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Messages - Sythellri [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
JGPaiva's GridMove and Ahk Tools / Re: GridMove: Grids Here
« on: July 31, 2020, 09:11 PM »
I'm currently on a single 3440x1440 monitor and I'm having some difficulties creating a grid that I am satisfied with.

This is the grid layout that I want. 3x2Grid.png

This is the grid file that I'm using.

The problem that I'm having is purely cosmetic. When I open Microsoft Office programs and align them with my grid, everything is perfect and sit flush together. MicrosoftOffice.png

When I use other programs like File Explorer or Chrome and try to align them, there are these offsets around the edges that annoy me. MicrosoftOfficeButSpacedOut.png

I want it to cover my desktop completely. Would anybody be able to help me rectify this issue? I tried using Fancy Zones and it doesn't have this cosmetic defect but it also restricts the hotkeys to some combination of Shift, Ctrl, Alt or Win while I find GridMove's ability to use the middle mouse button much more intuitive.

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