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Messages - Attronarch [ switch to compact view ]

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The method I'm using is called the Zettelkasten (slip box) method, developed initially by a sociologist called Niklas Luhmann. If you do a search for it, you can find sites that explain it.

Looks like an interesting system, especially for complex issues, scientific books, and journal articles. Could you recommend some readings on the topic?

Living Room / Re: Does anyone here use Bitcoins?
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:57 AM »
Looks interesting. I've read some articles on mining bitcoins, but I'll need to dig deeper into it. Any recommendations?

Living Room / Re: What books are you reading?
« on: September 21, 2013, 02:08 PM »
Currently I'm going through the following:

  • Introductory R: A Beginner's Guide to Data Visualisation and Analysis Using R
  • Beyond Bullet Points, 3rd Edition

I'm hopping to follow up with R in a Nutshell and R Cookbook.

General Software Discussion / Re: PDF Combiner, PDF Binder
« on: September 20, 2013, 02:59 PM »
^thanks for that tip Attronarch :Thmbsup:

There is now a pro version ($3.99 :up:) - it looks like you need the pro version if you want to select just part if the PDF's.
Strangely, they partially hide what the pro version does (see below) - and dont seem to do any straight-forward comparision on the site, but Pro obviously includes Rotate/Watermark/Secure (and I *think* selecting pages from PDF).
 (see attachment in previous post)

To be honest I immediately bought pro version since I've been using the tool for long time. It has several quirks that should be addressed soon. The author is receptive to feedback, and I believe that the GUI will be even better when he updates it. Anyway, I don't think that you need pro version to change which pages you want to work with - just double click on the pages in the right column.

I recently was working with a lot of contracts and stuff that were being revised constantly, with multiple sets of documents that needed to be merged and inserted, etc. all the time.  I used this program:

It basically allows you to create methods of batch processing a bunch of pdf operations.  For example:
--open document 1
--insert pages 3-5 of document 2 after page 40 of document 1
--merge this new document with document 3


very handy, very speedy.  saved me a lot of headaches.  a little quirky and buggy at times (sometimes it would just crash).  but overall i was very excited about it.

I've tried using Debenu products, but with little success. They were slow, they would crash, and sometimes they just couldn't deliver what they advertised. But I might revisit their products, who knows maybe they are better now.

General Software Discussion / Re: PDF Combiner, PDF Binder
« on: September 20, 2013, 12:35 PM »

No need to use that one since pdftk* now has official GUI - http://www.pdflabs.c...ftk-the-pdf-toolkit/

* the tool you linked to is GUI for old pdftk command-line tool

P.S. If anyone knows of a good email service provider with a similar policy, please let me know.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: WinPatrol Plus Sale
« on: August 07, 2013, 07:47 AM »
Thanks for the tip, grabbed one copy.

Mouser, could you update core alias "DC" to use HTTPS instead of the HTTP protocol? I know that I could disable the alias and alter the copy, but I believe it would be better to have more secure protocol in the original.

It is right there, but can be easily mistaken for their second product "Compare Advance".

Living Room / Re: Browser based mental training for efficiency
« on: June 07, 2013, 09:19 AM »
After slowly accumulating evidence that Pale Moon doesn't quite perform certain subtle things

Would you care to share the evidence and what excatly are those "subtle things" with us? I'm genuinely interested since I use it as my main browser, and I'm always looking for opportunities to optimise my choice / workflow further.

Community Giveaways / Re: SteamGifts Giveaway: Many games
« on: April 30, 2013, 10:05 AM »
Thank you for the giveaway, entered few of them.

Thank you for the massive giveaway.  :)

Community Giveaways / Re: SteamGifts Giveaway: THQ Pack
« on: April 21, 2013, 12:11 AM »
That would be me. I completely forgot to post here as well.

Thank you for the giveaway, both this one and Saints Row one.

Thank you for the giveaway, these are actually the first I've won on SteamGifts.

Community Giveaways / 1 copy of Iron Grip: Warlord (SteamGifts)
« on: April 04, 2013, 11:00 AM »

Good luck.

Living Room / Re: What are your favorite movies?
« on: February 13, 2013, 07:39 AM »
I see there are a lot of SF lovers, yet no one mentioned two works that are among the best (if not the best):



These two movies are truly engaging, no "holding-your-hand-explaining-what-is-going-on" crap. Another favourite of mine is:

Valhalla Rising

Finished Programs / Re: Done: A program to make grids
« on: January 06, 2013, 04:50 AM »
How do you export the grid? It would be useful if grid parameter like size, column and row could be specified.

Living Room / Re: Hotmail backup without POP3 crap?
« on: December 22, 2012, 03:45 PM »
Thunderbird 17.0, added the account via: Tools - Account settings - Add mail account. Filled in required fields, Thunderbird set up everything else (screenshot of server settings attached), and I just confirmed. It took it some time to kick off the download since it had to grab around thousand messages. Once the messages were downloaded I exported them using the add-on. It even has the option you mentioned - export as zipped folder.

If it doesn't let you log on it might be that you mistyped your password or have inadequate server settings?

Living Room / Re: Hotmail backup without POP3 crap?
« on: December 22, 2012, 03:25 PM »
Wait, what is the problem? I just added Hotmail account to Thunderbird and exported all e-mails.

Living Room / Re: Hotmail backup without POP3 crap?
« on: December 22, 2012, 03:13 PM »
Have you tried using Windows Live Mail?

Isn't that another online deal? I'm trying to get my stored email to my PC without forwarding one by one.  I tried setting up Thunderbird to access hotmail following guides but I get not accept password.

I don't know why they don't just have right click on folder to move it in one shot.

You could try to add it as IMAP account to Thunderbird and then use Import/Export Tools add-on. That's how I do it for one of my e-mail accounts which is IMAP only, but I haven't tried it with Hotmail. It should work if you can add it as IMAP account.

General Software Discussion / Re: Text based alternative to PowerPoint
« on: December 07, 2012, 04:30 PM »
Only LaTeX is real.

General Software Discussion / Re: need to create a basic floor plan
« on: December 01, 2012, 04:17 PM »
Looking for 2d

DraftSight -

It has everything you could possibly need.

Living Room / Re: ArsTechnica hands-on review of Surface RT
« on: November 10, 2012, 08:16 AM »
Just came across this:


Our goal is to build a powerful, True Linux Tablet, one free of Android's restrictions, at a reasonable price. This requires some new software and lots of integration of the existing software. Our main goal is to complete the tablet related features and provide a simplified framework for new users to get started with Linux on Allwinner devices.

This one looks quite interesting. Hopefully, it'll get funded.

Finished Programs / Re: [DONE] lightweight pdf viewer and editor
« on: November 07, 2012, 04:48 PM »
I think this Autohotkey script will do what you want. Run it and then press F4 (or change it to some other hotkey) when Sumaptra is active to open the same document in nitro. You only need to change [path_to_nitro_folder] to whatever folder you have nitropdf installed in.

#IfWinActive, ahk_class SUMATRA_PDF_FRAME
clipsave := ClipBoardAll
clipboard =
send ^d  ;open file properties
winwaitactive, Document Properties
send ^c  ;copy properties
send {esc}
RegExMatch(clipboard, "U)File: (.*\.pdf)\R",xpath)  ;put pdf file path in variable
if xpath1 !=
 run [path_to_nitro_folder]\NitroPDF.exe "%xpath1%"
clipboard := clipsave

edit: fixed regex code and made run conditional on finding a matching pdf file (not epub or any other file type that Sumatra also supports)

Thank you for posting this piece of code. Extremely useful, since Sumatra doesn't lock in .pdf files, allowing editing and viewing at the same time.

This one gave me a good laugh...

If I've put it in wrong topic let me know and I'll remove it.

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