« on: April 19, 2013, 02:20 PM »
Using FARR 2.206.01, on Windows 7, launches immediately, but after typing one letter, freezes intermittently for a good 10 to 15 seconds, before coming back then working normally. After it freezes trying to close the window, etc. results in (Not Responding) message in the title bar. This behaviour occurs about 70% of the time upon launch.
I have tried adding program to the exceptions list in Microsoft Forefront, even turning that program completely off, still displays this behaviour. I've been using FARR successfully on this laptop for 2 years, only recently it has started acting this way, but I can't tie any change that I'm aware of to the timing of this.
I've also tried the other settings from the forums to reduce chance of freezing, but to no avail.
Any further troubleshooting anyone could recommend? Absolutely can't live without this program, now i'm hesitating to invoke it at times knowing it may freeze.