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Messages - RedPillow [ switch to compact view ]

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Developer's Corner / Fixing user-sent coding-bugs as "challenges"?
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:27 AM »
So I thought, that we have lots of people here who code and have sometimes problems with the code and stuff, that helping people with their bugs should consider as "challenges" where the fixer will get something to show up and the user who sent the buggy code would get their code fixed.

So, post in your thoughts  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Pirate vs. Paying Customer illustrated
« on: February 25, 2010, 01:35 PM »
You can also copy and paste CD-keys on pirated ones xD

Living Room / Re: Pirate vs. Paying Customer illustrated
« on: February 25, 2010, 01:33 PM »
That is so true :D
It`s even easier to convert the pirated videos for example: PSP use.

Developer's Corner / Re: C++ - Saving / Loading data
« on: February 25, 2010, 05:45 AM »
Got that.

But I still would like to have that read/write example with a txt-file please :]

Developer's Corner / Re: Parsing / Filtering text
« on: February 25, 2010, 05:39 AM »
Nice one ewemoa!!

I had to replace ¥`s with \`s thou :]

Can you break this ^([^\\]+)\\.* apart and explain what each thing there does and the \1 also?

I can't say I have a favorite language at this point.. If you had asked me 10 years ago I would have said C++.  I still use C++ more than any other language, and have used it for over two decades now.  But I can't bring myself to say it's my favorite language because i've spent the last decade looking for a replacement language that I could really fall in love with, and still haven't found one.

How about "Brainfuck"?
Lawl  :D

Developer's Corner / Parsing / Filtering text
« on: February 25, 2010, 04:27 AM »
Yo again, another topic I need help with.

I have this big list in a txt-file which contains paths.

Example paths:


And now, I want to delete everything after the first "\" so the lines will look like this:


How do I do this?
What program to use?
Possibly a script?
It can`t be done with notepad`s search & replace command like this:

Search: \*
Replace: -empty-

Cause it tries to find "\*" and not "\anything".


Developer's Corner / Re: C++ - Saving / Loading data
« on: February 25, 2010, 04:20 AM »
This one to make the screen:

  Procedure SetMCGA;
          mov     ax,0013h
          int     10h
  void SetMCGA() {
    _AX = 0x0013;
    geninterrupt (0x10);

This one to Delete it:

  Procedure SetMCGA;
          mov     ax,0013h
          int     10h
  void SetMCGA() {
    _AX = 0x0013;
    geninterrupt (0x10);

I don`t know what to do with those exactly thou ;S
But can I get that reading/writing example by using txt-file to store the data?

Also, How to make ini-file for example so that I can set text-color to ini-file and the program will read and obey it on startup?

Developer's Corner / Re: C++ - Saving / Loading data
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:33 AM »
It`s just because I presonally think it`s the most easiest thing to do o_O.

Let`s say that I wan`t to make a standalone prog with the ask number and list em on startup -functions, and I cannot use registry
(blocked from the prog).
And I want this program so standalone, that it is only the .exe - nothing else.

But like I said, I would even respect the example of doing it with .txt but dll and exe would be nice too!

P.S Speaking of is it for educational use... It is, but how do I make a program which uses different processes without any reason except that it won`t let user to close it cause of that?

Developer's Corner / Re: C++ - Saving / Loading data
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:22 AM »
I think just a simple "cin>>" for number-input is fine - as Im using that "Command-Propt-Like-Thingy".  :-[
Btw, I tried to create that "Virtual-Screen" (where you can create ie. pictures by adding colored pixels in it) by using some tutorial but it had something to do with Pascal and It doesn`T workd on Win7, 64bit - So is there any other way, pascal-tut was all about some weird assemblycode :|?

And let`s change the exe to the .dll then, that would be nice - no matter how sucky it is.  :tellme:

I don`t know how you`re gonna give them away, but I can tell you that I just got interested in C++ and I could use those books so if there`s any competiton or stuff - COUNT ME IN =D (Send pm or something).

Developer's Corner / C++ - Saving / Loading data
« on: February 25, 2010, 12:30 AM »
Hi, first of all - I want someone to do exactly as I want and not to make any external ideas up or ask why i want it like so etc...

So, sorry bout that - to the topic:

I want a simple C++ example (with includings and stuff - a fully working program) which asks user a number and saves it TO THE EXE, TO A INI-FILE or TO A TXT FILE - or all 3.
But inorder to test this data-reading, I want it so - that when the program starts, it prints a list where user can read the saved numbers and after press of an enter, it will ask new number, saves that and again on startup it creates the list an so on...

I don`t need encryption, or security - I`ll do it later if I want, just give me example of that.

I would mostly want example of saving to exe and txt-file, ini is not so important.
Remember to test it, lol - so i dont have to reply with bugreport.


Thanks, tryin' that too  :Thmbsup:

Very nice, thanks!!

Hi, I was wondering, if there is program like Glass2K (you can click a window and a menu opens) - which allows you to set-up for example "hold down ctrl and right click a window to open a menu where you can taskkill the process the window is running on"

Lol, I suck at explaining thing but you get the idea.

yeah, I want 2 cursors on the screen at the same time when 2 mouses are plugged in.

I was wondering, if there is a simple program which makes able to just plug-in a second mouse and display it and use it on the screen as well as the first one?

I have used F-secure for couple of years now, I like it because it has this "File could not be removed, file renamed" function, which is really REALLY great.

Maybe you should add something like that to it?

Also, scanning at startup-function is very good too.

I found it out, thanks.

Press "Insert"-button to toggle on/off

I have image of my problem, since I don`t know how to explain it so please help me to change it back to normal one.

I wan`t that bold cursor to be thin :/


General Software Discussion / Tic Tac Foe - It`s like Tic Tac Toe ;D
« on: October 20, 2009, 12:01 PM »
So yeah, I made this crunchy little program in VB 08 Express.
It`s just like a Tic Tac Toe - made with checkboxes.

Oh! It`s version 1, so don`t worry - You will encounter some bugs =].
I`ll fix em as soon as me and my friends found more by playing it ;D.

Also. If you are interested more about how it`s made, feel free to ask some of the source-code from me.
And last. I really respect good comments and ideas about my prog, so please give them ;O.

Link to get it:

Image of it:

edit by jgpaiva: attached the file to the post

General Software Discussion / Visual Basic 2008, Dim help needed.
« on: October 07, 2009, 12:40 PM »
I`ll go straight to the point.

When the program starts, it does this:

Code: Visual Basic [Select]
  1. Dim checkedboxes As Integer = 0

I got 5 checkboxes, an I  want that the program adds 1 to the dimmed integer if some of those checkboxes are checked.

Like this:

[ ]
[ x ]
[ ]
[ x ]
[ x ]

3 boxes checked.

Next thing I want to do is for program to create a msgbox which says something like "you checked +checkedboxes boxes"

So what should I do now?

I fixed it a bit, but its acts weirdly now:

Code: Visual Basic [Select]
  1. Button1.onclick
  2.      If checkbox1.checked then
  3.               checkedboxes = checkedboxes + 1
  4. End if
  5.               MsgBox ("you checked" + (checkedboxes) + "boxes")

If it`s done like that, the program starts to count letters from "you checked" thingy and makes messagebox which says me for example Y if 1 box checked and O if 2 boxes checked and U if 3 boxes checked, so what could be wrong now?

P.S Those forums you suggested, takes months to get answer + I`d rather ask here =]

I know this is just stupid ask, but I really don`t get the idea of how to do it :/
Please help, thanks.

General Software Discussion / Re: Do you touch-type or hunt-and-peck?
« on: October 03, 2009, 03:13 AM »
Teachers never teached me to type either.

I did speed-test few minutes ago and noticed that my wpm is 69  8)
I don`t know if its any good but 69 it is.
Also, I had 4 misspellings in my test...although it was made in english and Im from Finland but I think I did quite good.

But I use my very own style-to-type; I just use 2 fingers and write very fast with them, it`s easy, ecause I actually know where every letter/number is.

P.S You can do the test here: Words per minute-test

Living Room / How much Soda/Energy-Drinks you drink / week?
« on: September 30, 2009, 05:14 PM »
Just for fun.
I would say that... I drink abooout... 10 Bottles of energy-drinks and about... 5 litres of soda / week.
Too much? ... Or not enough?  :Thmbsup:

But how much do YOU waste sugarified-water with vitamins / week?

Btw, Did you know that when you open a soda-bottle, you deacify it? I made that out yesterday  8)


General Software Discussion / How to shut-down screen-control program?
« on: September 30, 2009, 05:02 PM »
Hello   :D

We got this screen-control program in our scholl for teacher to lock-up our screens and stuff.
When this happends, we can`t do anything :/.

So, i was thinking if there is anyway to shut this program down to my computer in school when it starts?

I mean, that there`s got to be some kind of client in my pc which teacher connects with that program, so I though if I could shut that down or something?
We have very strict restrictions for deleting/modifying stuff in school`s pc`s, but we can use command-line and run programs.

So I think that it could be possible to shut this program down, by making some kind of program, which I could plant to my memory stick and when I put that to pc, the screen-control will shut down on my pc??

Thanks for help  :-[

P.S I wan`t this kind of thing, because of fun :D
Not for shutting it down every-time and not to follow education, but for fun :P

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