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Messages - Fangas [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
General Software Discussion / Re: FileNanny
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:22 AM »

Perfect, just what I was after.

Thank you

General Software Discussion / Re: FileNanny
« on: July 18, 2013, 05:15 AM »
That's the one I have. But it isn't the one I had. The one I had was like this;

Right click on a Zip file
Context Menu came up
Choose "File Nanny This" (That was the text)
File Nanny created a new folder with the name of the zip file
Placed the zip file inside it.
Then closed.
Leaving the new folder where the zip file was.

That was it. No questions asked

General Software Discussion / FileNanny
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:15 AM »
I'm rebuilding my system after crash. When I went to install FileNanny, it wasn't what I remembered.

The one I had set in the Context Menu and simply asked "File Nanny this". At which time, it created a folder, placed the target file in it, then left it in the originating folder.

The one I have asks for a name, then disappears.

I have to admit, XP is doing very odd things, and I'm in the process of a planned Clean Install. It could be me.


Finished Programs / Re: IDEA. Create folder icon within folders INI
« on: December 15, 2010, 05:59 AM »

I stumbled onto Folderico 3.7.2 for Windows XP and it appears to do what I want.

Thanks again for the help.


Finished Programs / Re: IDEA. Create folder icon within folders INI
« on: December 14, 2010, 10:09 AM »


Finished Programs / Re: IDEA. Create folder icon within folders INI
« on: December 14, 2010, 09:44 AM »
Thanks for the welcome.

I just tried Icolor. it's not exactly what I'm looking for.

Every app. I've tried has had the .INI file point to an icon outside of the folder. I've used Folder Marker in the past but, again when it creates the Ini, it points to an external icon. I've been working around that by first pasting the icon I want, inside the folder I want to change, then using Folder Marker to create an Ini pointing to it.

It's just that, that's a lot of steps and I'm kinda lazy. Blame it on File Nanny. (An indispensable little tool for me)

Maybe an Ini won't even work.

Imagine a folder with a custom icon, I copy it to my flash drive, then I copy from the flash to another PC, I'm looking for that last copy to still show the custom icon. Instead of the generic.


Finished Programs / SOLVED: Create folder icon within folders INI
« on: December 14, 2010, 08:21 AM »
First post here, by far not the first visit. Hope I'm doing this right and in the right place.

I'm looking for a Context Menu selection to create a new icon for the folder. It would copy a chosen icon to that folder, create a Desktop.Ini, then point the Ini to the copied icon within the folder.

My goal is to have an easy (lazy) way to embed the icon within the folder so that when I copy it to a thumb drive the icon stays with it.

I hope that explains it.


Pages: [1]