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General Software Discussion / Daily prompting journal
« on: June 23, 2017, 01:13 PM »
Any recommendations for a daily journal application on windows?

Applications that prompt at periodic intervals, and save entries into a searchable system would be great. I tried Anuran from our own DC member, but I felt it was too basic for my use - because it does not support rich text, does not have a calendar, and search results were not filtered as you type.

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Program Idea: Configurable application launcher
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:57 AM »
This is my first idea suggestion for NANY. I have probably searched and tried out most of the available ones: including BrowserChooser and BrowserChooser2 (the latter started as a fork of the former, but now appears abandoned).

I've also tried using Selector a while back when the Favessoft was available. But I find it takes too many actions.

Browser selectors were a fairly frequent request here on DC:
IDEA: Choose which browser will open a url from external app (here)
IDEA: Shell extension which would let you choose which browser opens a hyperlink (here)

Coming back to the idea. I've no programming experience, but can help with UI reviews. Also after reading through many threads, I assume creating a configurable launcher is probably not an easy task.

Nevertheless, here's what could be a useful tool:
1. When a user performs a specific click (say Ctrl+Middle-click) on a URL, a quick selector is displayed. Instead of a mouse click, a similar action could be performed using the keyboard (say a Ctrl+Shift+Return on the keyboard).
2. A user should have the ability to specify that some domains directly open up in a specific browser. This particular feature might be a quite a bit of coding, I reckon.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

In our community-run library, we have about 20 computers connected through a LAN. Between them, we have upwards of 150,000 files stored on four computers. These files are of format .doc, .html, .pdf, .txt, .xls and .msg. We've been trying to come up with a search solution that will allow users (who are decently computer savvy) to search all the files, and them access them over the network.

Is it possible to:
  • Run a freeware desktop search on the central server and access the search engine on the local LAN?
  • Index network drives of four computers, and make them searchable?

We tried to implement this using Google Desktop with a web-server called DNKA ( Unfortunately, the latest version of Google desktop that DNKA 0.49 supports is GDS 4.2006.0627; we need to use GDS 5, or later.

fSekrit / Search as you type (or incremental search) in fSekrit
« on: August 16, 2008, 01:01 PM »
For a while now, I've been looking for an encryption tool that allows me to store data in a text file, and provides reasonable security. This is because, on occasions, I've to share my desktop, and fSekrit fits the bill.

But, one feature that I'd love to see is incremental search. As Jef Raskin so eloquently put it, "A search is either incremental or excremental." ;)

Do you feel it is doable? I understand it may go against the keep it small and simple philosophy of fSekrit, but...

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