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Messages - bandit012345 [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
General Software Discussion / Re: Frameless v1.1.8 build 1
« on: December 07, 2022, 02:11 PM »
"clickthrough=yes" ??? Wait, what? Is there a new version I don't know about?
I'm still using v1.1.8 build 1 with no clickthrough option.
Could you please provide the newer download url?
Thank you!


General Software Discussion / Re: Frameless v1.1.8 build 1
« on: December 06, 2022, 11:37 PM »
2022... 10 years later and I'm still using frameless ...because it's awesome!

My only issue is that I have been unable to lock the "x=c y=c" so the image that I placed in the center of the screen cannot be moved.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


General Software Discussion / Frameless v1.1.8 build 1
« on: December 23, 2016, 03:02 PM »
It was nice to see some command-line options added.
If any requests for Frameless are being accepted, I have two.
1) Prevent mouse from dragging image around screen. Lock x-y coordinates.
2) Allow animated gifs to show Desktop through transparent areas.

That's it. Those are my ideas.

Thanks for putting out an already amazing product!

Finished Programs / Re: Frameless.exe
« on: November 28, 2015, 04:52 AM »
I don't know if frameless.exe is still being developed, I haven't seen any new releases since v1.1.7 build 1 going back to 2014, but I'm using that version and gave up on semi-transparent animated .gifs
Maybe one day the author/creator will add some features.

Here is the latest animated .gif I was working on. It goes hand-in-hand with a .bat program I created that runs Piriform's CCleaner to shut down Windows 10.

Thanks all for the input and help. It is much appreciated!

I recently used a program called "Image Overlay Utility" and it had 2 features that were really cool.
- Click Thru (keeps the open image always on top and cannot be moved, but objects can be moved under it)
- Region transparency (if an image contains areas of transparency, you can see the desktop in those areas - but the rest of the image remains solid)
If Frameless is still being developed, I would like to add these options as a suggestion.

P.S. "Image Overlay Utility" requires a license to work with command-line. That's why I still use Frameless.

Finished Programs / Re: Frameless.exe
« on: October 27, 2015, 10:43 PM »
Hi Tomos, sorry I didn't see your reply in top of IainB's reply.
A lot of machines? Maybe 10 to 15.
It's for non-commercial/private use on family & friend's computers.
Did you have something in mind?

Finished Programs / Re: Frameless.exe
« on: October 24, 2015, 05:52 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions IainB.
It does 85% of what I'm looking for.
The only thing it is missing is; Lock x, y, coordinates and; no right-click on image (click-thru) kind of like a Always On Top Ghost.
Image Overlay Utility is an amazing program except for the licensing limitations, and each time the program is run it goes online to verify the license. :(
What a shame!

Finished Programs / Re: Frameless.exe
« on: October 23, 2015, 03:17 PM »
I found a program that does what I need it to.
It's called: Image Overlay Utility
It allows:
> transparency through even in an animated .gif
> Click-thru (like a ghost image always on top)
> Disable all right functions on image (when Click-thru is enabled)
See my attached pic.
The only issue is... You have to purchase a license, $5.00 for only 3 computers.
Use of this license on more than 3 computers will cause it to void the license.
Does anyone know of a powerful software like this without licensing limitations?
or... is Frameless still being developed with newer features?

Finished Programs / Re: Frameless.exe
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:01 AM »
Thanks for the reply.
I am looking for a program/utility that allows alpha transparency using multiple .png files - basically like an animated .gif only with transparency to the Desktop behind.

Circle Dock / CustomDesktopLogo.exe error messages
« on: November 28, 2014, 04:57 AM »
I get these error messages from Circle Dock when compiling my project into an .exe

Finished Programs / Re: Frameless.exe
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:29 PM »
I'll repost my original question to whom ever is out there; Is there a way to show a picture using Frameless.exe (or a program like it) allowing for Desktop background transparency?

Finished Programs / Re: Frameless.exe
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:48 PM »
It would if it were real, it's just an animated .gif I made just to illustrate what I was talking about. Lol!
I'm looking for a program (like Frameless.exe) that can load animated .gif's but allow for transparency.
Example: When you load Adobe Reader, the logo is semi-transparent.

Finished Programs / Frameless.exe
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:27 PM »
Is there a way to show a picture using Frameless.exe allowing for Desktop background transparency?
See attached pic

Pages: [1]