So, for all that are interested what happened on the meeting, here is my report:
Rambo and i arrived, after nearly 5 hours or about 510 km of driving, at about 2:30 pm at the hotel in Namur. When we checked in, we saw that Gothic and Della are already here too, but are out of the hotel for the moment. So we decided to first get into our room and check the internet facility that the hotel offers for free.

Unpacking our laptops and setting up the WLAN connection, after we got the right password from the receptionist, was a piece of cake. And so we entered the Donationcoder chatroom.
We noticed that mouser was active and so it was the perfect time for a nice game of mouser-cheating. We both told him, that Rambos car was broken and so we can't go to Namur to meet Gothic and Della. In return we get curses from mouser about the car and the situation. This lasts a while until i asked mouser if he can explain me something strange. Why am i in the channel with a belgium ip-address? Then he realized that he was our victim

, and we earned curses again from him. But now
not about the car and situation, now we are the target for him.

While we have just a good laugh together, suddenly, about 3 pm, we hear a "knock-knock" on the door. We opened and there stands a young couple in front of us. With my razorsharp mind

i realized within a thenth of a second "That must be Gothic and Della". And i was right!

It follows a big "Hello" and then the mandantory big "Pow-Wow". We talked about everything. From "Who are you" to "What do you do" over "The world in global scope" and "The Universe" to "Donationcoder".
And after that, seemed for me lasting about 30 minutes, i looked on my wristwatch and, oh my god

time was flown away, it was already 6 pm.
Gothic told us, that they have brought his mom and her friend with them, and that they will stay over night too and will have dinner with us. That was much appreciated. As more people, as more fun.
So we decided to go to the restaurant next door of the hotel for dinner. We met in the hotel lobby and leave for the restaurant, where Gothics mom and friend are yet waiting for us. It was again a big "Hello" and Gothics mom and friend were very kind people. We got a good dinner, lots of drinks and much much fun together the whole evening. At about 11 pm we left the restaurant again and get back to the hotel.
I feeled the belgium beer a lot, and then the disaster happens

. I was missing a hand! I needed one to carry my mobile phone and the electronic translator, the second one to hold myself on Rambos elbow, because he has to guide me (as for my visually impairness) and as i don't have another one to hold my trouser up, i suddenly felt my trouser going down to my ankles

. It was really awkward standing there in the middle of the heavy crowded place directly before the main railway station in underwear

. I have to decide what to do. Throw away my electronic equipment or loose my guideance. So i decided to leave my guide and pullup my trousers again with my now free hand. OH MY GOD

. You can imagine that the others around me have really a lot of fun with that episode.

The rest of the evening lasts not very long. At least not for me. The beer does its job very well and i get soooooo sleepy.
Now its sunday morning and i am fit again. After two bottles of cold water and a good breakfast together with the others i feel well again and i am capable of writing this report now.
Gothics mom and friend headed out now to visit a museum, while Gothic, Della, Rambo and i are sitting in our hotel room again and fighting the non working internet connection.
Its planned that the museum visitors are back again at about 11 am and then it will follow the sad part of this great weekend. We have to say goodbye to each other and Rambo and i have to drive home again.

The meeting was really a great experience and all who haven't joined us missed a lot i think.

But next time, next chance.

Nearly the whole meeting group. Gothics moms friend is not shown. Someone has to pick the photo.
