« on: June 27, 2012, 11:42 AM »
I'm currently using an old version of Clipmate that suffers from sporadic annoying disconnects from the clipboard. Don't feel like shelling out $35 for the latest so started searching for an alternative. First place to look was techsupportalert. Tried every one mentioned, each one with major flaws. Saw Ethervane mentioned in a comment and found this to be the best so far. There are, however, two shortcomings that stop me from fully recommending this great piece of software.
1) There needs to be better sorting options, especially a user-defined sort. The sort by ID would be great if only it were both viewable and modifiable. Clipmate has a MySort option (a modifiable number).
2) It can be somewhat problematic in Ethervane when one has a number of long, multiline clips: it can be both hard to find and hard to distinguish some clips as a result. Clipmate solves this problem by having a rename-able clip title attached to each clip.
Anyway, I'm living with these issues for now and hope that you continue to develop Ethervane Echo!