Application Name | LogFileParser |
Version | N/A |
Short Description | Parse logfiles, template based |
Supported OSes | Windows |
Web Page | N/A |
Download Link | N/A |
Version History | |
Author | DeVamp |
DescriptionAt my work, we use a lot of log files as TXT files, created from the treatment of invoices.
Now we browse through them with notepad or another text editor.
Since all invoice logging is put in the same file, it's hard to track what all happened with a certain log file.
It would be handy for us to be able to filter and sort invoices and the events that happened with it.
It would be template based, so that you can choose/create a template that defines the number of columns and it they are a fixed with or with a seperator.
example of a logfile:
Default seperator is #
Output in atachment
23/09/2010 - 08:55:35 # . '1971245' # 051101 - CODA Login : User : xyz | Password : 123456
23/09/2010 - 08:55:35 # . '1971245' # Header : PostTo (0 = Books, 1 = intray) : 1
23/09/2010 - 08:55:35 # . '1971245' # Header : CmpCode : 051101
23/09/2010 - 08:55:35 # . '1971245' # Header : Code : AF
23/09/2010 - 08:55:35 # . '1971245' # Header : Date : 2010-08-28
23/09/2010 - 08:55:35 # . '1971245' # Header : Description : ELECTRABEL CUSTOMER SOLUTIONS - 010910
23/09/2010 - 08:55:35 # . '1971245' # Header : ExtRef1 : 705802668628
23/09/2010 - 08:55:35 # . '1971245' # Header : ExtRef2 : 0810
23/09/2010 - 08:55:37 # # . URL : http://codaserver/co.../inputext/input-11.3It's my first try at using Autoit. It looks like a perfect environment to create tools like that.
FeaturesCreate, edit, delete templates.
Read, sort & filter the content of the logfile
Planned FeaturesProgram
- Save and load setttings to ini files
- Load default settings or previous settings when starting the program
- Create template : define number of fields and columntitles, how to read log file (fixed with, seperator, ...)
- Create template : Eventually define a default directory per template
- Edit template : Modify an existing template
- Delete template : Delete an existing template
- Sort every column
- Filter a certain column
Future Features- Export/add a selection of records to a new/existing log file
- Export/add a filtered view to a new/existing log file
- Reformat a log file from templayelayout X to templatelayout Y, as a new file or replace an existing file
- Batch reformat a selection of files
- Read multiple log files and treat them as one, so you can filter/sort over several files
- ... idea's welcome ...
ScreenshotsFirst draft:
UsageInstallationIt's a portable program, so simply extract the file, start Logfileparser
Using the ApplicationChoose a directory, choose a file, load the file and sort or filter the results.
UninstallationSimply delete the directory where the files are unpacked.
Known IssuesNot known. If you know there, let me know :-)