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I've used both Inventor and Soildworks in my past life (I designed industrial fans - huge fans the size of houses).  Both excellent applications and I believe both offer student pricing - does she qualify?.

Another option I've heard good things about, but never got the chance to use, is Rhino3D.

Developer's Corner / Re: Any wordpress coders here available for hire?
« on: September 20, 2011, 05:28 PM »
keep in mind that it is very important that I am familiar with Wordpress.  My partner is also familiar with it, and he knows even less about computers and programming than I do.

You may be familiar with a hammer but that doesn't mean you use it to take apart an engine  :)

And, really, I don't understand why you say wordpress can't do this.

Not saying it can't do this, saying the way your spec is worded is not how Wordpress "puts things together".  Quickly looking at nextgen gallery and it looks like it styles posts and adds widgets.

You can see this by their demo:

It works within the post "space".  This goes to my bullet points of what your options are.

Please don't take any of this in a negative way even though it's how it comes across.  I'm truly trying to help you so you don't waste money.

this may work for you: (free and supports videos)

Developer's Corner / Re: Any wordpress coders here available for hire?
« on: September 20, 2011, 04:17 PM »
The requirement of "this plugin must convert any page or post into this kind of layout" doesn't make sense as a post is a unit of data which is rendered within a theme.  Posts can, as of Wordpress 3.0, be of any type of structured data (blog post, coupons, restaurant menus and such).  The reason it doesn't matter is because the Wordpress framework separates all the functionality of a blog.  I can install any compliant theme and blog posts show as there supposed to within the environment that I style.

Your requirement just couldn't happen.  You can have:
- A custom theme to create the site you want with the functionality you want (includes custom functions to add the functionality you are looking for)
- A plugin to add video type posts within an existing theme.  Theme would control the overall look but you can get the content within the post type styled however you want (reference the special 'gallery' shortcode from Wordpress)
- A combination of both that gets you the site you want and a plugin that can provide some general styling to your special 'media' post types.  Stressing that the plugin can't force the entire theme to change as this would be against, way against, best practices and you'll be hard press to find a developer to take it on (at least without huge cost).

Based on your update I just don't think Wordpress is the environment for you.  Wordpress has Wordpress ways and if you're not willing to work within them then you'll find this project to be very expensive and built on a house of cards that's sure to fail with updates to Wordpress core.

Developer's Corner / Re: Any wordpress coders here available for hire?
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:50 AM »
Cheap and done right never go hand-in-hand...

Developer's Corner / Re: Any wordpress coders here available for hire?
« on: September 13, 2011, 06:52 PM »
- Looking at your spec you're more inline with a custom Theme then you are with a Plugin.  Plugin is to modify existing functionality that works into a theme, a custom theme is what changes the look and feel of the website.
I would prefer a plugin because then I can convert any page, no matter what theme I'm using, to do the thing I described.  Wouldn't that be a desirable thing?  It's something I would really put to use on multiple websites and pages.  Please let me know if I'm overlooking something.

Except you're asking the plugin to style the page for you or am I missing something.  Your example built the entire page (removed menus, changed header/footer).  I guess it boils down to exactly what do you need.  Themes can do most everything a plugin can do and provide the look and feel for a site.

- File Upload: You should use the Media Manager that comes with Wordpress.  I wouldn't recommending disconnecting any part from Wordpress as it would make interacting, from a code standpoint, more difficult
This is something I do intentionally.  I upload all my files into a simple folder.  It's very easy for me.  I can use an ftp server and just drop files in.  I strongly prefer it this way.  I don't really want to upload through the browser, and click around whatever internal galleries wordpress does in the admin section.  This is one area where I am really old school: I like having direct access to my files and means I have ultimate control.  I don't feel this should make coding any more difficult because all the plugins and stuff I've done so far work very easily with the folder addresses that I use to link to whatever I need.  When it comes to the posts and pages, I don't like the gui.  I prefer to do everything and see all the codes and shortcodes.  The most I would ask for is a button where some parameters are entered, and it spits out the shortcode onto the post.  But again, if I'm overlooking something please let me know.  I struggle sometimes with understanding the usage of page templates vs. plugins vs widgets.

The reason for using the Media Manager is the file information is stored in the Wordpress database and available for use by standard Wordpress methods to interact with the files.  I guess you could build a plugin to do bulk uploads but not really sure why you would want that - Media Manager supports bulk uploads.  FTP makes it available via the file system but then Wordpress has no knowledge of the files.

Not sure you need Widgets to start.  For simplicity think of a Widget as a self-contained block of rendered information pulled from some data source.  Widgets can be placed within defined areas that are pre-established within a theme - typically sidebars, header or footer areas.

You need to drop the old-school way and get used to that you're building something on an existing framework.  Fight the framework and you create a nightmare for yourself.  Work with the Wordpress ways and things are much more flexible.  With a low budget you should develop what Wordpress doesn't provide.  Go back later and improve standard functionality when the budget is there.  Most, if not all, Wordpress developers would want to create something that works with the Wordpress best practices and not go old-school  :)

Just my opinion, others may disagree.

fwiw: I've developed a plugin that supports widgets, shortcodes, custom post types, custom settings and more.

Developer's Corner / Re: Any wordpress coders here available for hire?
« on: September 13, 2011, 03:40 PM »
The problem when getting something done cheaply is you end up with a house cards built by someone who truly doesn't understand Wordpress Development.  I have no doubt you'll find cheaper but don't believe you'll find a knowledgeable Wordpress developer for cheaper.  Only hope is to find someone looking to build a portfolio who would take the project at a greatly reduced price.

What I've learned with web development is a little more up front saves you 10 fold down the road with updates and maintenance.

An option, if you want to do it yourself, is to find a theme released under GPL that gets you close and then just tweak it to meet your spec - just make sure it's Wordpress 3.0 compliant.  Hire someone for a 1-2 hour review of the code to make sure it was developed correctly.  This may be an option for getting what you need for a greatly reduced price.

Good luck.

Developer's Corner / Re: Any wordpress coders here available for hire?
« on: September 13, 2011, 03:24 PM »
Few points:
- Looking at your spec you're more inline with a custom Theme then you are with a Plugin.  Plugin is to modify existing functionality that works into a theme, a custom theme is what changes the look and feel of the website.
- Shortcodes and functions can be easily incorporated in from a Theme install
- Page Templates are also available through a Theme (see how the twnetyeleven Theme works)
- File Upload: You should use the Media Manager that comes with Wordpress.  I wouldn't recommending disconnecting any part from Wordpress as it would make interacting, from a code standpoint, more difficult
- Its very important when developing in Wordpress to do it the 'Wordpress' way as it gives way more flexibility to add functionality with existing plugins
- CSS modification is already available in Wordpress for Themes (another reason to use a custom Theme)

I would like to help but fear that budget would be an issue.  With all the customizations and work I would expect a project like this to be in the $3.5K - $7.5K range (rough ballpark).  What is your budget (a range is fine)?

General Software Discussion / Re: Font managers reviews and opinions
« on: September 06, 2011, 03:32 PM »
Does sound good.  Wish I had the time to push updates to the application.  It has always been a very popular app and I tried finding it a home but nobody wanted to take over the code so now it just sits dormant.

General Software Discussion / Re: Font managers reviews and opinions
« on: September 06, 2011, 02:32 PM »
"it still only previews one font at a time." - this is untrue as it will preview one font, all fonts or the font a user selects.

General Software Discussion / Re: Font managers reviews and opinions
« on: September 06, 2011, 11:47 AM »
You could always try mine:

It's free.

This is one the apps I was looking to give it a new home as I didn't have the time to develop it anymore.

They work closely with OpenMenu.

There is already a company who is doing this with connecting an OpenMenu to an online ordering solution.  The company, Open Dining Network, is providing an online ordering platform that is OpenMenu Compliant.  They are the company who you should be discussing your requirements with as they do provide white-label solutions.

Then what I would do is create the site and use Google Analytics to get a feel for your traffic.  Once you understand the traffic you can then ad some ads like Google's Adsense (quick and easy to setup and use).

Oops.  Fixed.  Should have been (forgot I couldn't get the domain I wanted)

If its a web-service just have to levels of access: free and paid.  Limit the calls on the free service to an amount you could handle without issue.  Also, I'm unsure if you mean a website (web app) or a web-service (web service typically refers to some sort of API).  If its an API web service then you might find it difficult to find a place that will allow you to push their ads through.

I've had good luck with Ads run on a few sites I have up for specific use (earn in the $xxx/month range):

I've been asked to convert Quick Thumbnail and Distance Check into a web service but have not because I can't afford larger servers to support others for free and didn't want to take on the burden of account/payment management.

Thank You.  Its been slacking off lately because of my project.  Need to make time for more posts.

Use Colorbox (recommended):

or the deprecated Thickbox:

Both allow you to 'lightbox' any URL.

Nope.  Didn't come from joining.  Code constructs have no clue what HTML is.  The variable had to have already contained the information.

You are correct JoTo.  Not sure why I thought it would work.  Makes sense that it wouldn't.  Its loops through the already-replaced results looking to replace more items.  What they need is flag that would prevent an item from being replaced twice with the order of replace dictated by the order of the arrays passed into the function.

If you're taking raw text from a text file, processing it and spitting out some cleaned/washed version then your code is adding it or it exists in plain site.  No other options.

No such thing as invisible tags in a text file.  Your code has to be adding them or the text files have to already contain them.  Text files have 0 knowledge of HTML.

Might be easier, and faster to create two arrays: Keys, Values and then use the 'array' find/replace aspect of the str_replace function.

Sample (air-code):
// The setup
$keys = array('a', 'b', 'c');
$values = array('263', '453', '208');

$to_encrypt = 'a b c - abc';
$my_encrypted = str_replace($keys, $values, $to_encrypt);

No loop required.  Much more efficient.

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Release: Open Menu
« on: March 27, 2011, 01:11 PM »

Next on the list is OpenMenu Mobile.  A complete mobile solution for account and menu management.

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Release: Open Menu
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:56 AM »
OpenMenu API has now been released:

Just wanted to post to this thread to show how far OpenMenu has come since the NANY release.

General Software Discussion / Re: free, very fast FONT VIEWER
« on: March 25, 2011, 12:43 PM »
You could always use Cfont Pro.  It will preview non-installed fonts too.  This is one of the apps I was looking to sell off the rights, and all assets, to keep it going.

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