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Messages - AndyM [ switch to compact view ]

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Post New Requests Here / Re: Would you like to code this?
« on: May 21, 2006, 09:43 PM »
I think I get it, and it would be pretty cool.  The idea is that once the mouse cursor is in a drop down box, or a fly-out menu, you can't slide the cursor out of the box by accident.  There is a "mouse fence" on three sides of the box.  If someone could actually get something like this to work, I'd contribute some Donation Credits too.

Right.. I did fix it, but didn't upload to the ftp.
.ahk version
Which I would have easily seen had I checked the handy version number...

I still think the first set of Width and Height rules are reversed, but the second is ok.

I just want your opinion on the direction i'm heading:

Looks good to me!  The extra set of Height and Width rules allow me to move all wide but short windows, so I don't have to add lines to the script.

I haven't been using Hotkeys or the buffer, so I can't comment on those. 

I think you might have your height and width labels reversed in the Options Dialog.

I think it would be excellent.  But it does sound complicated.

I'll use DragKing when I have a lot of copying & pasting to do.  I did find something that allows me to copy & paste using mouse clicks at:


"Select text/files etc and hold LButton, click RButton once to copy, twice to paste and three times to cut."

The ahk script gives me this error
#Include ahkstructlib.ahk cannot be opened error
You can find ahkstructlib.ahk at:


Added hotkeys for pasting and disabling, and a settings dialog.

DragKing does exactly what you say it will do (no surprise).  But it's
not quite what I'm looking for.  On re-reading the posts I realize I
mis-stated what I wanted.

I don't want highlighted text automatically copied to the clipboard.
What I want is a mousebutton action that will copy already highlighted
text (as opposed to right-click, then click "copy" on the context
menu, or as opposed to Ctrl-c).  So I'd want a setting category for
"Copy", not only for "Paste".

What would really be slick would be to include rocker gestures (left
click while holding down the right button or right click while holding
down the left button).  I would then assign right rocker to copy and
left rocker to paste.

Actually if you have an MS mouse with IntelliMouse drivers installed you can set the buttons to do pretty much what you like already within the driver.
-Carol Haynes (May 08, 2006, 09:41 AM)

I would still want middle-click to act as middle-click except when text was highlighted, so that route wouldn't work for me.

highlighting text to copy it
and use the middle mouse button or wheel to paste.

So far nothing I've seen works exactly like this, which is exactly what I'd like also.

Skrommel, any chance pasting with a middle-click or scrollwheel-click could be an option for DragKing?


... auto jumps your cursor to the default button in that dialog ...

-SexyLilDarkPaw (May 06, 2006, 05:31 PM)

There's a setting in the OS (XP) that does that.  What's slick about DialogMove is that the  dialog box jumps to the cursor, so after clicking a dialog box button, you don't have to move the cursor back to where it was originally.  Much handier than one might think.

It's working for me.  I tried to break it but couldn't.

Oops, nudone, you already figured this out and posted your reply.

I need to type faster!


If WinHeight > 151                   ;nudone
  return                             ;nudone
;If WinHeight > %PredefWinHeight%
;  return
;If WinWidth > %PredefWinWidth%
;  return

Doesn't this bypass the %PredefWinHeight% and %PredefWinWidth% parameters and not move any boxes over 151 high unless they've been specifically added to the Detectable list?

I like having non-specified boxes under 450 high or 400 wide (my settings) be moved.  (Plus I like having non-specified boxes under 140 high moved no matter how wide they are :))

very sorry, but the latest versions, .exe and .ahk still have the same problem when i click on the 'okay' button. that's from a clean start up with no .ini files lying around anywhere.

Ah, I just checked mine, and when I first opened the Options dialog, the readings were correct (1024 Screen Top, 1280 Screen Right).  Then I clicked ok, and when I triggered the script, the small dialog box didn't move as expected.  Opened up the Options dialog and the Screen Top and Screen Right were both set to zero (the other settings were still correct).  I input 1024 and 1280, clicked OK, and everthing worked fine.  Opened the Options dialog to look, and the numbers were correct.  Cancelled the Options, and everything is still ok.  Fwiw, I think the only place I'm seeing this behavior is it the two fields, Sreen Top and Screen Right.

So the error seems to sort of toggle. Or maybe things work right after you've made a change and then clicked "ok", but not work right if you click "ok" after making no change.  Or maybe something else...

... I'm not sure if i can do it, but it'd be great to be able to add a rules system, where the user could redefine what windows should be moved, based on those rules.

And example of a rule could be:
WindowHeight > 200 AND WindowHeight < 300 OR WindowHeight > 400

This would be very cool!


Once you are sure the Options dialogs are working ok, you might (or
might not ;) ) want to consider putting in an option labeled "Move any
window under this height, unless it's specifically listed as a window
to not move".

In my case I would select this option and put 140 in the option box.

I've been adding the code below to the .ahk script.

I started doing this because I had two dialog boxes with the same
window name and class, one big and the other wide but not tall.  I
didn't want to move the first and always wanted to move the second.

This option not only worked for this scenario, but it takes care of
those pesky wide (wider than %PredefWinWidth%) but short in height
windows.  When I click a red x, even the wide "are you sure you want
to exit without saving?" boxes jump right to my cursor.

If you think this option would be too confusing, no problemo.  It's a
matter of seconds for me to paste these two lines into the code.


WinGetPos,WinX,WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight,ahk_id %ActiveWindow%
if WinWidth =
WinGetTitle,WinTitle,ahk_id %ActiveWindow%
If NotDetectableWindow(WinTitle,WinClass)
If DetectableWindow(WinTitle,WinClass)
  gosub movewindow 

If WinHeight < 140                                 ;I added
  gosub movewindow                                 ;I added

If WinHeight > %PredefWinHeight%
If WinWidth > %PredefWinWidth%


i think this might be it.

It didn't pick up my old .ini screen settings, but when I put ithe numbers I wanted in the options boxes, it worked just fine!

I too think this might be it.


oh dear. the numbers now change to '0' instead of '1,000' when i click on the 'okay' button.

i'm happy just editing the .ini file if i need to so don't waste time trying to make the 'okay' button work just for me

Same here :)

the 'screen top' and 'screen right' numbers have both changed to '1,000'

This happened to me only once.  It may have had to do with accidentally reloading the script.

Aha!  I see that I am getting the shrinking windows activity a bit, only when minimizing/restoring by using a Taskbar button (something I don't do all that often).

Sometimes the window doesn't shrink, but gets moved all the way south on the desktop, with only the titlebar showing above the Taskbar.

Seems like this happened after fewer minimize/restore cycles when I started using the .ini file (before that I commented out any references to the .ini file and put my customizations right in the script).

Don't get me wrong, this is only a minor glitch for me, far outweighed by the usefullness of this utility!

Very nice!  I'm even using the .ini file now that I understand better how it works.

(I still don't experience any shrinking windows in the applications I use, but the repeated restore/minimize AHK Help test still shrinks that window to a short title bar, after just a handful of click-cycles.)


To force dialog boxes under a certain height (130) to bypass the other
height and width filters, I added the fifth and six lines below.

If NotDetectableWindow(WinTitle,WinClass)
If DetectableWindow(WinTitle,WinClass)
  gosub movewindow
If WinHeight < 130
  gosub movewindow
If WinHeight > %PredefWinHeight%
If WinWidth > %PredefWinWidth%

This takes care of those pesky wide but short (in height) dialog boxes
that all have the same ahk class and window title as taller and
narrower windows.  I have one dialog box in Outlook Express that I
never want to jump, and one I always want to jump, and they both have
the same ahk class and window title.  Fooling with
%PredefWinHeight/Width% kept having other consequences, so this seems
to fix it.  so far...

That looks like you also have the problem, but the prior versions were making it not appear, since when you specified DetectableWindows, it wouldn't detect any window other than the ones in that list.

Just to be clear, until a day or two ago, there was nothing after DectectableWindows= in my script.

I should say that otherwise, I don't use the .ini file.  I was getting mixed up when modifying and reloading the script (and don't want to use F9 and F10), so I vanished the last part of the code reading and writing the .ini file, and all references to it.  I'd rather have everything in one place.

For not having the hotkeys, you could have set the "hotkey" variable to false :P

Understood.  I just mention that I don't need the hotkey function, so not having an .ini file doesn't cause me a problem.

Just thought of something else.

If I didn't have my botton margin preference set to 60, so all windows don't jump below my two-row high Taskbar, the shrunk Help window would have "disappeared" under the taskbar.

Instead, when it shrunk to a 1-2" wide title bar, it jumped to just above the taskbar button.

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