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Messages - armatostr [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
 :o I always wanted program like this!!! thank you!!

General Software Discussion / Re: Opera 9.5 — New Skin
« on: June 06, 2008, 10:30 AM »
I'm not very fond of the fact that they removed the "open pannel" button on the left edge, i liked it more like that.

You can reenable the sidebar button in the appearance>Panels options, now is just turned off by default.

About the new skin and layout I really like it, though I'm not sure if it's really less distracting. One thing that I really thought I wouldn't like was the small close tab button, because I'm really good at closing tabs by accident and now I'm not that good anymore :P

I had the same problem yesterday, made a clean install of xp sp2, downloaded sp3 from the microsoft download center  so i could use it any other time, after I installed it I tried to update ie and everything else and got that error, so installed win again, installed everything that was necesary to make windows update work (those activex controllers, and windows installer 3.1 I think, etc).

I went to the download center,  downloaded and installed .net 1.1, .net 2, ie7 and wmp11 manually but didn't update them (to test win update later) and then  installed sp3 again.

With that done I started windows update and it worked as normal and I don't have this problem:

Someone else says that manual installs work. But they still show up as needing to be installed in Windows Update.


I'm very happy with it, has saved me enough times to earn a permanent place in my pc. By default it makes a backup the first time you turn on the computer during the day and you can choose were you want to save them.

General Software Discussion / Re: NETSCAPE ---- R.I.P. !!!
« on: January 02, 2008, 01:16 AM »
I remember how great the version 4.75 was  :-* i think i can say that it was the first software i fell in love with :-[ , such great times. :(

I started using 2007, and really liked the ribbon , my sister and dad love this version and they are long time word users. Once she got very angry at me when i removed it from her old computer  and installed 2003 instead, now 2007 is back. But now i'm trapped with OOo, i lost my installation disc... i miss it :( .. yeah i don't really like OOo that much especially because it crashes when using it during long work sessions.

General Software Discussion / Re: Kantaris Media Player
« on: August 23, 2007, 10:04 PM »
Just installed it, kinnda slow to start but the visualizations are really pretty :o

True about WMP11, i installed it just to keep things up to date... now is my only video player, though i  used it as my only media player during a period i got bored of foobar. Now i'm looking foward to WPM12.

General Software Discussion / Re: Is the Windows start menu dead?
« on: August 08, 2007, 10:44 PM »
I've tried docks(i think they are overrated), launch bars, other windows shells , customizing the start menu and the quick launch bar, etc, etc. And one day when i was very happy with my organized start menu and quick launch, i found Launchy and decided to give it a try because i was bored, i tough it was a really cool app and let it there installed using it from time to time when i remembered it was there.

I started using it seriously when accidentally found that it can navigate through folders...  i was like  :o , then i found farr2 which i like more and now my star menu is a little bit messy but i don't care since i no longer have to see it. :P

foobar2000 hands down, i just love that ugly thing.

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« on: August 08, 2007, 09:23 PM »
mine are Opera, foobar2000 and .....FARR :D

 :o wow.. how much time took you building it?
anyway good job! ;D

I always thought macs are overrated :down:

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