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Topics - BobTravis [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
UrlSnooper / Booting Url Snooper?
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:01 AM »
My pc has started to boot very slowly. I would like to know if there is a way to launch Url Snooper in "sniff" mode from the start menu in Win 8.1?  I would like to see if I accidentally installed a key logger that may be causing the slowness. Thanks for any suggestions you have.


A friend sent me some jpeg images from a Facebook page. I tried to "un-Facebook" the images by clicking on each picture's properties followed by the cmd (command) "Remove Properties and Personal Information." Doing this trashed all of the jpegs and this Windows task lacks an "undo" button.  I spent last night looking for an affordable program ($20 or so) but couldn't find anything, so, having found some cool programs before here (especially URL Snooper) I decided to ask. Thanks.


UrlSnooper / Request for license messages?
« on: January 09, 2006, 10:48 PM »
I only began to notice this after getting a PDA. When I used to just download streaming media to my pc I rarely got any kind of message about the media needing a license before it would play, but since getting a PDA for Christmas I notice that a lot of songs and a lot of video I download wants a license before it will play on my PDA. What can I do to duplicate the license that must (apparently) be present on my pc so the same data will play on my PDA?  If there is no easy answer is there a way to fix Url Snooper so it can run on a Pocket PC (IPAQ) and are there any programs like SDP that can run from a Pocket PC.

Thanks for a clue.


UrlSnooper / What can you tell from a URL?
« on: January 09, 2006, 10:39 PM »
Someone asked me today to find out what search engine is used by I thought maybe if I did some searches there the info I want would be found by URL Snooper. No dice. At least not this time. Oh, it is still an unbelieveably useful program, but I guess it can't do everything, or if it can then I just don't know how to interpret the evidence. Thanks for a clue (if there is one).


cc to [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] so I have a 1 in 4 chance of getting your reply eventually even if it's not here the first time I come back to check. Thanks.   :Thmbsup:

Pages: [1]