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Messages - bardman [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
General Software Discussion / Re: Rename Open File in Windows
« on: October 31, 2018, 10:15 AM »
I just saved a Notepad file and a WinRAR zip while it was open without any issues. Apparently, this is app related more than anything else. Some of MS's Office suite products have this restriction as well.
Do you mean you did a "save as" ?

Nope!. While the file was open, I right-clicked the name of it and renamed it successfully and the file I was viewing, name changed too.

General Software Discussion / Re: Rename Open File in Windows
« on: October 28, 2018, 10:39 PM »
I just saved a Notepad file and a WinRAR zip while it was open without any issues. Apparently, this is app related more than anything else. Some of MS's Office suite products have this restriction as well.

General Software Discussion / Re: Rename Open File in Windows
« on: October 28, 2018, 01:13 PM »
Shoot, so I have just been using the wrong app the whole time! Sumatra will now be employed when renaming my PDFs. Thanks, everyone.

Maybe Adobe and some other apps should employ a rename in the same manner as Sumatra.

General Software Discussion / Re: Rename Open File in Windows
« on: October 28, 2018, 07:04 AM »
Well, two problems and two solutions.
Two Problems:
1st: how should my Application know wich file you want to rename?
2nd: has mentioned wraith808, open files cannot be renamed.
Solution 1: if i know how to solve 1st problem: use a copy command instead of file move.
Collect names that you renamed into a list.
Set this list to be deleted on a buttonpress or on next OS reboot.

Solution 2: I could write a Pdf Viewer which let me set Filename. (needs a bit longer to code)

Question: Interested in one of my Ideas?

Howdy KodeZwerg,

I wasn't actually expecting a response until 2019?

But problem 1 could be a drag and drop or browse to the particular file. That copy command works beautifully, yes even with the file open via command line or direct copying! Of course, now I am doing more than needs to be done just to rename it. I open the file to obtain the actual name of the document.

I think a quick and dirty app is all that is needed as opposed Solution 2.

So general workflow:
1. Open PDF file in Adobe Acrobat (of course other PDF viewers are options)
2. Most times I copy the general title of the file from the text within the file
3. Drag and Drop the file or browse to select it in the Rename Open File app
4. Have the option to type in or paste in the copied title
5. Instant billionaire for such a useful and simple Windows app

Thank you

General Software Discussion / Re: Rename Open File in Windows
« on: October 28, 2018, 06:43 AM »
Yeah. I can do a 'Save As' in Adobe Acrobat and the rename is no issue. Apparently, the 'Save As' obviously does not have a restriction for renaming an open file in contrast to just renaming the file via right-click.

General Software Discussion / Rename Open File in Windows
« on: October 27, 2018, 11:52 PM »
I download many training documents in PDF format in Windows. Unfortunately, many of the file names are generic or truncated so the corresponding file is hard to identify by those titles.

Can someone please code an app that renames files (primarily PDFs) while that PDF file is open for the Windows operating system?

Thanks in advance.

Pages: [1]