Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Add "Notes" tab to File/Folder Properties, right after Customize...
« on: October 31, 2011, 09:42 PM »
There was once a nifty proggy that did that but it has disappeared after the author abandoned it. It added a Notes Tab to the screen when you click on Properties. In that page I was delighted to write WHERE I found the download/file, the DATE I installed it, HOW it worked for me and why or why not it was uninstalled (and still had the Notes Tab altho in the Recycle Bin). It was a large enough page to make NOTES, preserve any Passwords or Serial Numbers associated with the Program like even short instructions or Notes for a File where I could note names, phone numbers, email address, etc. Yes, I KNOW I could set up a TEXT file to go along with the other file(s) and then have to make a Folder for both of them but it would be so much nicer to be able to have it in the Properties pop up Tab. I am not a programmer but if I was, I would be on this like fast! And even as Shareware it would go for say, $5....for up to Win7.... Thanks for reading....