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Messages - Dex [ switch to compact view ]

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I'd be interested to know what you think about Duplicati (

I didn't see it mentioned by anyone in this topic, and it has versions for Windows, MAC and Linux (though I have only looked at the Windows version)
It covers a decent range of online storage services and local drives too

I have it running on one of my PCs backing up to a NAS drive and S3, and like it so far.

Best regards


Thanks Mouser, I'll make the changes to the file manually.

Best regards

PS, I like the "Add Preset text" mod too

Hello ahhha, thanks for posting your software here, it looks like it would be very useful

Personally, I'd like to see a button for new, and one for save, as I never seem to use keyboard shortcuts.
Also, it would be great if the database could be put on a networked drive and shared between multiple machines

Best regards

I tried to install ZillaRank improved search mod on my forum which is using 1.1.13, but it gives an error saying:
Execute Modification    ./Sources/Search.php    Test failed (all the other files say OK)

I have a few small mods but none of them touch Search.php and just in case, I uploaded a fresh file from the SMF zip, but still got the same error

I guess it must be compatible with the latest release version of SMF as it's used right here on DC, but can anyone tell me for sure that's it's OK to use it on 1.1.13?
If it is, I'll make the manual edits as it works great here on DC

Best regards

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: LifeSaver diary
« on: January 10, 2009, 05:42 AM »

Could I run this on 2 (or more) machines at the same time and use a single datastore on a mapped or network drive?

I have 2 main PCs I use all day in separate places on the same LAN and I need to be able to type notes and "todos" from either machine and be able to see them on both machines

Best regards

I agree.

I have paid AVG on one machine and the free version on a less used laptop. AVG opens a browser window to http://www.grisoft.c...-pup-05-app-freecnv/ when I click update. While I'm a big fan of AVG, this practise is not something I'd expect from them.

Show me a banner within the AVG update dialogue by all means but don't open my browser and take me to a website. That's what I'd expect malware and hijacks to do!


Nice, and very well done.


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