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Messages - whippy [ switch to compact view ]

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hi  I would like to go from cinnamon  13.04 to 17.2  what is the easiest way to do it . I have a seperate home directory ..

A pity it wont work in Linux

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: automated mp3 rip from video clip
« on: February 02, 2014, 01:57 AM »
can I use it to save the video and discard the audio?

General Software Discussion / Re: burn solveigmm splitter file
« on: January 16, 2014, 06:20 AM »
Ok Thanks for that I will try it , I have been putting the output into a separate folder thus that might be the problem .

General Software Discussion / Re: burn solveigmm splitter file
« on: January 14, 2014, 06:34 AM »
Hi I have added it as an attachment hope it works

General Software Discussion / Re: burn solveigmm splitter file
« on: January 14, 2014, 03:42 AM »
no they dont contain the files you suggest seems solveigmm produces a vob_ts file and a file called vts_01_1.vobmlmix I will try imageburn  thanks

General Software Discussion / burn solveigmm splitter file
« on: January 13, 2014, 05:11 PM »
Hi does anyone use solveigmm video splitter ? I have been attempting to burn the output video_ts to  a dvd disk without success . I used it to trim part of a .vob  clip  and after using a couple of differant burnners it say files missing , does anyone know how to overcome this ?   thanks

Non-Windows Software / Re: LINUX: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" just released
« on: December 10, 2013, 04:12 AM »
well it looks good ,
I  have been using mint13 cinnamon for sometime , So how does one update to newer version without losing all settings ?

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: No plugins loaded
« on: November 19, 2012, 01:34 AM »
That's normal.. you have to install plugins if you want them -- they don't come pre-installed, even though you might think they do from looking at the "plugins" folder after installation (that folder is just populated with placeholders).
Hi can you please explain how get them to work as I havent had much success, thanks

Depends how you use it and I am talking about the Robo Pro paid version I bought . And it only happens when one uses it to log in , there is a time lapse whereby all your encrypted files in the actual data base storage are unencrypted even tho it shows them everywhere else being encrypted .

Thanks Mouser for the explanation......   What I find with the existing minimize  is that when you start a search and while it is going , should one click on anything else, it will like you say "minimize" to the tray . But when one double clicks it to maximize, the search has gone and one has to start over ok no great drama as it is still a great program

Hi Mouser , this is one of my most used programs and it does a great job thanks .
If it had a minimize button it would be even better , plus an easy way of choosing what directory to search . For instance I have 2 hard drives and the first is split into a few partitions . If on opening one could simply choose which ones to search it then would be real super.
Just food for thought  .

General Software Discussion / Re: roboform2go or sticky password?
« on: April 29, 2008, 07:10 PM »
Hi There is a major security flaw in Roboform as it does not encrypt your passwords in the default folder while in use ,that means if you are hacked it is easy read , I personally was shocked to note this when told by another user …so I strongly recommend you dont use it for important passwords eg bank accounts ….after emailing roboform the agree that is the way it is and until they fix it I wouldn't use it again . I was a great believer in it until I was shown this flaw

Hi , I recently put Freespire on my second hard drive now windows doesn't recognize it . It shows up under disk management as a unnamed drive and "healthy and active "  any ideas on what is wrong ?   Thanks

Windows can't read ext*/reiserfs/whatever other file system your Linux installation is using. Windows will only recognize NTFS and FAT file systems, nothing else. There's not really anything you can do about it. I know there is a driver out there somewhere that lets Windows read Ext2/3 but it was so unreliable and caused so many BSOD's for me that I wouldn't bother looking it up. On the positive side though, *nix can both read and write NTFS using NTFS-3g (now used by default in most distros).

EDIT: I almost forgot, if you are using Total Commander on Windows, you can use this FS plugin to gain read access to Ext*/ReiserFS partitions. It's not 100% perfect, but it will let you read almost anything on said file systems.
Ok so how should I have done it ? Do I have to reformat the linux hard drive ?

Hi , I recently put Freespire on my second hard drive now windows doesn't recognize it . It shows up under disk management as a unnamed drive and "healthy and active "  any ideas on what is wrong ?   Thanks

General Software Discussion / Re: EPC Title bar changer
« on: May 19, 2007, 07:45 AM »
wow that is great   thanks a lot  , tis so easy

General Software Discussion / Re: EPC Title bar changer
« on: May 19, 2007, 06:54 AM »
Hi Justice      I have downloaded titlechanger, I now have it in the taskbar click on it and nothing happens .
Right click and it gives a menu   suspend script, pause script and exit .
Ant idea why it doesn't work as shown in your post image .  ;)


General Software Discussion / Re: EPC Title bar changer
« on: May 18, 2007, 08:37 PM »
Hi  justice  as you might notice the more charts that are open ,because the have the same icon it is hard to differentiate between them . at least if I can change some part of the titlebar ,then by just running the cursor over them i can easily find the right one at any given time .
One coder has programmed the titlebar so that it contains six differant world times ,which is great  and as he says it makes use of wasted space

I also found a program that easily allows you to change the titlebar  and the reason they give is  say if you are running a program which you don't want some to notice i.e in the bosses time ... but  temporary as it restores back to normal on reopening

General Software Discussion / Re: EPC Title bar changer
« on: May 18, 2007, 06:57 PM »
Ok , why would I like to edit the title bar , so I can easily identify  a trading chart

General Software Discussion / Re: EPC Title bar changer
« on: May 18, 2007, 08:31 AM »
Thanks lanux128,
I have downloaded ahk  but I find it  rather confusing ???

General Software Discussion / EPC Title bar changer
« on: May 17, 2007, 09:38 PM »
        Has anyone used this  Epc title bar changer    They give a 15 day supposedly free trial , but I cant see how one is able to test it out without buying it , perhaps someone here might have a look at it .
If it really did what they claim I would buy it , The help file is useless

And I haven't found any other program that will allow one to edit the title bar ??????

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