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Messages - suleika [ switch to compact view ]

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I've seen this app around here a couple of times, I think, but my extensive searching has come to naught. 

I think it has a GUI in the form of a table, with rows being time and columns being projects (or the other way round).  There are buttons which represent small chunks of time (10 mins) and you click on them under the project column to show what you are doing during that time-chunk.

Off to search LifeHacker now, in case that was where I saw it...

Thank you - I devoured that thread.  That's how I found both those programs.   :) 

I was only wondering if anyone had any tips like mine in case anyone else might be starting a project like this, as to how to organise it - where to start, how to approach it. The serious DAM and related advice is very much geared towards professionals who want to sell or at least share their stuff, and the standard recommended software is very expensive too.  We have the aforementioned thread for software resources, but as to how to use it, in which order, how to do things without having to go back and correct etc... I've not seen that covered comprehensively anywhere. 

So I wasn't actually asking for tips for myself.  I was seeing if there were any other tips around on the same subject.

Yes, I've been using idimager lite, along with Exifer, to do some corrective stuff.  I discovered quite late on that the Formats plugin for irfanview hadn't been saving exif information when converting my RAW files to jpg even though I had been selecting that option, so I re-converted the RAW files (PEF actually) with idimager and then transferred the information over to my processed files with exifer, which has a very fast interface for copying exif information from one jpg to another.

So you've realised that your folder and file naming system for your photos is just not working any more, and you start investigating programs to batch-rename and sort according to EXIF information...

Tip: use your current (flawed) folder structure to help you generate IPTC/XMP keywords before you start moving the photos around!  That way, you can always try out different renaming schema's without being forced to include that information in the new file or folder names.  You can always change/remove the keywords later if necessary.

Anyone more tips for how to begin organising and renaming photos?

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: Request: where to put "Tiny Tips"?
« on: November 29, 2007, 11:32 AM »
Will do.  Thank you.  :)

DC Website Help and Extras / Request: where to put "Tiny Tips"?
« on: November 29, 2007, 10:21 AM »
Sometimes, when I grok something, I want to pass the information/idea on, just in case it's useful for anyone else.


So you've realised that your folder and file naming system for your photos is just not working any more, and you start investigating programs that batch-rename and sort according to EXIF information. 
Tip: use your current (flawed) folder structure to help you generate IPTC/XMP keywords before you start moving the photos around!  That way, you can always try out different renaming schema's without being forced to include that information in the new file or folder names.  You can always change/remove the keywords later if necessary.

So I'd like to post this somewhere, and since it would start showing up in the forum search it could be useful to others, but I am not sure where best to post it.  I'm not sure about posting it in "General Software Discussions" since it seems kind of lame as an actual discussion as such.  So where seems a good place for this kind of "nugget" or "tip of the day"-style post? 

If not in a special section of the forum then how about encouraging posts like this with "Tip:" as prefix in the title?

Yes, at the end would be better!

I managed to replicate this but only when I called my branches "C:" and "Q:" instead of "C" and "Q".  Try removing the colons and see if the problem goes away.

I just did this for my own SMF forum: here's how.

Basically, by modifying this line of index.template.php:

<title>', $context['page_title'], '</title>';

Another way in which this is useful is for time-tracking programs that only read the windows title bar; many SMF pages use generic titles (like "Post Reply" or "Recent Unread Topics") and I can't distinguish one forum from another without a clue as to the domain or forum name.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: "Days since" program
« on: November 29, 2007, 06:38 AM »
I checked out the igoogle widget: there is one click to reset a repeating task back to zero.  One functionality that might be useful is if your coding snack recorded previous values of such a repeated task and also save the data in some exportable format.  The igoogle widget hints at that with a hovering information function.

For playing with combining words and ideas, try one of the tools for creating domain names.  You can have fun with it if nothing else!  A starting point is some of the links on Best Tool For the Job

Thank you for the suggestions - I am looking at some of these programs now, and my thoughts are shaping up. 

ppass, I know about the "differences" screen in SyncbackSE (useful screenshot though, for anyone else reading).  The problem is that each time I use SyncbackSE, once my destination drive is plugged in, the whole process of scanning, comparing and writing can take up to 15 min, for my three main backups, since syncbackSE scans everything all over again. It's the scanning that takes a long time.  I have some large folders of too many small files (worth discussing in another post sometime - let's just say scrapbook extension for firefox), my thunderbird mail folder is very big, and other odd files are distributed in various places within large directories.  I've tried a system of keeping "new stuff" in one place to help the backup along but I find I can't organise my work with temporary folders and remembering to "file away" later etc.  So I am stuck with the filing system I've got, which works for me, except when it comes to regular backups.  There are various reasons why I don't keep the thumb drives plugged in all the time; security, the fact that they sometimes don't play with with hibernation, the fact that I only have three usb ports which are mostly in use (mouse, phone and second "foreign" phone) and I've not yet managed to find a hub that works consistently (perhaps I have a hardware problem there?).

Therefore I'm after something which will "ready" the scan on the source side, by monitoring, and will then copy changed files across when the destination is plugged in.  Unless they are used to restore, these backups are always one-way in my routine life - the only part which needs syncing is matching deletions, which I don't need to do so often.

I agree, ppass, that using two programs might be a bad idea - if I do adopt a FileHamster+SyncbackSE combination I will test it first for how it deals with various scenarios.   

I had previously considered using a monitoring program to backup only changed files, not copying them into a complete backup, and doing complete backups less often, since that system at least would protect all my new data. but after having had two laptops break down on me during my long trip abroad earlier this year, I really wanted a system where I could almost instantly continue my work from usb drives so I can use other computers if/when mine fails.  Perhaps this isn't feasible and perhaps I should stick to this previous idea (which FileHamster would acheive rather well).  But the seamlessness of having all my portable apps ready and backed up onto the thumbdrives to take on a short trip has already paid dividends in my life. 

What I am after is an imaginary adapation of syncback where "pure backup mode" is set up, where syncbackSE monitors in real time, so that the "differences" screen is being prepared constantly and dynamically, and when my destination drive was ready I could press "go" and the writing would take only a short time. 

I shall carry on looking at these programs, but I am considering other solutions, like sorting out the firefox scrapbook monster, like consolidating everything onto a larger portable drive and keeping it plugged in, like having more and smaller SyncbackSE profiles and somehow tracking which ones need to run when ... filehamster might very well help with this latter idea simply as a "cue" program for myself to remind me where I've been creating or modifying files.  Also tweaking my SyncbackSE profiles and making sure I'm not making it slower for myself.

Yes, jammo, that's the route I eventually went.  But until you try one of these methods, you can't know how it's going to work for you.  So, superboyac, just build something and see what happens.

See?  Nothing fancy.  I just want to have a place for people to go to when they see us play at a coffee shop or restaurant somewhere.
i would like to try css and php.  What's the easiest way to go about it?
I suggest you choose a few methods that appeal to you from what you've learnt so far, and then go look for inspiration in what can be made from them (cms's often have links to showcases).  Then pick one or two of them, put up a dummy site or two, and start tweaking.  You'll very soon get a feel for both ends of the experience; the bafflement of the learning curve and the thrill of realising how much you can customise.  Then see how far you get with it and whether you need to look at another method.

I was in your position a few years back, when there was less choice and sophistication in cms.  After playing with mambo for one site, I ended up coding my own two sites; both were loosely based on other sites I had seen.  One was an adaptation of a template from one of those sites where everything is simple and clean and validated.  The other was a loose copy of a non-standard blog, since I liked the proportions and fonts etc.  So have a look at sites you like, and see how they are made.  Firefox extensions are useful for this.  In the end I didn't need to frequently update with anything other than text, and I had no need for fancy stuff, but if you want blog-like entries, latest news, photo galleries or easy embedding and organising of audio, or commercial stuff, a cms will be much easier to update and change.

If you go the static HTML route, you'll enjoy finding out which editing program works best for you.  Even if you go the ready-made route, you will almost certainly need to see what is going on in order to change it, and notepad will just not cut it.  So you'll end up using a text editor or some other tool, and there are plenty around.

Thank you, jack of the nines.  I am taking a look at FileHamster now.  I'll try googling for the directory comparison program you mention - any clues on a good search string for it?

something in between a program that automatically monitors and creates copies of changed files vs. a program that only checks and makes backups when run manually.

so it would always be monitoring.. and maybe show an icon when you could quickly bring it up and say "go" when you want, with easy ability to quickly mark files as not to be backed up, etc.

Yes, that is pretty much what I was imagining.  Now if I can just find such a program...

barring such a program, you might be able to condigure a manually run sync/incremental backup tool using a shortcut to do almost the same thing.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here.  Is there a particular tool you had in mind, that I could take a look at?

I currently use SyncbackSE, but when I am travelling with my laptop I only need to backup a few files/folders a day, to USB-stick or via FTP.  But how to keep track of which files?

I need a program which monitors changes and which will then let me review the list of changes before going ahead with the backup.  I wouldn't be able to make use of a mirroring program which syncs automatically, since I don't have a large enough external drive permanently attached.  But with my current set-up, the one-off reading and comparing of lots of very large folders takes a lot of time. 

So is there a program out there that will do the monitoring, and will prepare the backup, but which will then give me a choice of which files/folders to backup only when I am ready?

You're most welcome!

(I only just saw your reply.)

JGPaiva's GridMove and Ahk Tools / Re: GridMove - grids here
« on: October 29, 2007, 06:11 PM »
Here's a ridiculously simple grid I use when I am travelling and googletalk is almost permanently in use.  It has a narrow column on the left for the IM conversation and the rest is one space for browser, dvd player or whatever.  The column on the left is 6th width.  It's only for one monitor.

Oh yes, I would very much appreciate that.  :)

Living Room / Re: PocketPC or Palm?
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:05 PM »
You mentioned Weight training logging and calendar management specifitally, so I'll base my answer on that:

On both devices, the out-of-the-box calendar functions are pretty basic, but somewhat similar.  Palm is faster, PocketPC has (I believe) a bell and whistle more, perhaps.  If you wanted some more sophistication, you would need a third-party program such as the long-established Pimlico DateBk6 for palm or Pocket Informant for Pocket PC.  I have found PI to be much more flexible and interesting than DateBk6, but, as I keep mentioning, slower. 

I don't know much about weight training logging software on either platform.  When I was researching it for myself on the Palm in 2003-4 I found available software to be inflexible, clunky and over-priced.  For all I know there could be a killer app there now, for either or both platforms.  And both platforms will sync with spreadsheets, so you could go that route.  Otherwise, the basis Palm memo function is very fast and easy but has no formatting at all.  Pocket PC handhelds can read text files more easily.

The chances are that which platform suits you best will be more to do with your current set-up and costs than which is overall "better".   Also, what third-party software appeals.  Also, if you are considering taking the machine into the gym, how sturdy it is.

As to taking into account future phone upgrades, you probably don't need to worry too much about that.   I transferred from Palm to Pocket PC (with some annoying hours of work) lately, and although I coughed up for new Pocket PC software, I only spent $20 (I think) on software to help the conversion along.  As long as Palm has a community, you'll be able to get your basic stuff off it.  Just watch out for third-party apps on either platform, in case they lock you in.

If I were you, this is what I would do:

Decide on a budget
Check out what is available to buy in palm and pocket pc within your budget
Check out software on both platforms for specific things you want to use it for
Work out if there are bottom-line things that are very very important to you, and research them and/or post here about them.  The platforms vary in so many small ways, but if a couple of those ways coincide with your must-do's or must-not's, if could helpfully inform your choice.   Such things as syncing with PC data, reading data from and file storage on memory cards, publishing or sharing of calendars, and compatibility with different desktop operating systems, are quite different. 

Hope this helps.

I love this mod (thank you, mouser!) and on the smf forum I co-host it would be extremely useful.  I've looked on the smf mod site and I can't see it - so I am thinking it's not been put out there.  Would you be willing to post it/share it here?  Please?

I remember reading about that trick in photoshop a while back - here on Lifehacker.  The second-last comment on that page mentions an irfanview plugin called Metrix, which might be an expiring Beta.  Is that nearer to what you were looking for....? 

Bill Castner discussed it in the AUMHA Forums: The Care and Feeding of USB Storage Devices in XP.

Thank you for this reference, PhilB66.  I have now set up my various usb sticks and drives to my liking, mounted in NTFS folders. 

Was it something like this color palette generator?  Or color hunter

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