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Post New Requests Here / [IDEA] hotkey/shortcut tracker
« on: May 26, 2021, 11:43 AM »
As I age (more rapidly than I expected) I find myself forgetting my favorite hotkeys.  Were they defined in the app?  The OS?  In FARR?  AutoHotKey?  And what were they anyway?  Was it alt-q, ctrl-q, alt-shift-Q?  Where do I live?  And was I supposed to go to the bathroom before the meeting started? ;)

So here's my fantasy: I open up an app that tracks all my hotkey uses across devices.  It's got them split up by the app I use them in, sorted by frequency of use (in that app), a reference to where they're defined, and an editable description field for what I once thought they did.

How 'bout it science?  Any takers?

I'm hoping to grep text files from the FARR command line, or at least open ScanFs with the arguments I type in to FARR.

Based on this 10-year old thread: https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=13567.0
... I end up with the following alias in myaliases.alias (just changing the launch path).

<Result>grep $$1 $$2 | C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Saleen Software\Saleen ScanFs\ScanFs.exe /path=$$1 /contents=&quot;$$2&quot;&gt;+&gt;^grep (\S*) (.*)</Result>

If I type "grep" into FARR it opens ScanFs, but has whatever I typed in to ScanFs the last time it ran.  If I try to add arguments in FARR ("grep *.txt needle") I just get from FARR "Sorry, no results."

Any suggestions *greatly* appreciated!

Find And Run Robot / farr lock in: plugin or feature request?
« on: September 12, 2017, 08:38 AM »
Would this be a plugin or a feature: When I launch farr I basically want it to own the focus until I choose something from farr.  i.e., nobody gets the focus until farr allows it, or if they do somehow it immediately takes it back and restores my cursor position.  So no accidental mouse clicks outside of farr, and no background processes launching that seem to vaporize the focus.

So if I launch farr, I'm either going to select something from the search bar, open farr help, open farr options, or hit <esc> to deliberately exit.

Man, that would be golden for me...

Is there a way to use the keyboard to get form the FARR command line (where I type) straight into the "Shell Context Menu" or "Properties" for the top item in the result list?  I've been right-clicking on the item and then navigating to one of those two menu choices with the mouse.

Thanks for any help-

Got most of it crammed into the subject there.  I have a new laptop and somewhat regularly I bring up farr and start typing only to find that I accidentally touched the mouse pad.  So the focus has left the farr command entry area and may be in another app, or on the desktop, or even still in farr but down on one of the items in the result list.

Any ideas for coding a hotkey to take me back to the farr focus?  Could be in farr, but I'm also lightly versed in ahk.  Current workaround is to re-hit the hotkey I use to launch farr, but depending on where the focus is, sometimes one re-click does it, sometimes 2, and occasionally 3.  I'm not tied to preserving anything I might have already entered successfully (ok to kill off the farr session and start over, or to leave it as is and just get me back).

Thanks for any suggests!  Sorry to be burning people's time with my fat thumb pads. ;)

Find And Run Robot / Find Or Load URL?
« on: January 26, 2016, 12:58 PM »

I have a number of urls that I visit pretty regularly.  I create links to them and put all the links in a folder in my FARR path.

So far, so good.

But sometimes I go to open one of the url's from FARR and then discover I already had it open in an existing browser tab.  Or, I think I have it open in the first place and end up alt-tabbing and ctrl-tabbing to the browser(s) and through the tabs but come up empty (and then launch it from FARR). 

Is there a way in FARR to bring a browser tab up to the foreground if it's already open, OR open the url if it isn't?

Thanks for any suggests-

Find And Run Robot / access windows explorer context menu from farr?
« on: December 27, 2015, 09:34 AM »
Sometimes I find a file through farr, but instead of opening it I want something off the winexp context menu (edit, open with, delete, rename).  Any way to get there from farr?

Find And Run Robot / farrfox preferred format for bookmarks.html?
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:42 PM »
For a while now my firefox bookmarks all create double entries in farrfox (each bookmark in bookmarks.html shows up twice in the farrfox results list).

Any idea what format farrfox prefers for the contents of bookmarks.html?

I tried FFBookmarkUnpacker (found in the dc forum) but a good half or so of my bookmarks don't get unpacked.  I also would rather not have all of my bookmarks showing up in all farr searches.  I like telling farr when it is I want to search only my bookmarks (by invoking farrfox).

I can code, and I should be able to parse through bookmarks.html and write out any alternative format.

Thanks for any help or suggestions!

Back when we were all in grade school, if you typed "Ctrl-O" into farr it would open the options window.

I vaguely recall a post that it was conflicting with something else and had to get unplugged.

Is there a way for me to wire this back up in my own installation?  I still miss having a hotkey that would take me from the farr command window into the options window.

Thanks for any suggestions!

I have fcalc 1.11.01 and in the config box under "Regular Expression (custom override)" I have:

^=(.*)$|^=$|^fc (.*)$|^fc$

... which brings up fcalc when I type '=' into farr.  So far so good.

But after I do a calculation, say '=1+2' and hit enter, it shows the expression and the result in the window below and it replaces the command line with 'fc ' and at the bottom of the window it says 'FCalc plugin by mouser'.  But it doesn't respond to further typing.  For example, 'fc 3*4' does not show 12.  Although it does still say 'Fcalc plugin by mouser' at the bottom.  If I remove the space 'fc3' it switches back to a farr search and shows me anything that matches fc3.

Would love to type '=1+2' and get '3', and then continue typing '3*4' and get '12'.

In the "Regular Expression match (default)" box I have:

^fc (.*)$|^fc$

Thanks for any suggestions.

Sorry I can't quite get my head around a way to do this from farr.

I currently have a farr hotkey defined with the "Text for Search Edit Box" set to "search\s".  And "search" is defined as an alias with about 15 results, the first of which is a google search.  So when I use the hotkey I type my search text into farr and hit enter, which opens my browser (firefox) with the google results.

I have firefox set to open links like this in the current tab, which is what I prefer most of the time.  But there are times I'd basically like farr to open a new tab in ff and then open the google results there (effectively opening my results in a new tab, but without changing that preference in firefox).

I found 'sendkeys' in farr, but can't get my head around getting farr to switch from whatever app I start in, over to Firefox, then send the keys to open a tab, then go back to farr and run the 'search' alias.

Thanks for any help!

Find And Run Robot / help searching recipes.docx from farr?
« on: July 11, 2014, 02:11 PM »
I have a bunch of cooking recipes stored in a Microsoft Word document.  Each recipe has a title in bold and underlined, followed by plain text with the ingredients and instructions.  Ideally, I'd like to be able to search the recipes from FARR.  Maybe type something like "recipes chicken" into FARR and have the recipes that have "chicken" in their title show up in the results list.  When you select a recipe from the results list in FARR, it opens the ms-word doc to that page/recipe.  (Search by ingredients would be cool too, but feels pretty steep)

I are a good programmer and can write scripts, apps, vba macros, .... and the like.

The only thing I've found so far on the ms-word side is the ability to create a url that will open a document to a particular bookmark in that document.  Not a bad start, I can easily go through the doc and make each recipe title it's own bookmark.  But how to feed something like the list of bookmarks to FARR results?

Thanks for any suggestions, however tangential!

Find And Run Robot / possible to re-attach 'options' to Alt-O?
« on: February 20, 2014, 10:16 AM »
I see in the forum that Alt-O got unwired from the 'options' panel due to an external conflict.  I know how to add hotkeys, but don't know how to tell it to open the farr options panel.  Is it possible?


Find And Run Robot / lost control panel items in top results
« on: February 19, 2014, 07:14 AM »

Items in the control panel ("Add or Remove Programs" and the like) used to come up as I typed, but somewhere along the line they stopped. ;(

Under 'options' and aliases I have 'cpanel' checked, and I do see the control panel items when I type 'cpanel' (and hit 'Enter'), but they used to come up directly (as I was typing 'add or rem....').

After opening the file cpanel.alias I created a shortcut called 'AddOrRemovePrograms' and pointed it to %windir%\system32\control.exe with all the params copied from cpanel.alias.  If I put the shortcut in one of my folders, *that* works, but maybe a better way?

Thanks for any help.  Running Win XP Pro if that makes a diff.

Somewhere in an update I lost a button on the "Popup Choice Dialog" that used to copy the image to the clipboard.  Now I have a button that says "To clipboard:" that opens a second set of buttons where I select Image, Path, or File.

It's small, but is there a way to get the single button back?  Or have "To clipboard" copy the image to the clipboard, without requiring the second click on the second set of buttons?

Many apologies if I've missed this, or caused it inadvertently.

Thanks a million for the great app!!

Hey All-

Can anyone recommend a lightweight app that can watch one of my folders for changes to the files or sub folders and give me a restore/undo so I can backup to a previous version(s)?  Not sure what to call it, and hoping for something minimal (little to no learning curve).  I thought of writing a script to just snapshot periodically with WinZip or 7Z, but figured there's probably something a little more integrated out there.

Thanks for any suggests-

Find And Run Robot / farr forgetting last window position
« on: July 23, 2012, 10:12 AM »
Out of the blue, farr no longer remembering it's last position.  The ini has the correct coordinates in MainLeft and MainTop (which is up at the top of the screen), but FARR keeps opening in the middle of the screen (even after I move it to the top where I want it).

Thanks for any help.  Apologies if this is in the options, or the forum, but I couldn't find it in either place.

FARR did some updates yesterday, I am now running v 2.104.02, but when FARR launches I get an error "while loading C:\Program Files" (error shown below).  Most of FARR seems to be running, but I have lost the timer feature.  When I "Click to examine and configure plugins", the "CZB Pack" does not show up in that first list, but when I click "Check for plugin updates", it shows CZB_Pack v.0.24 and says it is installed and up to date.  I downloaded the CZB_Pack and unzipped it into the plugin folder, but no affect on the startup or loss of "tm".

I did find "pluginlog.txt" and there's an "Error initializing plugin do_init function" for FarrFox that's been logging regularly since August of 2011, but FARRFox is working.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.  Also interested in disabling the automatic updates.

Screenshot Captor / possible to miminize "New Screenshot" window?
« on: August 19, 2010, 12:36 PM »
Is there a way to minimize the window that says, "You have captured a new screenshot, what now?" (the minimize icon is greyed up in the title bar).

If not, any chance that could be allowed in the future?

Thanks for any help. 

Screenshot Captor / how to remove (or move) "older" folder?
« on: July 11, 2010, 06:27 PM »
If I leave SCC open too long, it creates a folder named "OLDER" on my desktop (my preferred location for file saves).

Is there a way to get it to not do this?

I do not mind loosing anything it would ever save it there.

Thanks for any help-

Screenshot Captor / can't change Save As default file type
« on: February 11, 2010, 01:54 PM »
I'm looking for a way to change the default file type used in the "Save As" dialog.

In the Screenshot Captor Options, under "Image File Format" I set the default image file format to JPG.  But when I capture an image and select "Save Image As", the dialog that says "Save Copy of Image As..." is always set to BMP.

Thanks for any help.  Sorry I couldn't find it on my own.


I'm looking for a way to open Chrome from FARR if it's not already open (or bring it to the foreground if it is already open), and have it point to my gmail inbox (or gmail compose).  My default browser is not Chrome (it's FireFox).

Any help/suggestions greatly welcome.


I am currently running 2.22.01 and somewhere in the last one or two updates this feature stopped working.  I hit enter, and if the first result is an alias it no longer launches, it just auto-completes whatever I have typed (like I hit tab instead of Enter).  I do have this feature checked in the options.

Thanks for any help-

I have just upgraded to the latest farr and now my aliases do not launch when they are the top item in the result list.  Instead, when I hit enter to launch them, if I haven't typed the complete name, all that happens is the rest of the Group Alias Name gets pasted up where I am typing and the result list is filtered to reflect that.  Then, when I hit enter the second time it actually launches.  Most everything else, including aliases where I have typed the entire Group Alias Name, are working as they used to (launch on enter, whatever item is at the top of the results list).

Related (?): When I'm using fcalc (also newly updated) and hit [enter], it used to just add the current expression/result to the result list below.  Now, it closes out fcalc, replaces what I've typed with "fc", and shows a farr result list containing everything with "fc" in it.

Thanks for any help-

I have a couple of FARR hotkeys that I wish would go ahead and execute, rather than wait for me to press Enter.

Is there anything I'm overlooking?  Tips?


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