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Messages - lujomu [ switch to compact view ]

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Environment variables now do work in target, arguments and working directory field and the app icons are also displayed properly! Perfect!  :Thmbsup:

'Play audio file' action does work great and certainly makes things easier and neater!

Hey skwire, I had some time to test the new version. Here are my thoughts:

  • The environment variable support seems to work fine for the target of an entry. Could the support maybe be extended to the arguments and the working directory? I'd like to run something like this:
    Arguments:/profile "_Data @%ComputerName%"
    Working directory:%DataDrive%\Apps\Launchy
    As a workaround one can simply launch a shortcut (LNK file) with the corresponding entries. This way all environment variables are evaluated properly. Only drawback is, Splat has no chance to determine if the app is already running or not.
    I also noticed that no app/file icon is displayed if you use an environment variable in the target path, but thats fine with me.

  • Running a profile from command line/shortcut works great! I understand that the progress is reflected in the tray icon, but I added a 'Run' entry at the end of my profiles that plays a notification sound when the profile is done launching - maybe someone else finds it useful:
    Arguments:mediaplay 3000 "sound.wav"
    Note: nircmd and the sound file must reside in the Splat app directory (or you have to adjust the paths accordingly) and the number after 'mediaplay' is the play time in ms. This should be as long as the sound file, or playback will be truncated.

Thanks again for the app - it has instantly risen to the Olymp of my daily used apps! ;)

Wow, really great app!

I really like how the app handles dropping of shortcuts (LNK files) on the action list. It creates a run action with target, argument and working directory all filled out for you. Just discovered that feature by accident ... you should maybe put that in the description - makes the creation of profiles so much easier!

I also have a minor suggestions if thats ok:
Would it be possible to obey environment variables? So that we could use something like '%UserProfile%\Documents\VeryImportantDocument.pdf' regardless of the current user name? Or so portable apps could be launched regardless of the current drive letter?

Thanks for the app and I am really looking forward to the command line support! :Thmbsup:

Coding Snacks / Re: for %%a in (*) do start "" "%%a"
« on: October 12, 2014, 04:41 PM »
It launches EVERY file and folder in the current directory.
I.e. it runs every executable or script files, opens every other file in its respective app and opens an explorer window for every folder.

A little trick to identify what a loop actually does is to insert the word "echo" after "do". This will print out each command instead of executing it:
for %%a in (*) do echo start "" "%%a"

Hope that helps!

Screenshot Captor / Re: SC freezes in 'Scanner Options'
« on: May 14, 2014, 01:52 PM »
Solved it!

Investigated a bit more and the problem really seems to be the TWAIN interface.

I noticed that the ever increasing file '%Temp%\TWAIN.LOG' was created during freezes, containing lines such as:
TWAIN_32.DLL - MESSAGE - DSM     ::DSM_Entry - Unserviced Message 113
TWAIN_32.DLL - MESSAGE - DSM     ::DSM_Entry - Unserviced Message 200

This lead me to the following forum post:

The solution described there is to rename the .ds file for your scanner in the 'C:\Windows\twain_32\<ScannerName>' folder. Mine was 'C:\Windows\twain_32\2300 Series\lxcgtwds.ds' which I renamed to 'lxcgtwds.ds.old'.

After that the 'Scanner Options' dialog of Screenshot Captor finally listed the scanner (no restart required) and scanning now works as before!

Screenshot Captor / Re: SC freezes in 'Scanner Options'
« on: May 11, 2014, 01:42 AM »
Thanks for your efforts! Whatever I can do to help resolve the issue, I am more than willing to provide! ;)

v4.0 works just fine.

I think I could narrow down the problem source a bit:
I noticed the 'Scanner Options' dialog changed slightly from v3.08.01 / v4.0 to 4.8.2. The 'Interface' listbox which let me choose between 'WIA' and 'TWAIN' has been removed (and I assume both interface types are enumerated automatically now). My scanner works with 'WIA' in v4.0 (and earlier), but if I deliberately choose 'TWAIN', I get the same freezing as with v4.8.2.

Maybe if I could force SC to only search for 'WIA' devices (maybe with an 'ScreenshotCaptor.ini' option) it would work and you would not have to reintroduce the 'Interface' listbox if it works just fine for the majority of users.

Screenshot Captor / [Solved] SC freezes in 'Scanner Options'
« on: May 10, 2014, 06:00 PM »
Hi there!

I recently updated my SC installation from v3.08.01 to v4.8.2 and now every time I open the 'Scanner Options' dialog, SC freezes completely and I have to force close it in Task Manager. So as there is no scanner selected by default, I cannot start a scan. I also tried a completely new installation of SC with the same result.

I'm on Window 8.1 Pro x64 and using the portable version of SC. The scanner is an old Lexmark X2350 printer/scanner all-in-one device, but only the drivers for the scanner part are installed. Scanning works fine in SC v3.08.01 (have not tried versions in between) and the Windows internal fax and scan application.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?

Is there an archive of old SC versions, so I could figure out which is the latest version that works for me?


Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Batch adjust shortcut targets
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:46 PM »
Albeit hard to find, there already is a GUI tool that can alter shortcuts: Shortcuts Search And Replace

It has served me well on numerous occasions!


With the release of FARR v2.104.01 two of the bugs I have reported over time are now solved:

As both threads are almost a year old now, what's the proper handling of them?
Just leave them be, add a "[SOLVED]" to the subject or something completely different?

Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR and Dropbox - conflicts...
« on: June 23, 2011, 03:53 AM »
I have the same experience with using FARR together with Dropbox. As I have disabled search history, launch history and logging, I only get conflicts for the 'FindAndRunRobot.ini'.

I think the problem is that FARR writes to the ini file upon starting and upon closing. As FARR is one of the apps that is started first and closed last in a session, this might lead to the mentioned conflicts. Rather than putting the ini file outside of the Dropbox (which would actually defeat the purpose of Dropbox, wouldn't it?) an FARR option to not write to the ini file (unintentionally) would be better in my opinion. I already tried to set the ini file to 'read-only' but FARR happily removes the flag upon saving! ;)


The site looked promising at first, but none of the bookmarklets there worked either, strangely. Not even in Opera Mobile... :(


And as I just saw, this use the tag
Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. user-scalable=no
instead of
Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. user-scalable=0

I would try things without them (i.e. use spaces) initially.

Yes, I did that - it does not work. I tried some 'javascript to bookmarklet' converters, and they all replaced the spaces by '%20'. Seems to me, the javascript must not contain spaces.

Hi ewemoa!

Let me start by expressing my gratitude for taking time trying to help me!

I did not get it to work yet, however I think it is the fault of Android or the Android Browser respectively.

Here is what I tried:
I took your script and deleted the line breaks, comments and unnecessary spaces and added two 'alert' functions, to see if the script is executed at all:

Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. javascript:(function(){alert("start");var%20elts=document.getElementsByName("viewport");var%20attrval="";var%20cntRe=/(user-scalable\s*=\s*0)/i;var%20i=0;for(i=0;i<elts.length;i++){attrval=elts[i].getAttribute("content");if(cntRe.test(attrval)){elts[i].setAttribute("content",attrval.replace(cntRe,"user-scalable=1"));}}alert("end")})();

Then I tried it with the following browsers (on the phone):
  • Android Browser
  • Firefox Beta v5.0
  • Dolphin Browser HD Beta v5.0.2
  • Miren Browser v1.2

Only Firefox executes the script (prints the 'end' message twice btw.), but it has no effect on the webpage. The other three browser choke already on the following lines (without the 'var...' line they can execute the script though):

Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. javascript:(function(){
  2. alert("start");
  3. var%20attrval="";
  4. alert("end")}
  5. )();

Any ideas?

As I got not a single reply in almost five month, I hope it's alright that I bump this topic once: bump.


The problem is a bit hard to explain for me, so I start with an example:

I have a shortcut pointing to the 'System Protection' tab under 'System Properties' on Win7 64bit: '%SystemRoot%\System32\SystemPropertiesProtection.exe'. If I start that shortcut from Windows Explorer, the right dialog pops up. But if I start the same link from FARR, only the 'Computer Name' tab pops up (with some other tabs strangely missing).

I tried the different options under 'Options for Launching Programs and Documents', but to no avail. At first I suspected a problem with the admin rights, but as I am logged on as admin anyway and I can edit the Network ID and computer name in the 'Computer Name' tab, I don't think that's the cause.

Can some please confirm this behavior?

Thanks for the consideration!


I am not sure if this actually is a bug or a feature, but if you launch a shortcut to a file/app from FARR that starts with a dot (e.g. ".My Shortcut.lnk"), it will open an explorer window with the path of the shortcut instead of opening the file/app itself.

I have several shortcuts that start with a dot for one reason or another. So is this the intended behavior?
If yes, can someone explain to me what it is good for?
If no, can it be fixed? ;)

Thanks & cheers,

Some time ago I found out that USBDLM (USB Drive Letter Manager) by Uwe Sieber can actually also launch a program on docking/undocking in addition to react to drive connections.

I would like to remove the zoom restrictions for mobile web pages on my Android phone (should also work on iPhone/iPad), because my sight is not the best and some fonts are just too tiny for me to read on that little display.

If I researched correctly, the restriction is caused by the 'user-scalable=0' argument of the 'viewport' meta tag, e.g.
<meta content='width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;' name='viewport' />

I thought it might be possible to replace this 'user-scalable=0' with a 'user-scalable=1' (or remove it alltogether) using a bookmarklet. Unfortunately I don't know any JavaScript, so could someone please help me out on that?

Find And Run Robot / Re: Environment variables in 'Pattern Scoring'?
« on: November 12, 2010, 10:08 AM »
[...] you obviously wouldn't want it having to repeatedly query the environment variable each time it searches.
No, surely not!

But please, if it is a hassle, just leave it be. I'm sure you have more important things to do than fulfilling a feature request of a single user! ;)

Find And Run Robot / Re: Environment variables in 'Pattern Scoring'?
« on: November 12, 2010, 09:19 AM »
But the point is, I have both versions (x64 and x32) of the programs on the usb flash drive.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Environment variables in 'Pattern Scoring'?
« on: November 12, 2010, 05:25 AM »
What I'd like to achieve is, that on 64-bit systems the 64-bit applications are on top of the search results.

On all 64-bit machines I use, there is the environment variable %OsArch%, which is set 'x64' and the program links look like e.g. 'Blender 2.55 (x64).lnk' and 'Blender 2.55 (x32).lnk'. So with a 'Pattern Scoring' like '*(%OsArch%)*.lnk' the x64-links would be first on 64-bit systems.

I thought there might be a simple way to do this. But if there isn't, I can very well live without it! ;)

Find And Run Robot / Environment variables in 'Pattern Scoring'?
« on: November 11, 2010, 02:05 PM »
I'd like to promote certain search results that contain an specific environment variable.

I thought the easiest way would be to add this variable in the 'Pattern Scoring' section, e.g. '*%var%*'. Apparently this doesn't work.

Is there another way to achieve this?

Yes, "Screenshots" works, but I wanted the folder to be in the root of the drive (e.g. D:\Screenshots), thus the backslash in the beginning.

But anyway, it works with the double dots and therefor I'm happy! ;)

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