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Messages - rosario [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
What's the Best? / Re: Anti-Virus Package
« on: March 16, 2006, 06:28 AM »


avast! Home v4.6
BN rating: [4.6/5.0]
Pros: very low resource usage, very stable.  one of the only free AVs with x64 support.
Cons: slightly cluttered GUI.

Please where to download this version ? The url you typed lands on the version 4 download page and I can't find the 4.6 version you said . . .


Make sure you check out BooZet's freeware Visual CD for listing files, folders, . . . . (CUT)

Hi, I'm using it from a couple of years, Win98 and Xp. It's easy, fast and full featured.
It's a pity when you move the *.vcs files. You need to re-build manually the Favorites List, damn.

Anyway, it's very good,


Pages: [1]