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Messages - anandcoral [ switch to compact view ]

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RSS is alive, yes  :Thmbsup:

After Google Reader died, I looked around and settled with commafeed. All my feeds work and am happy with the clean and lean interface.



Another more general point: the first thing I do when I visit the forum is scroll down to the very bottom to see what's latest in the "Info Center - Active Topics" section. I don't know how many other forum users do that, but if a lot or most of them, then from a usability point of view it might be better to have that section at the very top, so there is no need for all that scrolling. Just a suggestion.

You are the 2nd person who has told me that's how you read the forum. I had no idea people did this.

The first things I do on login in is look at the bottom of the home page to see the recent Active Topics

That makes 3 of us now...  ;)

me too.  :up:

Hmm...looks like the points I mentioned got lost in between. It happens in exitement.

Here is the link and hope some replies on them https://www.donation....msg387883#msg387883



Got the new Forum look today. Looks good. Color combination also soothing. Congratulation to Mouser and all members. :Thmbsup:

Went around the forum and found some points as below,

1. Minor spelling mistake in "Still have questions?  Don't hesitate to context us ([email protected])."

2. The guest image, if temporary then ok, else I will suggest some blank face type image there.
Why he is happy so much in this era of privacy concerns from NSA to Win10 ? Or is he "she" ?

3. The thread page numbers make difficult to click, at least for me.  Pages: prev | 1 2 [3] | bottom | last
I find difficult in positioning my mouse cursor at '1' or '2', say. Can we make it bit wider with space, box etc. ?

I found the "Print" option of message thread very useful. All messages in one long page and one can find any text too.  :Thmbsup:  Many times I needed to find my apps name for any bug fixes mentioned in another thread, say.



Living Room / Re: The joy of seeing a first time forum poster
« on: August 27, 2015, 07:28 AM »
It does give joy to see the first timer with us :Thmbsup:

Living Room / First impression of Win10. Google - Material Design
« on: August 25, 2015, 11:42 AM »
To keep DC forum mesg small, I have made webpage with the supportive images.

First impression of Win10. Google - Material Design.
Yes this is what I saw from login screen to desktop. MS is following Google.

First good news.
FARR runs, hurray. :D
All my apps run without any error, I can sleep peacefully. :)

Now not so good news.
Login photo now in round frame just like Google+. Why ? MS following Google !!
Tray icons black and white clipart. Hard to understand which is what. Who told MS that users are color blind ?? :tellme:
Windows title became white, same as body, no separation mark / line etc. Looks like MS is copying material design of Google but forgot that Android apps do not have a title bar which user need to click and drag to move the window. :down:
Start menu looks like a dark menu bar attached with a WinPhone with those tile apps. :huh:
All icons in task bar now show smaller in size. Bigger icon in Win 8.1 was easier to see.
Settings looks like a webpage, flat. This is advancement ??

But the the killer is child window display. My program which has a main window and child windows for entry, report etc. show very odd. It shows WinXp button in child windows !! :mad:

More news.
Solitaire exist and it is free.
Cortana disabled in India, so will know after I meet her.

I understand that Win10 is work in progress. So many of the problems may get fixed in auto updates. I also understand that MS think most user are in Android so are habituated to seeing such windows.

But like most users, I also request MS to understand desktop users too.



Living Room / Re: Movies or films you've seen lately
« on: August 24, 2015, 06:39 AM »
Watched "Edge of Tomorrow" yesterday.

The concept of the story hit me "live - die - restart". Isn't that we all have been doing with our WinOS all these years, install - use - reinstall. Did the director got the idea from Windows ?

Now MS is forbidding that. No more reinstall, as we will not have the CD or copy of the latest Win10 which will auto get updated to 10.0.12345677... , like Chrome.



General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Privacy Concerns
« on: August 19, 2015, 03:11 AM »
does this mean that the previous problem has been solved?

What should I do ? Wait till "Get Windows 10" enables "Upgrade" option ?
I am afraid to click "Get started" in "Windows update" 


Since I did not got any reply on that, I clicked on "Get started". It turn out that it will start downloading the Win10 updated then. I prayed to GOD to give stable connection for at least 3 hours to get it done, as I found out on each disruption of net connection, the Win10 download starts from zero.

The Cortana mesg I wrote while still in Win8.1, as my location shows far west at Mumbai in IP search.



General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Privacy Concerns
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:41 AM »
I think MS had made the mobile team to work on desktop versions. May be cost cutting from mobile development.

These chaps assume that the "program" will always have the net connection, location, voice etc. (true for mobile device). So they code that way.

I am saying this from my 20 years experience in our organization. Our company put one team on another type of project and it takes another six months to figure out and clean up why a DBF/NTX database program crashing if the machine do not have net connection.  >:(

Or MS is saving on developers money by making same Win10 code to run for both mobile and desktop. My desktop location says Mumbai due to ISP server, though the desktop is at far east Kolkata. Let me see what Cortana offers me in "my" location she sees.  :D



General Software Discussion / win10 auto upgrade - confusing mesg
« on: August 16, 2015, 11:42 AM »
The "Get Windows 10" shows "still downloading",
"Windows update" shows "Start installing Win 10" !!

What should I do ? Wait till "Get Windows 10" enables "Upgrade" option ?

I am afraid to click "Get started" in "Windows update"  :(

Anybody faced this situation ?




Enjoy your vacation. Do not worry. We all are here to take care of DC forum.



Choosed menu Help > About
It showed downloading 40.0 and updated OK
Running 40.0 now.

Maybe they have different server for different location of the world.



General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Privacy Concerns
« on: August 07, 2015, 02:48 AM »
I'm also sure someone will make an app that will reliably suspend the Windows Update service & hopefully, allow us to pick & choose which updates to install & which ones to blacklist. Until MS makes the registry a black box users cannot pick apart and analyze, there will always be intrepid souls who will work to leverage it in the users' favor.

Yes. It has happened before and it will happen now.

Already we have blogs and website giving steps to disable all those nasty privacy options, and program to automate them have started coming up.

I use 3rd party firewall, anti-virus, cleaner, uninstaller, video player etc. to keep my peace of mind in Win8. I will do same in Win10. I like to use an OS as OS only.

I hope, like we used Windows Blind to fully convert in visual and action a Win95 machine like Mac, some program comes like say, 'Better Win10' which runs as layer over Win10 and let us have our peace of mind.



TaoPhoenix, when I search DC I get columns with relevance, date posted etc. Generally for lasted I try date posted. Since I do not come to DC frequently I sometimes miss queries put for my NANY apps, so I try to check if any post for my NANY apps is there.

There is no smooth way but I get to it. I do not know anything about this change, I mean server, search logic etc. But I will be happy if there is some better way to search. May be some advance filter etc.



Will both DC and DC2 be online at same time ?

If I am unable to find something on DC2 but remember it was there, I may search in DC. I use DC forum a lot for googling, if I am allowed to say that, when I am stuck and it had helped me.



General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Privacy Concerns
« on: August 05, 2015, 04:41 AM »
Hmmm... as I said and expected, the tool is here.

DoNotSpy10 free is here to cure all Win10 privacy concerns. As per GHack,  It provides you with options to set privacy settings from within its interface with just a couple of clicks.

PCWorld gives steps to cure from p2p update of Win10 http://www.pcworld.c...tems.html#tk.rss_all

I haven't got my WIn10 yet, but I have the tools to make it as per my liking.



General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Privacy Concerns
« on: August 04, 2015, 11:45 AM »
As wraith808 said "It's much ado over nothing."

Yes this is what I mean to say. We are unnecessarily fussing over something which will be same at the end.

I still remember there was much hue and cry over iPad. One can not type on it, keeping it on their lap. Every blogger or writer thought since they can not type easily on it, so it is useless. What is now ?
IPad remains as it is, the writers learnt to use IPad.

Same for Google reading our emails. Even MS highlighted it and assured they were not reading our email, see their ads. What happened ?
GMail still rules and we still use it.

Now we are worrying over something which MS has given option to disable. Well I know we all will be using Win10, sooner than later.

Keep in mind due to this logic of MS, we small developers are making our living by making tools to change the default of MS. Remember Start menu for Win8, how much fuss it created. Now we have so many tools to get the start menu in Win8. Similar tools will follow for Win10.

Cortana will be less useful to me, as I do not have steady network for her(?) to look into neither I use much of MS programs like outlook etc. I may use her as speech to text as Dragon dictate was too costly for me and now I am getting old. I will like to code by dictating.  ;)



General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Privacy Concerns
« on: August 03, 2015, 04:21 AM »
Well my take is simple. I use computers for living.

I do not like MS neither Google. I like my clients. If they use MS or G. and pay me to make something for it, I do it. I use computers for living.

I like Linux. I like my clients. If they do not use Linux and neither pay me, I do not use it. I use computers for living.

I like privacy. I like quick information for my work. If MS or G. knows what I do, I let them know. I use computers for living.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: WinToFlash Pro Sale 7USD
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:26 AM »
Installed VirtualBox and WinXp on it.

I am happy  :D Thanks a lot. In full screen WinXp looks like normal Xp machine and my son can understand the control panels correcly. Though the help was wanting Google helped in most cases. Also VirtualBox ver. 5 is better if not best from earlier version, as I found out.

I now feel this is better approach than the Xp boot usb.
1. I get to work in same file both from Win8 64 bit and WinXp, via shared folder.
2. No reboot
3. I can check my programs in Xp as a separate machine without all default installations in main machine. This helps to find out all missing dlls.
4. Can check my 16 bit programs, before converting them. My OS is 64 bit




Does it really validate an email ?
or is some joke !

Yes, we have copied codes from "Learn in n days.." books and also have got some in accompanied CDs. But those were always taken , and were, sample codes.

Now in StackOverflow and other website they give solution to "How to I send mail in .Net ?" and these fellows think that they have got the gold mine. Just copy them and you can send the mails.

There is no understanding of the working of the copied code, forget about doing some testing on it.

I was wondering, when a new appointee in our office developing a .Net project, was searching StackOverflow and copy - pasting codes in the project. Since he was not under me, I just wondered how he is going to get all codes for the project of our clients.  :huh:

As expected all codes were working except the product. The client ran away.

Now I see this is how all new programmers are learning to code, copy - paste.

Why there was no help for us when we were working hard to read a text file correctly, which had some lower ASCII characters in it.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: WinToFlash Pro Sale 7USD
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:31 AM »
Thanks Innuendo

I checked and found I have WinXp and even Win98 CDs !!

Downloaded VirtualBox. Will inform after I install and check them.



Found Deals and Discounts / Re: WinToFlash Pro Sale 7USD
« on: July 11, 2015, 03:29 AM »
I understnad this will make a usb bootable xp setup, like a cd/dvd.

I was looking for something like,
1. boot from usb
2. start Xp
3. more or less all standard options
4. access hdd for document files
5. all xp required files shd be in usb itself

Now that usb size are going GB and above, latest computer / laptops having os win 8 and above, I am finding it difficult to show the xp screen and control panels etc. as given in my son's school books.

It is difficult to show him Win 8.1 control panel and tell him think it is Xp control panel !!

My old Xp machine has conked and repairing it is costing more that a new Win 8 machine.

Any idea how I can get it ?



General Software Discussion / Re: cannot copy/paste in word
« on: May 28, 2015, 10:29 AM »
This is news to me, that Office 365 do not have the standard shortcut keys defined. What we call this progress / new features ??

Thanks Curt, this will help save me time when I use this version.



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