB Portable.

LastPass has done nearly everything I used RoboForm for, though it does have a few issues with one or two websites. But in the main I'm more than happy with LastPass.

LastPass satisfied my security issues, so I'm happy.

Synchronising RoboForm data was always an issue for me... I had the Desktop and the USB version which needed to by sync'd (and with RoboForm cloud) but the free version of their sync software complained there were too many files. This made me very unhappy. There is of course no sync'ing problems with LastPass  :)

I use KeyPass too, but not for my online password usage: more for other secure stuff I need to remember...
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: Itching to code apps
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 21, 2011, 09:50 PM »
Also there are many ideas submitted for previous NANYs as well:

Maybe we should bring unused ideas forward? They tend to get lost once the year goes past...
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: That NANY badge
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 20, 2011, 07:55 PM »
If we're simply counting, it should be number of apps, but I would say that  :P

...not lines of code??  ;)
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: That NANY badge
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 20, 2011, 07:52 PM »
Hmmm... my first impression on seeing them was "very nice!"  Then the digits, "01," "03" and the "05" on the badges provoked an instinctive perception the digits were "years." 


I think the leading zero is unnecessary...
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: That NANY badge
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 20, 2011, 01:19 AM »
ham is working on the badges now -- i vote for ONE small 16x16 badge showing the # of NANY's you've participated in, and then on your profile and on the badge listing page, it will show one for each year.  i can implement this easily and i think it will reduce clutter on the posts pages (like this one).


I'd like a grey one (because I'm not actually Entrant Class  :(
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: That NANY badge
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 17, 2011, 03:54 AM »
I think you've (not quite) succinctly summed up my feelings about NANY... it is an amazing community event where the coders do put their pledge on the line, but for most there is a huge amount of help / volunteering / encouragement / etc from the forum.

It's not about the number or quality... it's about the celebration and the community.

The more NANY structure encourages celebration and development of community the better.
You sure they don't just get pasted in a collapsed state??
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: That NANY badge
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 16, 2011, 09:06 PM »
The second badge could then have a changeable numeric element to acknowledge the times someone's participated.

that's an interesting idea, and feasible.  though i think just one nany badge in that case, with a number indicating how many times you've participated.

and that would get around an ever lengthening problem:
Nany badge.png

you only get one coding snack badge regardless of how many you do??
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: That NANY badge
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 16, 2011, 08:36 PM »
I prefer the old style (is that hamradio's?) as it is very iconic and simply breathes nany to me. It is styleful and as much an identity of NANY as Cody is of DoCo.

But funnily enough: I found it harder to read  :(  But I'm not too fussed on which style is chosen...

The idea of different colors per year is great, and I think different shades per entry status are also great. However, I don't think we need an 'admin' badge since they're unattainable for most people. After all mouser is already in a category of his own, no need to add 6 more. ;) Likewise, the 'helper' is a bit unclear as to what it would mean. Helping organise? Helping bug test apps? Etc.

However, I think two badges per year should be the total top ever. One for entrants, and one for 'alternative participants'. I haven't got much of a clue for it, but the idea is that app writers can simply nominate people who made a useful contribution to their app (beta testing, etc) and that these people deserve this badge.

That's a nice idea... Entrants get a full colour badge, helpers/volunteers get a 50% colour and admin get's grey

To tell you the truth, I always felt that I shouldn't really have a NANY badge at all (I still have not managed a completed entry  :( )... and having a grey one would make me feel much better about it  :)

and yes: the recommendations on volunteers was that anyone that helped with the entry should be credited at the top of the Thread.
Thanks for that  :Thmbsup: I'll have to keep this handy for future reference...

VBA's OK after you get used to it, and certainly quick to whip up something  ;)
N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: That NANY badge
« Last post by Perry Mowbray on January 16, 2011, 04:04 PM »
I agree with codeTrucker...

I'll chime in here and cast my vote for...

No color distinction.  

Same colour keeps some visual conformity...

I maybe would wonder about having a different colour for Entrant and Admin (/and maybe volunteer)... I know from this year where my NANY entry was a miserable failure (as far as completing goes), and it would be nice not to have that confusion in the badges.
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