Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Selling off Veign assets
« on: December 15, 2010, 11:15 AM »
I've decided to sell of all of the applications developed by Veign.
What I'm selling:
- All applications
- All Source code and application assets (graphics, installers and information)
- Cfont Pro's website: http://www.cfontpro.com/
There will be no restrictions once the sale is completed. You will be able to do what you want with the applications. Currently they are all donationware but if you want to make them into shareware applications that would be your choice.
I've thought about turning them into Open Source but I don't think that would work with these applications. Hate to see the 1000's of hours of work go down the drain because my focus has shifted to web development only.
Feel free to ask any questions you want in this thread except price (that will be discussed in private via email).
What I'm selling:
- All applications
- All Source code and application assets (graphics, installers and information)
- Cfont Pro's website: http://www.cfontpro.com/
There will be no restrictions once the sale is completed. You will be able to do what you want with the applications. Currently they are all donationware but if you want to make them into shareware applications that would be your choice.
I've thought about turning them into Open Source but I don't think that would work with these applications. Hate to see the 1000's of hours of work go down the drain because my focus has shifted to web development only.
Feel free to ask any questions you want in this thread except price (that will be discussed in private via email).