Well I search a solution for this and after some research a find a very primitive one...only a list of the unique files
You need the program
HashMyFiles from Nirsoft.
Conventions in this explanation:
Big_Folder (the folder with more files)
Small_Folder (the folder with fewer files)
The procedure is this:
- Open HashMyFiles and in Options --> Hash Types only select MD5 hash (you only need a hash to identify the files)
- In HashMyFiles drag the Big_Folder wait a little and the program would calculate the MD5 hashes.
- In View --> Choose Colums only select MD5 & Full Path (in that order)
- Select All (Ctrl+A)
- Save Selected Items (Ctrl+S) . Choose Tab Delimited text file in Type. Name the file Big.txt
- You ended with a file like this:
e520af771051085a0d88f681b1e3aa07 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\ir41_32.ax
652809bf6fc8ff180094b069f0612188 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\ir50_32.dll
727641a2c4b80374aa03da42a62cc6d9 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\ivm.dll
261ceeafb613f8ae1ec96814a0a4ed8f C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\IVMSource.ax
9c4fe9c4f64947a8778fa9f588aae4a0 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\mc.dll
5a4cb17bfcba5d7d78f8296408dfacda C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\media.db
b7f43e6dc5b7199f5dc12e3a6ca00848 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\MediaInfo.dll
8d803ebe525991e6c85ac047d39b569a C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\mkunicode.dll
51424ca9507cfb6eaf19ab4c78273b88 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\mkx.dll
9df0f8c0acc5548f32906f6ea4d222b1 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\mkzlib.dll
e7d1fed458491c4963da4529756d46dc C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\mmamrdmx.ax
17cf953ae7ea3128f1a8d44a39746011 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\mp4.dll
43316f8a3072ce9ba9a82526e7f94987 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\ogm.dll
dc1defde4f0b51bd17332586d0962786 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\PmpSplitter.ax
7668248c3101e6cca0b88fc9ea99f6a3 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\RadGtSplitter.ax
f8dd535c7c145b18d31e00d40f1ffef8 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\rlapedec.ax
263e1422ef9fb6a21922dc6282fe0431 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\settings.db
79d5c71c74566beb2bb18e392f2403bf C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\sinet.dll
9dcf8871a1c8fbf20fbd9cd8b332cea4 C:\Users\USER\Portable.Programs\Splayer\smackw32.dll
- Again in HashmyFiles Clear All (Ctrl+X).
- Now drag Small_Folder in HashMyFiles
- In View --> Choose Colums only select MD5
- Select All (Ctrl+A)
- Save Selected Items (Ctrl+S) . Choose Tab Delimited text file in Type. Name the file Small.txt
- You ended with a file like this:
Now open a command window and change to the folder you saved
Big.txt and
Small.txt and type this command:
findstr /v /g:small.txt big.txt > diff.txt
In the file
diff.txt you have only the unique files (and his MD5 hashes).
Edit in Notepad++ or any other plain text editor what permit block (or column) selection
(In Notepad++ alt+arrow keys or alt+mouse drag) to remove the MD5 hashes and you end with a list of unique files only.
If you use Teracopy or Fastcopy you can use my Software
DualCopy to paste that list and copy that files.
Edit: Make sure what your file names dont cointains UNICODE chars because the resulting txt would be Unicode and the command findstr DONT WORK WITH UNICODE STRINGS.