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Messages - Giampy [ switch to compact view ]

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Thank you MilesAhead for your tips.
The program you showed doesn't work for me, I adapted it for the command Attrib but I didn't succeed, however your tips about "drag & drop files" brought me to compose this line:

for %%A in (%*) do (attrib +a %%A)

"Drag & drop" files and the program works now. I hope to further develop it for my needs.

With regard to utilities: I select some files in Windows Explorer, and I wonder how it's possible to pass their names to a Dos command...

General Software Discussion / Re: A double visualization
« on: June 05, 2015, 02:13 PM »
there's often a separate brightness slider for video overlay windows

I think you have hit the target.
No, I haven't the item "overlay". I believe it's just what I need.

Now I will try to update the driver.

General Software Discussion / Re: A double visualization
« on: June 05, 2015, 07:11 AM »
Oh yes, I read the comments now. Thank you.

General Software Discussion / Re: A double visualization
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:29 AM »
might be worth reading through the newegg reviews?

No, in that page there are data only. I'd like to read instead some comments from users who have/had my same graphic card (or my same motherboard). I am trying to understand if the drawback I reported is due to that graphic card.

General Software Discussion / Re: A double visualization
« on: June 05, 2015, 04:39 AM »
If someone owns/owned the graphic card Intel G41 or better still the motherboard Asus P5QPL-AM, I would appreciate much to know his/her experience.

General Software Discussion / A double visualization
« on: June 04, 2015, 11:45 AM »
Hi all,
in my PC I see everything fine but in three cases I see a rather dark window: most of video by Youtube, most of video by the player, the windows of certain programs that show a bad combination of colors (for example gray characters on a black background).
To see correctly those windows I must increase the brightness of the monitor and of course I must decrease it when I have finished.

I don't understand why such double behaviour of my system.

Is my graphic card (Intel G41) or its driver a horrid product?

Living Room / Re: Audio clipping in MP4 and MP3
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:42 AM »
Curt, where is that window? I can't find it.

Living Room / Audio clipping in MP4 and MP3
« on: May 30, 2015, 01:48 AM »
Hi all.

I downloaded a video by YTD, I got a MP4 file, and then I opened it by Audacity. The sound was almost all clipped. Almost all the spectrum was cutted/flattened at its edges.

Then, using YTD again, I converted the file in MP3 lowering the volume. Then I was going to open the MP3 by Audacity again.
It was only an extreme try, a curiosity, no hope to see a different result. In fact it's impossible that a clipped sound can magically turn into a regular sound, right?

Well, when I opened the MP3 by Audacity, I realized that the sound was no longer clipped. It was fine, it was whole.

How may it be explained?

This is more an oddity than real humor.

Exceptional transports:


Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: May 18, 2015, 01:00 AM »

Still with regard to knots (see dedicated thread)... here are Slipknot, one of my favorite bands:

Living Room / Any difficulty in doing knots?
« on: May 17, 2015, 03:08 AM »

Any difficulty in doing knots? Don't worry:

And/or search for "animated knots" in Google Video.

This episode happens at Hawaii.

A Jewish merchant tries to sell twine. He deals with a guy and starts to convince him to buy the twine. After many minutes the guy gets peeved because of such insistence, so he decides to get rid of the merchant and says ironically: "OK, I will buy your twine. I will buy as much twine as the distance between your nose and the top of your pee-pee".

After some days the guy sees a long line of trucks coming to him. They are full of twine.
The guy, amazed: "What is that stuff???"
Jewish merchant: "It's what you ordered"
The guy screams: "I didn't order that!!! Damn!!! BUT WHO ARE YOU???"
"Who am I?" the merchant answers, "My name is Benjamin Sharon, I live here now,

but I was circumcised at Warsaw..."

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: May 12, 2015, 04:47 PM »

Attractive players  :-* and wonderful music  :Thmbsup: :

General Software Discussion / Re: Registry Backup
« on: April 28, 2015, 02:09 PM »
The link in my first post has a good explanation... It is worth reading I think.

I had already read those pages but there are technical terms I don't know/understand (API? In my zone API are bees.  :) ).

I thought Regedit was a distinctive program.

General Software Discussion / Re: Registry Backup
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:40 AM »
I copy the registry even by Regedit of Windows.
What about this method? Is it reliable? Does it export the whole registry just like the VSS method?

General Software Discussion / Re: Registry Backup
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:33 AM »
It seems there are little programs using VSS. Another one is RegBackup:


Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: April 25, 2015, 03:49 PM »

Pleasant song, seductive singer, and a ugly mug guitarist  :) :


More irritating than fun:

Cucina e Facebook.jpg

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:55 AM »

Quality of video and audio is very bad, however I like very much the performance (especially the first half of the video):

I constantly use certain programs in virtual environment. No trash in my PC.
Virtualization is sometimes a solution.

I find bothersome that blue bar that follows us when we scroll the page

Let me vent (semi OT).

Blue bar apart, I care to say I deeply appreciate the look of Donationcoder as it's perfectly readable.

Websites are bleaching. Use of pale characters on a white background is the main plague of internet. Many websites are almost illegible thanks to idiots who choose that "up-to-date" combination and other damned "modern" devilments.

Therefore I congratulate Mouser for keeping Donationcoder so well readable.  :Thmbsup:

I find bothersome that blue bar that follows us when we scroll the page.
I would accept such bar if it were a static element put in a corner, just like any other button, for example just like the bar "FORUM HOME - MY PROFILE - THREAD MARKS - CHAT! - DOWNLOADS - SEARCH - UNREAD POSTS".

"It seems Uhuru was able to detect the new malwares from the Equation Group":


I just got a free USB stick

What brand and model?

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