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Messages - tekknokat [ switch to compact view ]

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Screenshot Captor / Please Assist with Forum Coder
« on: May 13, 2022, 10:01 PM »

I have used Forum Coder off and on since 2020 when I need help, and my Windows 7 build died in a heap of steam and smoke.  I got a Windows 10 build to replace it, and ScreenCapture to ask for help.  I am extremely stupid and learning disabled made only worse by a local hospital refusing to give me oxygen when I had pneumonia a couple years ago, the result was I got stupider.

When I first installed the program I could use the quick-capture bar to take screenshots of problems and ask for help, show what the difficulty was.  Now when I take screnshots they are only 320 x 320 in size rather than fullscreen.  I used to be able to take full screen shots, and take limited size screenshots by moving the broken-line border until it covered the part of screen I wanted captured, and capturing that.  Now none of those options are available just a 320 x 320 random portion of screen that randomly captures any area of the screen without guidance or user control at all.   

When I woke up today it was like I was stupider than any day ever.  I tried to read the help and it made no sense at all, English was like a foreign language to me.  I went to the hospital to see if they could help with the brain fog, and they were no help at all. 

What happened to merely taking a fullscreen shot in Windows?  Was that disabled if we don't pay to use the app now?



I am using Windows 10 and Screenshot Capture 4.36.1, I believe it's the latest non beta version.  When I try to display the Quick-Capture bar by right-clicking the option in the system tray icon, it will not display.  I have tried closing Screenshot Captor and re-launching it, also rebooting Windows 10 since it has been running for 1 day and 19 hours.  I use this "gaming PC" as a media player for living room PC, and the 2nd monitor as the "Main Display" in Windows 10 settings, so that all task bars, folders, and apps launch in the small display that sits on the desk where I work.  Videos I launch in the MPC-BE are displayed on the living room television, but they are mostly processed by the GPU, not the CPU which is running the apps where I am at the desk.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  The Quick-Capture bar is very helpful.  I don't see a keyboard shortcut or hotkey to open it, I can only click on the system icon and select the Quick-Capture bar from the menu it shows me.

I found the Quick-Capture bar on the 2nd monitor.  I feel foolish for not checking there before.  I tried so many things and it now seems an obvious place to check.  Since Windows 10 makes so many exceptions for what you can, or CANNOT do rather on the 2nd display (television), it seems like a programmer might be able to code the ability to only allow the Quick-Capture bar on the "Main" display ONLY, or at least make it an option in the Preferences, if it is not already there.  I couldn't find it, doesn't mean it isn't there, just means my aging 50 year old brain, with years of adult partying in my 20s couldn't find it.  That means my brain has been impaired by almost a decade of excessive alcohol consumption, and medication for depression and various other medical conditions that have made an impact on mental focus.  If it's there I overlooked it, apologies.

I must congratulate Screenshot Capture's developer(s), Mouse is it?  This is by far the most amazing screenshot application for Windows 10 I have ever tried.  It is very thorough and offers every option that one might need when capturing screenshots.  Thank you for developing this advanced screenshot application.


Nathan Alan

Screenshot Captor / Re: version 4.39.0 ?
« on: December 25, 2020, 05:43 PM »

I downloaded the version not offered for beta or nightly build.

It says it is v 4.36.0 when I check for updates.
Then I went to check the Help page and it says there that on Jan 2, 2020 it will update to 4.36.2 (then I remember that  Help window is a web page of sorts that opens up an edit-able web page, that's right).

I checked updates again and now I have 4.36.1 . . .

At any rate, thank you.   I have a question and I am not sure if it's ok to start a new topic since I haven't posted in the forum before.


Nathan Alan

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