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Messages - tomos [ switch to compact view ]

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hi Vic
  • how does the minus 98 (in the screenshot) work?
  • is there an option to keep the current name, as well as adding constant+variable? (ideally at the end I guess, for sorting reasons) NOTE: dont program this for me -- I just thought it would make it an option for more scenarios.

EDIT// the DC download link is incorrect

It's now post-COVID so:
So you're the other side of the world again?  :-)

Screenshot Captor / Re: Please Assist with Forum Coder
« on: May 14, 2022, 02:20 AM »
Well, your description of the problem is good. Tell us, how exactly do you take the screenshot?

Living Room / Re: Funny Animal Videos
« on: May 11, 2022, 01:51 PM »
This about the dangerous journey young male platypus take in search of new territory.

Congrats. I don't know if colour toner is less expensive than ink (probably depends on the brand). But at least it doesn't dry out like the printer currently on my desk...

An update:
I more or less only buy digital from Bandcamp. And it's not much.
Amazon has become even more of a PITA trying to buy digital -- some digital music they offer for sale -- some only for streaming. Also it's only mp3 quality :down:
And what with me being a very late adopter of anything, I've retreated to CDs again :-)

veering slightly off-topic: I generally buy used CD's from (new probably from amazon).
I have recently bought a DAC (with Bluetooth) for my ageing amp. Will wait with buying a network player /streamer till I actually get my act together and rip some more of them CDs :D

I don"t know about the standard version, but in the professional version there are several options that modify the file size on the output tab:
is fair enough imo -- if you want serious quality and control you're going to go for the pro version.
There probably is a workaround if you do need a very high quality scan in the Standard version: scan as Tiff. Compression of Tiff files is AFAIK non-destructive, can then be edited & saved as filetype of choice.

Living Room / Re: Tips for failing eyesight? PC use
« on: March 14, 2022, 06:00 AM »
Belated thanks for the responses. Got a 27" monitor and have it set to show same as laptop screen (which is set to 175%). So, we'll see how that goes.

The monitor is so nice btw, I said I'd buy it off of him if he decides he needs a bigger one. ASUS PA278QV (Newegg) -- it has some weaknesses (uneven backlighting) but comes colour calibrated, has good brightness and contrast (in its current location at any rate) and good ergonomics. And if you're just used to FHD, the extra pixels makes it really sharp.

May as well post this here too:
after purchasing VueScan (Standard) I got an email giving me a free license for the Standard Softmaker Office (which is €79,95 here including VAT/sales tax).
FWIW I'm a fan of Softmaker -- it's quick, and very compatible with MS Office.
No idea how long the offer is for... they say "This month":

Thank you for purchasing VueScan! This month, we've teamed up with SoftMaker to offer SoftMaker Standard 2021 for free to all of our customers. You can learn more about SoftMaker here and you can click the link below anytime in the next 7 days to redeem your free license.

Redeem Free SoftMaker Standard 2021 License


In this post I was originally complaining about the lack of options on the Standard VueScan:
if you look at the first screenshot, you can see that you have to manually change it from basic settings to standard (or pro). I've never seen this on software before so I somehow glazed over it. I also didnt notice this during the short trial and reluctantly bought the software to get a scanner working.
FWIW I still dont see any option to modify compression of saved file (it's fairly high). But otherwise I'm happier now than I was.

PS I dont recommend ticking the Dark Mode option -- this gets turned on for all of Windows!

Living Room / Re: Favourite youtube channels
« on: March 08, 2022, 06:11 AM »
Time Team is a British show that ran for almost 20 years, and is back in production now, thanks to Patreon.
I didn't know that (thanks). They must have made a fair bit of money on patreon, cause that show can only be expensive to make. I watch the odd episode, will be interesting to see what the new ones are like. (There's some great English accents to be heard on the show as well.)

I thought WiFiBrute was kind of cute.
WiForce (? not sure what I think of that myself)

Living Room / Tips for failing eyesight? PC use
« on: March 02, 2022, 11:09 AM »
Hi all, an older relative of mine is having problems with his eyes. He can currently only easily read printed text when it's above 40 point size. He's coping quite well, considering, on a 17" laptop -- as he knows the menu basics in the software he uses, and can touch type. He mostly writes letters (Softmaker Office) or emails (Gmail).

I was looking at ~ 27" monitors, that we could connect one to the laptop (4k resolution doesn't seem to be any advantage, so probably 2560 x 1440).

Does anyone have any tips or advice that might be helpful in this situation?

Living Room / Re: Opinions requested on my new YouTube Video Series
« on: February 22, 2022, 09:27 AM »
I'm not the expert, but a couple of ideas to consider for those searching for info:
you could improve some of the names (although maybe you have it covered with tags?).
1. Is there a meaningful reason for the strange numbering with letters?
2. e.g. "camera lenses" could be expanded with the info that it's in connection with video (although, in fairness it's good info for anyone new to cameras..)

Living Room / Re: Opinions requested on my new YouTube Video Series
« on: February 17, 2022, 10:38 AM »
I just looked at the photography related videos -- and found them very good. I have a Panasonic interchangeable lens camera myself, and learned to take photographs on an SLR camera that just had manual. So I knew a lot of what you were saying -- but l knew next to nothing about video, and learned a lot there.

There was nothing that jumped out at me as needing to be changed. But it would be good to get an opinion from someone who's interested, but knows very little about using cameras.

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo
« on: February 14, 2022, 02:23 PM »
Let us know what happens if you actually run that  :tellme:
I did. Works fine -- should I be wary of it for some reason, or are you just wondering how it works on a modern version of Windows?
(Seems to work fine on Win 10)

Using the example of Ethervane Echo (will call it EE for short -- thread + download link) -- it's a bit of a pain to copy the text as individual lines, and you then have to individually make them sticky (down arrow to each entry and Ctrl+S). Change focus to the Sticky tab and close it (Win+Ins toggles close/open).

Now Win+Ins will open on the Sticky tab, arrow key to the relevant entry and Enter. Most hotkeys modifiable. I've never used Lintalist, but as it specialises in this kind of thing, it's presumably even more efficient.

Screenshot - 12 Feb 2022 , 22_45_48.png

I've used EE this way for a list of entries related to a particular project. At the same time running mouser's clipboard extender as my main clipboard extender (Clipboard Help & Spell -- which could also by used as above -- add relevant clips to the favourite folder).

EDIT// I forgot -- there's a way of splitting clips -- so you can copy a list and it will split at new lines. Can be activated for current session only.
Screenshot - 12 Feb 2022 , 22_58_39.png

^  This sounds like it could be done with almost any clipboard extender. I know you have more requests in first post -- but if there's more than one exact way of doing something, and if something as efficient -- or almost as efficient, already exists, why not go with it?

Or maybe I'm still not fully understanding your idea...

Living Room / Re: Favourite youtube channels
« on: February 10, 2022, 03:16 PM »
Like this channel a lot: he uses a drone to film mostly white sharks from above. Of particular interest is their interactions with humans -- turns out that near the (California) coast, it's almost 100% juveniles whose only interest in humans is a little curiosity. They rarely seem to eat at all during the day. They like to hang out near the beach because the water is more oxygenated than usual, from the waves.

General Software Discussion / Re: What Android Apps Do You Use?
« on: February 02, 2022, 11:27 AM »
^ thanks, will try. I also miss that feature since I moved on from Moto

I thought of Lintalist too.

Ethervane Echo could be a good choice too (do a search in the forums here) -- it's a clipboard extender with a favourites tab and a good search.

Also mouser's CHS (again a clipboard extender based here on donationercoder) would be a good choice imo.

Living Room / Re: Like a bad penny...
« on: January 22, 2022, 11:02 AM »
At this point I figure every day on the right side of the dirt is a good one.
This is gonna be my new motto.
Agreed, impressive 👍🏼
Best of luck with everything Vurbal

Living Room / Re: Wordle: simple web word game
« on: January 18, 2022, 02:59 PM »
^ yes, it will only accept words. I got very stuck yesterday, had one vowel correct (o) and didn't get the other one (it was a y). In the end I gave up and put in a word I knew was incorrect.
the solution was

It's possible, according to deozaan's link above, that this was a form of protest against the use of his code by large companies that use, but dont support, open source software. As such, it would seem to be his 'right' to do this (otoh I have no idea what's in the small print).

Me, I dont tend to look at things in terms of 'rights' -- rather in terms of interaction. The developer is probably frustrated -- how do you talk to a Fortune 500 company? You can probably talk all you want, but you get no response. So the big bold gesture is tempting. Big bold gestures tend to cause a backlash. Whether that gets you anywhere is debatable (your call) but I can certainly sympathise with the situation -- and the response (if I'm understanding things properly). Everyone's got to decide for themselves how they approach a situation like this.

RE the lack of financial support; that must could be so demoralising. Also shown up here recently by someone listing the support for their coding (almost zero). [EDIT] I know there are some very generous people here, and also that financially is not the only way to contribute. I dont want to be just negative here...[/EDIT]

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